Create Your Own Text Generator with Pytorch

Create Your Own Text Generator with Pytorch

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Context and Motivation
  3. Understanding the Problem
  4. The Solution: Creating a Neural Network
  5. Importing the Necessary Libraries
  6. Loading the Text Data
  7. Preprocessing the Text Data
  8. Building the RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)
  9. Training the RNN
  10. Generating Names with the RNN
  11. Conclusion


Welcome back to another Pi torch video! In this video, We Are going to dive into the code and Create a neural network that can generate names. This project was inspired by my brother, who is terrible at coming up with names for his baby. I thought, why not create a character-level RNN (Recurrent Neural Network) that can generate names for him? So, let's get started with the code!

Context and Motivation

Naming a baby can be a challenging task, and some people struggle with coming up with unique and Meaningful names. This can be a source of frustration and stress for new parents, especially if they have limited creativity or imagination when it comes to names. However, with the advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, it is now possible to use technology to generate names. In this article, we will explore how to create a character-level RNN that can generate names Based on a given dataset.

Understanding the Problem

The problem we are trying to solve is the difficulty in coming up with names for babies. Naming a baby is a personal and important task, and many parents want to choose a name that is unique, meaningful and reflects their values and preferences. However, not everyone has the creativity or inspiration to come up with a wide range of names. This is where the neural network comes in. By training a character-level RNN on a large dataset of names, we can teach the network to generate new names that are similar in style and structure to the names in the dataset.

The Solution: Creating a Neural Network

To solve the problem of generating names, we will be using a character-level RNN. An RNN is a Type of artificial neural network that is designed to process sequential data, such as text. In our case, the RNN will process input characters one by one and generate output characters based on the Patterns it has learned from the training data. By training the RNN on a large dataset of names, it will learn to generate new names that are similar in style and structure to the names in the dataset.

Importing the Necessary Libraries

Before we dive into the code, we need to import the necessary libraries. We will mainly be using PyTorch for building and training the RNN. We will also use other libraries such as Numpy for data manipulation and visualization.

Loading the Text Data

Next, we need to load the text data that we will use to train the RNN. In this case, we will be using a large text file that contains a list of names. The text file can be downloaded or created manually. We will Read the text file and convert it into a format that is suitable for training the RNN.

Preprocessing the Text Data

After loading the text data, we will preprocess it to ensure that it is in a suitable format for training the RNN. This may involve removing any unnecessary characters or symbols, converting the text to lowercase, and splitting it into individual characters or words. Preprocessing the text data is an important step in ensuring that the RNN can learn from the data effectively.

Building the RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)

Once the text data has been preprocessed, we can proceed to build the RNN. The RNN will consist of multiple layers of LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) cells, which are a type of recurrent neural network cell that can capture long-term dependencies in sequential data. We will also define the input and output Dimensions of the RNN, as well as other hyperparameters such as the learning rate and batch size.

Training the RNN

With the RNN architecture defined, we can now train the RNN using the preprocessed text data. Training an RNN involves passing input sequences through the network, calculating the loss (error) between the predicted output and the actual output, and adjusting the network's parameters (weights and biases) to minimize the loss. We will use optimization algorithms such as Adam or Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) to update the network's parameters during training.

Generating Names with the RNN

After the RNN has been trained, we can use it to generate new names. To generate a name, we will provide an initial input to the RNN, which can be a single character or a sequence of characters. The RNN will then generate the next character in the sequence based on its learned patterns and repeat the process until a desired length or stopping condition is reached. By adjusting the temperature parameter during generation, we can control the randomness and diversity of the generated names.


In this article, we have explored the problem of generating names and presented a solution using a character-level RNN. We have discussed the steps involved in building and training the RNN, as well as generating new names using the trained network. By using machine learning and deep learning techniques, we can leverage the power of artificial intelligence to assist with creative tasks such as naming babies. With further refinement and tuning, the RNN can be trained to generate names that are not only unique and meaningful but also reflect the preferences and cultural background of the parents.


  • Introduction to the problem of generating names
  • Explanation of the solution: Using a character-level RNN
  • Importing the necessary libraries for building the RNN
  • Loading and preprocessing the text data
  • Building the architecture of the RNN with LSTM cells
  • Training the RNN using optimization algorithms
  • Generating new names with the trained RNN
  • Conclusion on the potential of using AI for naming babies


Q: Can the generated names be used legally? A: The generated names should be used as a source of inspiration and creativity. It is always important to check the legality and appropriateness of names before using them officially.

Q: How accurate are the generated names? A: The accuracy of the generated names depends on the quality and diversity of the training data. The more varied the input dataset, the better the network's ability to generate unique and creative names.

Q: Can the RNN generate names in different languages? A: Yes, the RNN can be trained on different datasets in various languages. By providing a dataset of names in a specific language, the RNN can learn to generate names in that language.

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