Dive into the Abyss: 20 Terrifying Pools Around the Globe

Dive into the Abyss: 20 Terrifying Pools Around the Globe

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Devil's Pool Victoria Falls
  3. The Cage of Death
  4. Gap Yong's K26 Pool
  5. Marina Bay Sands Infinity Pool
  6. The Embassy Gardens Sky Pool
  7. The Queen's Bath
  8. Hotel Hubertus Infinity Pool
  9. Ark Glass Bottom Pool
  10. The Sunken City Pool
  11. Nemo 33
  12. Heavenly Pool Singapore
  13. The Blood Pool
  14. Sanctuary Swalla Lodge Pool
  15. Ubud Hanging Gardens Pool
  16. The Cambrian Hotel Pool
  17. Deep Spot
  18. Siam Park
  19. The Deep Joy
  20. The Holiday Inn Pong

The Scariest Swimming Pools in the World

Swimming pools are meant to be serene and relaxing, but not all pools live up to this expectation. Some pools around the world offer an experience that is far closer to a horror movie than a tranquil vacation. In this article, we will explore the twenty scariest swimming pools in the world, each with its own unique dangers and thrill. Whether it's the treacherous currents of Devil's Pool or the heart-stopping proximity to crocodiles in the Cage of Death, these pools are not for the faint of heart. So grab your goggles and let's dive in!

2. Devil's Pool Victoria Falls

Starting our list at number 2 is Devil's Pool, located in Victoria Falls, Zambia. Devil's Pool is not your typical swimming pool, as it is situated at one of the highest spots on the falls. The pool gets its name from the dangerous currents and undertows present in the Water, as well as the risk of falling over the edge of the waterfall. Visitors are only allowed to access the pool during certain times of the year when the water levels are safe. Even then, it is recommended to have a guide to ensure a safe experience. The depths of Devil's Pool vary depending on the season and water levels, ranging from 2 to 3 meters during the dry season. However, one wrong move near the edge could be catastrophic, reminding us why it's called Devil's Pool.

3. The Cage of Death

In Darwin's Crocosaurus Cove in Australia, visitors have the unique opportunity to dive with saltwater crocodiles in the Cage of Death. Don't worry, though, the cage provides protection from the crocodiles during the 15-minute experience. This thrilling adventure allows You to come face to face with these massive creatures in their natural habitat. However, the potential danger cannot be ignored. Saltwater crocodiles are the largest crocodile species, reaching lengths of over 6 meters. While the cage is designed to keep you safe, there's always a small risk of the crocodiles breaching the cage or equipment malfunctions. Only those who meet certain requirements, including age and swimming ability, are permitted to enter the Cage of Death.

4. Gap Yong's K26 Pool

If you're looking for a unique diving experience, head over to Gap Yong's K26 Pool in Korea. This massive indoor pool is exclusively for diving enthusiasts, offering a depth of 26 meters, making it the deepest pool of its kind in Asia. Unlike traditional swimming pools, Gap Yong's K26 Pool is designed for diving, providing a safe and controlled environment for divers to practice their skills. Lessons and training are also available for those who want to explore free diving or diving into deeper waters. However, diving still carries inherent risks, and divers must be certified to go beyond 10 meters in the pool. As with any diving activity, caution and attentiveness are essential.

5. Marina Bay Sands Infinity Pool

Taking the concept of high-up pools to a whole new level, Marina Bay Sands Infinity Pool in Singapore sits on the 57th floor of the hotel, over 150 meters above the ground. With its breathtaking panoramic views, this pool offers guests a truly remarkable experience. However, the thought of swimming at such heights can be unsettling for some. While the pool's edge does not have a sheer drop, it is recommended to exercise caution near the edge to avoid any accidents. The pool's construction was a massive undertaking, requiring over two years to complete. With a length of over 150 meters and a water volume of 1,424 cubic meters, it is a popular attraction for thrill-seekers and swimming enthusiasts alike.

6. The Embassy Gardens Sky Pool

The Embassy Gardens Sky Pool in London takes the concept of high-up pools to a whole new level. This unique swimming pool acts as a 14-meter bridge between two high-rise buildings. Suspended 35 meters above the ground, this pool offers breathtaking views of the cityscape. The pool's transparent construction provides swimmers with an exhilarating experience, as they can see the ground far below them. While the safety measures are in place to prevent any falls, the sheer Height and transparency of the pool can be intimidating for those with a fear of heights.

7. The Queen's Bath

Hidden on a lava shelf, the Queen's Bath is one of Hawaii's most alluring and treacherous attractions. This tidal pool is known for its violent and unpredictable waters, which can pose serious hazards to visitors. People have suffered sprains, fractures, heart attacks, and other medical emergencies while attempting to reach the Queen's Bath. The pool's location and the rapid rush of water have even swept people off the rocks, leading to injuries. Despite its allure, the Queen's Bath is not recommended for inexperienced or risk-averse individuals. It is important to exercise caution and heed the warnings before attempting to visit this natural wonder.

