Create Stunning Swipe Reveal Effects in FCPX

Create Stunning Swipe Reveal Effects in FCPX

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Plug-in Marketplace
  3. The Before and After Effect Slider
  4. The Problem with Selling Simple Effects
  5. Creating a Basic Before and After Slider 5.1. Adding the Clips to the Timeline 5.2. Applying the Custom LUT Effect 5.3. Using a Basic Mask for the Transition 5.4. Creating the Swipe Transition
  6. Adding a White Line to Divide the Transition
  7. Using the Titles Browser and Shapes Generator 7.1. Adding a Basic Shape 7.2. Customizing the Shape
  8. Placing and Keyframing the White Line
  9. Achieving a Professional Before and After Effect
  10. Conclusion

Creating a Professional Before and After Effect Slider without Plug-ins

Have You ever come across a plug-in for creating a before and after effect slider and wondered why anyone would sell something so basic? In this article, we will explore how you can easily Create a before and after slider without the need for any plug-ins. We'll guide you step-by-step, starting from adding clips to the timeline to applying effects and creating a smooth transition. We will also Show you how to add a white line to divide the transition for a more professional look. So let's dive in and learn how to create a stunning before and after effect slider for your videos.

Introduction The plug-in marketplace is filled with various tools and effects for video editing. One commonly advertised plug-in is a before and after effect slider, often used to showcase transformations in videos. Whether it's for applying LUTs, showcasing home decor transformations, or any other visual comparison, these sliders can be useful. However, what if we told you that you can achieve the same effect without spending any money on plug-ins? In this article, we will show you how to create a basic before and after slider without the need for plug-ins, using simple techniques and tools within your video editing software.

The Plug-in Marketplace Before we delve into the process of creating a before and after effect slider, let's explore the plug-in marketplace. This marketplace is a hub for various video editing tools and effects, including plug-ins that claim to offer easy-to-use and customizable before and after sliders. While these plug-ins may have their advantages, such as pre-designed templates and additional customization options, they often come with a price tag. However, with a little bit of knowledge and creativity, you can achieve the same effect without spending a dime.

The Before and After Effect Slider The before and after effect slider is a popular tool used in video editing to showcase changes and transformations within a single frame. This effect is commonly used when comparing the original footage to the edited version or when showcasing the impact of specific effects or adjustments made to the video. Typically, the slider consists of two frames side by side, with a draggable element that allows the viewer to slide between the before and after versions of the video. This effect can be achieved through basic masking and transitioning techniques, which we will explore in detail in the following sections.

The Problem with Selling Simple Effects It might seem surprising that some individuals are selling plug-ins for a basic before and after effect slider. After all, this effect can be easily achieved without the need for any additional tools or plug-ins. The problem lies in the perception of complexity. People are often willing to spend money on convenience, even if the solution is simple and readily available. However, in this article, we aim to empower you with the knowledge and skills to create your own professional before and after effect slider without relying on costly plug-ins.

Creating a Basic Before and After Slider Let's dive into the process of creating a basic before and after slider using your video editing software. We will guide you step-by-step through the process, starting from adding the clips to the timeline to applying effects and creating a smooth transition. So without further ado, let's get started!

5.1 Adding the Clips to the Timeline To begin, add the clip you want to use for your before and after effect to the timeline. In this example, we have a clip of a brunette woman in a forest. Duplicate the clip by holding the Option key (or Alt key on Windows) and dragging it above the original clip. Ensure that the duplicated clip is perfectly aligned with the original.

5.2 Applying the Custom LUT Effect Next, we will apply the effect we want to showcase in the after version of the video. In this case, we will use a custom LUT (Lookup Table) effect. Drag the desired LUT onto the duplicated clip.

5.3 Using a Basic Mask for the Transition To create the smooth transition between the before and after versions, we will use a basic mask. Go to the "Masks" section and select the "Draw Mask" option. Drag the draw mask onto the duplicated clip.

5.4 Creating the Swipe Transition Now, zoom out slightly in the viewer window and draw a rectangle just off the screen to create the swipe transition. Set a keyframe for the mask's control points at the position where you drew the mask. Move the playhead to where you want the swipe transition to end and use the control points to create the desired transition line. Set additional keyframes as needed to fine-tune the transition. Play the video to see the before and after effect in action.

Adding a White Line to Divide the Transition If you want to add a white line to visually divide the before and after versions during the transition, follow these steps. Go to the titles browser and navigate to the "Generators" section. Look for the "Elements" category and select the "Shapes" generator. Drag a basic shape, such as a rectangle, onto the timeline above the clips.

Using the Titles Browser and Shapes Generator To create the white line, select the basic shape and customize its properties. Choose the rectangle shape, turn off the fill, and change the outline color to white. Transform the shape so that it covers the entire frame vertically. Adjust the position of the shape so that it is just outside the left edge of the frame.

Placing and Keyframing the White Line To precisely position the white line, find the starting point of the swipe transition. Set a keyframe for the position of the shape at this point, just outside the left edge of the frame. Move a few frames forward and set another keyframe, then use the up arrow (holding shift) to move the shape across the frame. Repeat this process until the white line matches the transition.

Achieving a Professional Before and After Effect By following these simple steps, you can easily create a professional before and after effect slider without the need for plug-ins. With the ability to customize the transition and add a white line, you can create visually appealing comparisons that enhance the impact of your videos. Take advantage of the tools available within your video editing software to achieve impressive results.

Conclusion In conclusion, creating a before and after effect slider doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. By utilizing basic masking and transitioning techniques, you can produce visually engaging comparisons without relying on plug-ins. Remember to experiment with different effects, transitions, and styles to make your before and after sliders unique to your projects. So why spend money on unnecessary plug-ins when you can achieve the same result with a little bit of creativity? Start creating your own stunning before and after effect sliders today.


  • Learn how to create a before and after effect slider without plug-ins
  • Understand the problem with selling simple effects
  • Step-by-step guide on adding clips, applying effects, and creating transitions
  • Enhance the effect with a white dividing line
  • Achieve professional results without expensive plug-ins


Q: Can I achieve the same effect without using a plug-in? A: Absolutely! With basic masking and transitioning techniques, you can easily create a before and after effect slider without relying on plug-ins.

Q: Do I need advanced editing skills to create a before and after slider? A: Not at all! The steps outlined in this article are beginner-friendly and can be replicated in most video editing software.

Q: Can I customize the before and after effect slider to match my video's style? A: Yes, you have full control over customizing the effects, transitions, and styles to align with your video's aesthetics.

Q: Will creating a before and after slider require any additional tools or software? A: No, the techniques described in this article can be accomplished using the basic features and tools available in your video editing software.

Q: Can I use the before and after effect slider for purposes other than video editing? A: Yes, the before and after effect slider can be applied to various scenarios, such as showcasing transformations in photography, home decor, or any visual comparison you want to highlight.

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