Breakthroughs in AI: RT2 Robot and 100X GPT4

Breakthroughs in AI: RT2 Robot and 100X GPT4

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. RT2: A Robot That Understands the World
  3. Scaling GPT4: The Future of Language Models
  4. Real-Time Speech Transcription for Deaf People
  5. AI Voices That Can Whisper
  6. The Suite of Language Models Based on Llama 2
  7. Universal Jailbreak for Large LLMs
  8. Bio Risk: The Potential for AI to Contribute to the Misuse of Biology
  9. Securing the AI Supply Chain

RT2: A Robot That Understands the World

In recent years, robots have become increasingly sophisticated, thanks to advances in artificial intelligence (AI). One of the most impressive examples of this is RT2, a robot developed by Google that can understand the world around it. In a demonstration, RT2 was asked to pick up an extinct animal, and it was able to pick up a plastic dinosaur. This is an impressive feat, as it required the robot to manipulate an object it had Never seen before and make a logical leap based on its language understanding.

Traditionally, robots were programmed with specific instructions for each task they were required to perform. However, with the development of AI language models, robots can now be trained to understand tasks more generally. For example, a vision language model can be pre-trained on web-Scale data, including images, and then fine-tuned on robotics data. This creates a visual language action model that can control a robot, enabling it to understand tasks like picking up an empty soda can or hammering a nail.

Scaling GPT4: The Future of Language Models

Language models are a key area of AI research, and the development of larger and more sophisticated models is a major focus for many researchers. Mustafa Suleiman, the head of Inflection AI, recently revealed that his company plans to train models that are 10 to 100 times larger than the cutting-edge GPT4 model in the next 18 months. This is an eye-watering prospect, as it could lead to language models that are far more powerful than anything we have seen before.

However, there are also concerns about the risks associated with scaling language models. For example, there is a risk that misaligned models could be used to Create dangerous content, such as instructions for making bombs or synthesizing pathogens. Researchers are working to develop AI defenses against synthetic biology, but there is still much work to be done to ensure that language models are used safely and responsibly.

Real-Time Speech Transcription for Deaf People

Real-time speech transcription is a technology that has the potential to transform the lives of deaf people. Using a device that combines audio, video, and text, it is possible to see Captions for everything that is said in real-time. This technology could be multilingual and could be used to help people who struggle to make their voice heard.

AI Voices That Can Whisper

Another recent development in AI is the ability to create voices that can whisper. This might seem like a small thing, but it has important implications for the use of AI in areas such as voice assistants and chatbots. Whispering voices could be used to create a more intimate and personal experience for users, making them feel more connected to the technology.

The Suite of Language Models Based on Llama 2

The development of language models based on the open-source Llama 2 model is another area of AI research that is attracting a lot of Attention. Stable Beluga 2 is one example of a language model that is based on Llama 2 and is competitive with the original GPT3.5 model. This is an exciting development, as it suggests that there is still much to be learned from open-source models.

Universal Jailbreak for Large LLMs

One of the challenges of working with large language models is that they can be difficult to control. Researchers have recently developed a universal jailbreak for large LLMs that allows them to be used in ways that were not intended by their Creators. This has important implications for the use of language models in areas such as chatbots and voice assistants, as it could lead to the creation of dangerous content.

Bio Risk: The Potential for AI to Contribute to the Misuse of Biology

One of the most concerning areas of AI research is the potential for AI to contribute to the misuse of biology. For example, AI Tools could be used to fill in missing steps in bioweapons production, making it easier for bad actors to carry out large-scale biological attacks. This is a grave threat to national security, and researchers are working to develop AI defenses against synthetic biology.

Securing the AI Supply Chain

Finally, there is a need to secure the AI supply chain to maintain the lead in AI research and keep these technologies out of the hands of bad actors. This supply chain runs from semiconductor manufacturing equipment to chips and even the security of AI models stored on the servers of companies like Google. This is a dramatic development, as it suggests that we need to secure the means of production to ensure that AI is used safely and responsibly.


In conclusion, there have been many exciting developments in AI in recent weeks, from the development of robots that can understand the world to the scaling of language models to unprecedented levels. However, there are also concerns about the risks associated with these developments, particularly in areas such as biosecurity and the misuse of language models. It is important that researchers Continue to work to develop AI that is safe and responsible, and that we take steps to secure the AI supply chain to maintain our lead in this important area of research.


  • RT2 is a robot that can understand the world around it, making logical leaps based on its language understanding.
  • Mustafa Suleiman, the head of Inflection AI, plans to train models that are 10 to 100 times larger than the cutting-edge GPT4 model in the next 18 months.
  • Real-time speech transcription has the potential to transform the lives of deaf people.
  • Whispering voices could be used to create a more intimate and personal experience for users of voice assistants and chatbots.
  • The development of language models based on the open-source Llama 2 model is an exciting area of AI research.
  • Researchers have developed a universal jailbreak for large LLMs that allows them to be used in ways that were not intended by their creators.
  • There is a need to secure the AI supply chain to maintain our lead in AI research and keep these technologies out of the hands of bad actors.


Q: What is RT2? A: RT2 is a robot developed by Google that can understand the world around it, making logical leaps based on its language understanding.

Q: What is the potential for AI to contribute to the misuse of biology? A: AI tools could be used to fill in missing steps in bioweapons production, making it easier for bad actors to carry out large-scale biological attacks.

Q: What is the universal jailbreak for large LLMs? A: The universal jailbreak for large LLMs allows them to be used in ways that were not intended by their creators, which has important implications for the use of language models in areas such as chatbots and voice assistants.

Q: Why is there a need to secure the AI supply chain? A: There is a need to secure the AI supply chain to maintain our lead in AI research and keep these technologies out of the hands of bad actors.

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