8. Hotel Hubertus Infinity Pool

Located in Italy, Hotel Hubertus boasts an infinity pool that stands 12 meters above the ground. While it may not be as high as other pools on this list, it still offers a thrilling experience. The hotel's decision to include a transparent square panel at the pool's edge adds an extra element of excitement for swimmers. The panoramic view of the surrounding landscape is breathtaking, but it can make some individuals feel uneasy. With safety precautions in place, visitors can enjoy a dip in the pool while appreciating the stunning vistas. However, it is essential to exercise caution and respect the pool's boundaries.

9. Ark Glass Bottom Pool

Canada is home to the Ark Glass Bottom Pool, situated in a stunning natural landscape. While the pool is not filled with maple syrup (as amusing as that would be), it is nonetheless a unique and thrilling experience. This pool features a glass bottom, allowing swimmers to Peer into the depths below and feel as if they are floating above the city skyline. The concept of swimming in a pool with a glass bottom may be daunting for some, introducing a psychological element of fear. However, the pool's clear water provides a safe and enjoyable environment for all visitors.

10. The Sunken City Pool

Once a bustling town, the Sunken City Pool is now an abandoned water attraction in San Pedro, California. This eerie pool is surrounded by decaying trees and structures, giving it the appearance of a forgotten world. The dilapidated state of the pool, combined with its submerged features, creates a haunting atmosphere. While access to the pool itself is restricted due to safety concerns, visitors can still catch a glimpse of its mysterious allure from a nearby walkway. The Sunken City Pool serves as a haunting reminder of a bygone era, allowing us to imagine what it was like during its prime.


These twenty swimming pools around the world offer experiences that range from thrilling to downright hair-raising. From the dangerous currents of Devil's Pool to the heart-stopping proximity to crocodiles in the Cage of Death, each pool presents its own set of risks and rewards. Whether you Seek Adrenaline-pumping adventures or prefer more tranquil swimming environments, the world's scariest pools are sure to leave a lasting impression.


  • Devil's Pool in Victoria Falls offers a dangerous swimming experience near the edge of a waterfall.
  • The Cage of Death in Australia allows visitors to dive with saltwater crocodiles in a protected cage.
  • Gap Yong's K26 Pool in Korea is the deepest indoor dive pool in Asia, providing a safe environment for diving enthusiasts.
  • Marina Bay Sands Infinity Pool in Singapore offers breathtaking views from its 57th-floor location.
  • The Embassy Gardens Sky Pool in London suspends swimmers 35 meters above the ground, providing a unique perspective of the cityscape.
  • The Queen's Bath in Hawaii is a tidal pool known for its treacherous currents and unpredictable waters.
  • Hotel Hubertus Infinity Pool in Italy features a transparent edge, allowing guests to admire panoramic views.
  • The Ark Glass Bottom Pool in Canada provides an exhilarating experience with its glass bottom, offering a view of the city below.
  • The Sunken City Pool in California is an abandoned attraction, creating a haunting atmosphere with its decaying structures.


Q: Is Devil's Pool safe to visit? A: Devil's Pool can be dangerous due to its treacherous currents and proximity to the edge of a waterfall. Visitors are advised to take precautions and only access the pool when water levels are safe.

Q: Can I swim with crocodiles in the Cage of Death? A: Yes, the Cage of Death in Darwin's Crocosaurus Cove offers a unique opportunity to dive with saltwater crocodiles. Visitors are protected inside a cage during the 15-minute experience.

Q: What is the depth of Gap Yong's K26 Pool? A: Gap Yong's K26 Pool in Korea is 26 meters deep, making it the deepest pool of its kind in Asia. It provides a safe environment for diving and offers training for various diving activities.

Q: How high is the Marina Bay Sands Infinity Pool? A: The Marina Bay Sands Infinity Pool in Singapore is located on the 57th floor of the hotel, over 150 meters above the ground. It offers stunning panoramic views for swimmers to enjoy.

Q: What makes the Embassy Gardens Sky Pool unique? A: The Embassy Gardens Sky Pool in London acts as a bridge between two high-rise buildings, suspended 35 meters above the ground. Its transparent design offers swimmers a thrilling perspective of the cityscape.

Q: Is the Queen's Bath safe for swimming? A: The Queen's Bath in Hawaii can be dangerous due to its violent waters and unpredictable tides. Visitors should exercise caution and evaluate the conditions before attempting to swim.

Q: How high is the Hotel Hubertus Infinity Pool? A: The Hotel Hubertus Infinity Pool in Italy stands 12 meters above the ground, offering swimmers a unique swimming experience with its transparent edge and stunning views.

Q: Can I really swim in the Ark Glass Bottom Pool? A: Yes, the Ark Glass Bottom Pool in Canada allows swimmers to float above the city skyline with its glass bottom design. Although it may be unnerving for some, the pool provides a safe and enjoyable experience.

Q: Is the Sunken City Pool accessible to the public? A: The Sunken City Pool in California is an abandoned attraction, and access to the pool itself is restricted for safety reasons. However, visitors can still observe its haunting allure from a nearby walkway.

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