Build Stunning Images from Hand-drawn Sketches: Learn the Unified Diffusion Model

Build Stunning Images from Hand-drawn Sketches: Learn the Unified Diffusion Model

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Problem with Existing Apps
  3. The Solution: Creating an App for Sketch Pad Drawings
  4. Understanding the Unified Diffusion Model
  5. Open Source Code and Data Set
  6. Modifying the Code for Sketch Pad Functionality
  7. Using the Stable Diffusion Refiner for Higher Quality Output
  8. Setting Up the Environment in VS Code
  9. Running the Modified App
  10. Results and Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the process of creating an app that allows users to draw sketches and generate corresponding images. We will be utilizing the Unified Diffusion Model and modifying existing open-source code to achieve our goal. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how to build an app similar to this and enhance the output using the Stable Diffusion Refiner.

The Problem with Existing Apps

Many existing apps for drawing and sketching lack the ability to generate high-quality and realistic images based on the sketches. Users often find themselves unsatisfied with the final output, as it may not accurately represent their original intention. This limitation Stems from the algorithms and models employed in these apps, which may not capture the intricacies of the sketch effectively.

The Solution: Creating an App for Sketch Pad Drawings

To address the shortcomings of existing apps, we can create an app that allows users to draw sketches using a sketch pad interface. By utilizing the Unified Diffusion Model, we can generate images based on these sketches. This approach ensures a more accurate representation of the user's intentions and provides a higher level of satisfaction with the final output.

Understanding the Unified Diffusion Model

The Unified Diffusion Model is a powerful tool that enables controllable visual generation in the wild. It consists of a dataset containing various tasks and their corresponding training pairs. Each task is denoted by a language Prompt, task instruction, visual condition, and target output. By utilizing this model, we can generate images based on user input and predefined conditions.

Open Source Code and Data Set

To create our app, we will be utilizing open-source code and a publicly available dataset. The code, available in a repository, provides the necessary functionalities for generating images based on sketches and predefined conditions. The dataset contains numerous samples for various image conditions, ensuring a robust and diverse output.

Modifying the Code for Sketch Pad Functionality

To implement the sketch pad functionality in our app, we will modify the existing code provided in the repository. By replacing the image uploader with a sketch pad interface, users will have the ability to draw and create their own sketches. This modification allows for a more user-friendly experience and enhances the overall functionality of the app.

Using the Stable Diffusion Refiner for Higher Quality Output

To further enhance the quality of the generated images, we will incorporate the Stable Diffusion Refiner. By passing the output images through this refinement process, we can achieve higher resolution and improved visual fidelity. The Stable Diffusion Refiner adds an additional layer of refinement to the generated images, ensuring a more pleasing and realistic final output.

Setting Up the Environment in VS Code

To begin working on our app, we will set up our development environment using Visual Studio Code (VS Code). By cloning the repository and familiarizing ourselves with the original codebase, we can better understand the inner workings of the app. This step is crucial for making the necessary modifications to incorporate sketch pad functionality and the Stable Diffusion Refiner.

Running the Modified App

Once our environment is set up and the modifications to the code are complete, we can run the modified app. By executing the file, we can launch the app and test its functionality. This step allows us to verify that our modifications are successful and that the app functions as intended.

Results and Conclusion

After running the modified app, we can analyze the results and evaluate the effectiveness of the sketch pad functionality and the Stable Diffusion Refiner. By comparing the generated images with the original sketches, we can determine the success of our implementation. This process allows us to make any necessary adjustments and ensure a satisfying user experience.

🖌️ Creating an App that Generates Images from Sketches: Exploring the Unified Diffusion Model

Drawing sketches and generating corresponding images can be a challenging task for existing apps. The limitations of current algorithms often result in dissatisfying outcomes that do not accurately capture the user's intentions. However, by leveraging the power of the Unified Diffusion Model and making modifications to open-source code, we can create an app that overcomes these limitations.


