Master the Art of Commenting

Master the Art of Commenting

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Problem with Comments
  3. Removing Ambiguity with Constants
  4. Simplifying Complex Conditions with Variables
  5. Redundancy of Comments with Types
  6. The Power of Documentation
  7. Keeping Documentation in Sync with Code
  8. Writing Better APIs for Concise Documentation
  9. When to Consider Using Comments
  10. Conclusion


Code comments have long been a staple in software development, aiming to provide Clarity and understanding to fellow developers. However, there is a growing controversy around the need for comments in code. Some argue that comments can be redundant, prone to error, and easily overlooked or ignored. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of using comments in code, and discuss alternative approaches for improving code clarity and maintainability.

The Problem with Comments

While comments can offer explanations and clarifications for complex code, they have certain drawbacks. One major issue is that comments frequently become outdated or incorrect as the code evolves. Developers often fail to update comments when modifying code, leading to confusion and potential bugs. In contrast, automated tools like tests and compilers can catch errors in code but are ineffective in detecting discrepancies in comments.

Removing Ambiguity with Constants

A common use of comments is to explain the purpose or meaning behind certain values in code. However, relying solely on comments can be unclear and prone to misunderstandings. Instead, using constants can provide a more explicit and self-descriptive representation of the values. By replacing comments with constants, code readability is improved, and the need for explanatory comments is reduced.

Simplifying Complex Conditions with Variables

When dealing with complex conditions in code, it is tempting to rely on comments to explain the logic behind them. However, this approach can make the code harder to Read and understand. A better solution is to use variables to represent different parts of the condition. By giving Meaningful names to these variables, the condition becomes self-explanatory, rendering the comments unnecessary.

Redundancy of Comments with Types

In languages like C++, types can play a significant role in reducing the need for comments. For example, the introduction of the unique_ptr type eliminated the ambiguity around ownership of objects. Instead of relying on comments to indicate ownership responsibilities, the type itself makes it explicit. Furthermore, types like optional int eliminate the need for comments to explain the presence or absence of a value.

The Power of Documentation

While comments focus on the internal workings of code, documentation provides a broader overview and usage instructions for systems and APIs. Code documentation, as opposed to comments, describes the high-level architecture and functionalities of a system. It serves as a valuable resource for developers to understand how to use code effectively.

Keeping Documentation in Sync with Code

Maintaining up-to-date documentation can be a challenge, especially when developers have to consider changes or updates in code. However, tools like Doxygen, pydoc, and JavaDoc generate documentation directly from code files, ensuring that documentation stays synchronized with code. This approach helps developers keep the documentation close to the code while making it easier to maintain.

Writing Better APIs for Concise Documentation

By writing clean and concise APIs, developers can reduce the need for extensive documentation. Well-designed APIs have inherent clarity and self-explanation, leaving less room for ambiguity and confusion. Therefore, focusing on creating better APIs results in more concise and reliable documentation.

When to Consider Using Comments

While comments should generally be avoided, there are some specific cases where they can be useful. For example, if code performs non-obvious optimizations for performance reasons, a comment can help explain the underlying rationale. Similarly, when utilizing mathematical principles or algorithms from external sources, comments that link to the Relevant references can aid future maintainers.


In conclusion, comments in code have their pros and cons. While they can provide some clarity and Context, they are prone to becoming out-of-date and are not easily verifiable. By leveraging constants, variables, and types, developers can Create more self-explanatory code that reduces the reliance on comments. Additionally, investing in comprehensive code documentation and maintaining it alongside the code ensures better understanding and usage of systems and APIs. Ultimately, the goal should be to strive for code that is expressive and readable on its own, minimizing the need for excessive comments.

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