Create Stunning Map Animations using Google Earth Studio

Create Stunning Map Animations using Google Earth Studio

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started with Google Earth Studio
  3. Creating Quickstart Animations
    1. Zoom
    2. Orbit
    3. Point-to-Point
    4. Spiral
    5. Fly to and Orbit
  4. Customizing Animations
    1. Adjusting Parameters
    2. Advanced Options
  5. Exporting and Importing Animations
    1. Exporting as Image Sequence
    2. Importing into Editing Software
  6. Tips and Tricks for Using Google Earth Studio
  7. Pros and Cons of Using Google Earth Studio
  8. Conclusion


Google Earth Studio is a powerful browser-Based animation program that allows users to Create advanced animations within Google Earth and export them. It offers a wide range of options and interfaces similar to Adobe After Effects. In this tutorial, we will provide an introduction to Google Earth Studio and guide You through using its QuickStart modes to easily create animations, even if you have no prior animation experience or knowledge of keyframing.

Getting Started with Google Earth Studio

To begin using Google Earth Studio, visit and sign up for access. You will need a Google account and the latest version of the Chrome browser. Once you have access, you can open the program and choose to create a blank project or open an old project. Alternatively, you can use the QuickStart modes for a simpler animation creation process.

Creating Quickstart Animations

Google Earth Studio offers five different QuickStart options: Zoom, Orbit, Point-to-Point, Spiral, and Fly to and Orbit. These options allow you to quickly create animations with predefined settings. We will walk you through each of these options and explain how to customize the animations.


The Zoom mode allows you to create a zoom animation. After selecting Zoom from the QuickStart options, set your point of interest by selecting an area on the map, such as the Sacré-Cœur Basilica in Paris. Next, choose your starting altitude and adjust other parameters such as time. Preview the animation and make any necessary changes before rendering it out. Finally, save and import the animation into your editing software.


Orbit mode enables you to create a circular orbit animation around a selected point of interest. After selecting Orbit from the QuickStart options, choose your starting point and adjust parameters such as radius and altitude. You can also control the camera's start heading, rotation direction, and time of the animation. Preview, render, and save the animation using the same steps as described in Zoom.


Point-to-Point mode allows you to create an animation between two points on the map. After selecting Point-to-Point from the QuickStart options, set your first and Second points of interest, such as New York City and the Sacré-Cœur Basilica. Adjust parameters such as time and altitude, preview the animation, and save it for importing into your editing software.


Spiral mode creates a slow fly-in animation with a spiral effect. After selecting Spiral from the QuickStart options, choose your destination, adjust parameters such as radius, angle, altitude, and time, and preview the animation. Save the animation for further use.

Fly to and Orbit

Fly to and Orbit mode combines both zooming and orbiting animations. After selecting Fly to and Orbit from the QuickStart options, choose your point of interest and adjust parameters such as target altitude, orbit radius, and degree of approach. Preview, render, and save the animation following the same steps as described before.

Customizing Animations

Google Earth Studio offers various options to customize your animations beyond the QuickStart modes. You can adjust parameters such as radius, angle, altitude, and time to create unique effects. Additionally, you can explore the advanced options section, which includes adding 3D motion graphics, incorporating text elements, and adjusting texture quality.

Exporting and Importing Animations

To export your animations, Google Earth Studio allows you to save them as image sequences. You can choose the number of frames, Dimensions, and even add a watermark if desired. Once exported, you can import the image sequence into your preferred editing software, such as Premiere Pro or Final Cut, by treating it as a sequence file.

Tips and Tricks for Using Google Earth Studio

  • Practice using the QuickStart modes to familiarize yourself with the program.
  • Take AdVantage of the preview function to make any necessary adjustments before rendering.
  • Experiment with different parameters to create unique and visually appealing animations.
  • Consider the limitations of the program, such as matching animations to specific flight paths.
  • Stay updated on future releases of Google Earth Studio for new features and enhancements.

Pros and Cons of Using Google Earth Studio


  • User-friendly interface, especially for beginners
  • QuickStart modes provide easy animation creation
  • Wide range of customization options for advanced users
  • Integration with popular editing software
  • Constant updates and improvements by Google


  • Limited options for removing the Google Earth watermark
  • Some animations may have slight bugs or glitches
  • Certain cities may not have 3D rendering available
  • Legal issues regarding monetization and use of animations


Google Earth Studio offers a powerful and intuitive platform for creating professional animations within Google Earth. With its QuickStart modes and extensive customization options, users of all skill levels can quickly and easily create stunning animations. Whether you are new to animation or an experienced user, Google Earth Studio has the tools you need to bring your creative visions to life.


  • Google Earth Studio is a powerful browser-based animation program.
  • QuickStart modes allow for easy animation creation even for beginners.
  • Five QuickStart options: Zoom, Orbit, Point-to-Point, Spiral, and Fly to and Orbit.
  • Customize animations by adjusting parameters and exploring advanced options.
  • Export animations as image sequences and import into editing software.
  • Tips and tricks for using Google Earth Studio.
  • Pros: User-friendly interface, customization options, integration with editing software.
  • Cons: Limited options for removing watermark, potential bugs or glitches, limitations in 3D rendering, legal concerns.
  • Conclusion: Google Earth Studio is a versatile tool for creating professional animations with ease and flexibility.


Q: Can I remove the Google Earth watermark from my animations? A: No, the watermark is not meant to be removed. Google Earth Studio is available for non-commercial use and using the watermark is a requirement.

Q: Can I monetize my animations created with Google Earth Studio? A: The legalities of monetizing animations created with Google Earth Studio are unclear. It is recommended to seek professional advice or contact Google for specific guidance.

Q: Is Google Earth Studio compatible with popular editing software? A: Yes, Google Earth Studio integrates well with editing software like Premiere Pro and Final Cut. You can import the exported image sequences as sequence files.

Q: Are all cities available in 3D rendering within Google Earth Studio? A: No, not all cities have 3D rendering capabilities. The level of detail and quality may vary depending on the location.

Q: Will future updates of Google Earth Studio include additional features? A: Google is actively updating and improving Google Earth Studio. It is advisable to keep an eye out for new features and enhancements.

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