Existing apps for drawing and sketching often fall short when it comes to generating high-quality and realistic images based on user sketches. This limitation arises from the inability of algorithms and models to capture the intricacies and nuances of HAND-drawn sketches effectively. To address this problem, we will explore the process of creating an app that allows users to draw sketches on a sketch pad and generates corresponding images.

The Solution: A Sketch Pad App

By utilizing the Unified Diffusion Model, we can develop an app that generates images based on sketches drawn on a sketch pad. The Unified Diffusion Model provides a unified framework for controllable visual generation in the wild. It consists of a dataset that contains various tasks, each denoted by a language prompt, task instruction, visual condition, and target output.

Understanding the Unified Diffusion Model

The Unified Diffusion Model serves as the backbone of our app. It leverages a dataset containing different tasks and corresponding training pairs. By manipulating language prompts and visual conditions, the model generates target outputs that Align with the user's intentions. This allows for more accurate and satisfying image generation based on hand-drawn sketches.

Open Source Code and Data Set

To create our app, we can take advantage of open-source code and a publicly available dataset. The code, found in a repository, provides the necessary functionalities for generating images based on sketches and predefined visual conditions. The dataset contains a diverse set of samples, ensuring a wide range of outputs for different image conditions.

Modifying the Code for Sketch Pad Functionality

To incorporate sketch pad functionality into our app, we will modify the existing code provided in the repository. By swapping out the image uploader with a sketch pad interface, users can draw their sketches directly on the app. This modification enhances the user experience and eliminates the need for external tools or software.

Enhancing Output Quality with the Stable Diffusion Refiner

To further improve the quality and fidelity of the generated images, we will integrate the Stable Diffusion Refiner into our app. By applying this refinement process to the output images, we can achieve higher resolution and enhanced visual quality. The Stable Diffusion Refiner acts as a final touch, refining the generated images and ensuring a more pleasing and realistic final output.

Setting Up the Environment in VS Code

To start developing our app, we will set up our development environment using Visual Studio Code (VS Code). By cloning the repository and familiarizing ourselves with the original codebase, we gain a deeper understanding of the app's inner workings. This step is crucial in making the necessary modifications to incorporate sketch pad functionality and the Stable Diffusion Refiner.

Running the Modified App

Once the modifications are in place, we can run the modified app by executing the file. This action launches the app, allowing us to test the implemented sketch pad functionality and the integration of the Stable Diffusion Refiner. Running the app provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of our modifications and serves as a crucial step in ensuring a smooth and satisfying user experience.

Results and Conclusion

After running the modified app, we can evaluate the generated images to assess the success of our implementation. By comparing the output with the original sketches, we can determine whether the app accurately captures the user's intentions and delivers high-quality results. This evaluation process helps us refine the app further, ensuring an enjoyable and rewarding user experience.

In conclusion, creating an app that generates images from sketches using the Unified Diffusion Model is an exciting endeavor. By leveraging open source code, an extensive dataset, and our modifications for sketch pad functionality and output enhancement, we can build a powerful app that brings sketches to life. So why wait? Start exploring the possibilities of sketch-based image generation today!


  • Create an app that generates images from hand-drawn sketches
  • Leverage the Unified Diffusion Model for accurate image generation
  • Enhance output quality with the Stable Diffusion Refiner
  • Utilize open-source code and a diverse dataset for development
  • Implement sketch pad functionality for user-friendly drawing experience
  • Set up the environment in Visual Studio Code for seamless development
  • Run the modified app to test functionality and evaluate results


Q: Can I use the app on different devices? A: Yes, the app can be accessed and used on various devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers.

Q: Is the final output image customizable? A: Yes, the code can be modified to allow users to customize the generated images by adjusting parameters such as resolution, color palette, and image style.

Q: Can I use the app offline? A: No, the app requires an internet connection to access the necessary models and data for image generation.


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