Create Stunning Text Animations in DaVinci Resolve

Create Stunning Text Animations in DaVinci Resolve

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the project in DaVinci Resolve 16
  3. Creating a basic square stroke animation
  4. Animating the square and adding rotation
  5. Adding and animating the text
  6. Creating a transparent background
  7. Adding a color background and gradient effect
  8. Animating the Scale of the text
  9. Adding a drop shadow effect
  10. Finalizing the animation and rendering the video


In this tutorial, we will learn how to Create a simple and visually appealing text animation using DaVinci Resolve 16. This animation can be used as a title intro for your projects. We will go through each step of the process, starting from setting up the project to finalizing the animation and rendering the video. So, without any further ado, let's get started!

Setting up the project in DaVinci Resolve 16

To begin, open DaVinci Resolve and create a new project. Name the project "Title" and set the project settings to 1920 by 1080 with a frame rate of 30 frames per Second. Once the project is created, we will be working in the Fusion page to create our animation.

Creating a basic square stroke animation

In the Fusion page, create a new fusion composition and name it "Fusion Comp". Set the composition to be 5 seconds long with a frame rate of 30. Drag the fusion composition onto the timeline. To create our square stroke animation, we will use a paint node. Right-click on the media pool, select "New Fusion Composition", and name it "Fusion Comp". Set the composition to be 5 seconds long with a frame rate of 30. Drag the fusion composition onto the timeline. To create our square stroke animation, we will use a paint node.

Animating the square and adding rotation

After creating the paint node, select the square Shape and adjust its size to fit the window. Then, select the polyline stroke and create a rectangle shape. Adjust the brush thickness and stroke size to achieve the desired look. Next, we will animate the square by adding keyframes to the "in" property. Right-click at frame number 60 (2 seconds) and set the value to 0. Play the animation to see the basic square animation. To make the animation smoother, go to the Spline window, select the square animation, and use the "Smooth" function. Play the animation again to see the improved smoothness. Now, let's add rotation to the square by adding a transform node. After adding the transform node, animate the angle property by setting it to -90 degrees at frame number 60. Play the animation to see the rotation effect. Adjust the handle in the spline window to create a smooth curve for the rotation. Play the animation again to see the final square animation with rotation.

Adding and animating the text

To add text to our animation, click on the "T" button and add a text node. Type in the first line of text and select your desired font style. Adjust the size and alignment of the text as needed. Repeat this process for the second and third lines of text, choosing different font styles for each line. Arrange the text nodes accordingly. Merge all the text nodes using a merge node and connect it to the rotation node. Adjust the size and position of the merged text to fit inside the square. To animate the text, go to frame number 120 (4 seconds) and animate the position of each text node using keyframes. Play the animation to see the text lines animating into view. Use the spline window to smooth out the animation curves for each line of text. Play the animation again to see the final text animation.

Creating a transparent background

To make the black background transparent, select the background node and adjust the alpha value to 0 in the inspector window. Play the animation to see the black background become transparent.

Adding a color background and gradient effect

Next, add a background node and choose a color for the background. Merge the color background with the animated text using a merge node. Adjust the position and size of the text animation within the color background. Play the animation to see the text animation against the colored background. To create a gradient effect, select the color background node and choose a gradient color from the inspector window. Adjust the gradient points to achieve the desired effect. Play the animation to see the gradient color effect.

Animating the scale of the text

To animate the scale of the text, add a transform node after the merge node. Name it "Text Control". Go to the end of the animation and set the size of the text to 0.88. Play the animation to see the text scaling down. Adjust the position and size of the text animation to fit within the square. Play the animation again to see the final scaled text animation.

Adding a drop shadow effect

To enhance the visual appeal of the text, add a drop shadow effect. Select the merged text animation and add a drop shadow effect using the drop shadow node. Fine-tune the drop distance and angle to achieve the desired effect. Play the animation to see the text with the drop shadow effect.

Finalizing the animation and rendering the video

Lastly, add a background node and merge it with the text animation using a merge node. Connect the media out node to the final merge node. This will be our main output. Go to the edit tab and play the animation. If satisfied, click on the loop button to continuously play the animation. Finally, render the video to save the animation as a video file.


  • Learn how to create a simple and visually appealing text animation in DaVinci Resolve 16.
  • Set up the project and configure the project settings.
  • Create a basic square stroke animation using a paint node.
  • Add rotation to the square and animate it.
  • Add text and animate its position.
  • Make the black background transparent.
  • Add a color background and create a gradient effect.
  • Scale the text and animate its size.
  • Add a drop shadow effect to the text.
  • Finalize the animation and render the video.


  1. Can I change the font style and size of the text in the animation?
    • Yes, You can choose different font styles and sizes for each line of text in the animation.
  2. How can I customize the colors in the background and text?
    • You can easily change the colors by selecting the respective nodes and adjusting the color settings in the inspector window.
  3. Is it possible to add more lines of text to the animation?
    • Yes, you can add as many lines of text as you want by duplicating the text nodes and adjusting their positions and animations.
  4. Can I add other effects to the animation, such as transitions or overlays?
    • Yes, you can further enhance the animation by adding additional effects and overlays using the available tools in DaVinci Resolve.
  5. How long does it take to render the final video?
    • The rendering time depends on the complexity of your animation and the processing power of your computer.

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