Discover the ranking of logos by a professional logo maker

Discover the ranking of logos by a professional logo maker

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Apple Logo
  3. The Starbucks Logo
  4. The Pepsi Logo
  5. The Amazon Logo
  6. The Nike Logo
  7. The Mercedes-Benz Logo
  8. The Patreon Logo
  9. The Google Logo
  10. The FedEx Logo
  11. The Target Logo
  12. The Facebook Logo
  13. The Mastercard Logo
  14. The Spotify Logo
  15. The Twitter Logo
  16. The PayPal Logo
  17. The Adidas Logo
  18. The Discord Logo
  19. Conclusion


Welcome to Mr. Wowzers, the go-to Channel for authentic content and logo reviews. In this article, we will be taking a close look at some of the most popular logos in the world, analyzing their symbolism, design, and overall impact. From the iconic Apple logo to the sleek Adidas logo, we will explore the qualities that make a logo truly outstanding. So, let's dive in and unravel the secrets behind these visual representations of successful brands.

The Apple Logo

The Apple logo: a simple, yet powerful symbol that has become synonymous with innovation and technological prowess. The logo, which features a bitten apple, holds a rich history and deep symbolism. In many cultures, the apple is associated with knowledge and wisdom, making it a fitting representation for a company that prides itself on producing cutting-edge technology. The iconic logo has stood the test of time, undergoing only subtle changes over the years. Its clean design and Instantly recognizable silhouette make it an undeniable masterpiece. Without a doubt, the Apple logo deserves its place among the most amazing logos in the world.

The Starbucks Logo

Ah, the Starbucks logo. A queen in the midst of a circle, commanding Attention and sparking Curiosity. While the Starbucks logo might not have an obvious connection to coffee, it still manages to captivate with its unique design. The absence of explicit symbolism doesn't detract from the overall aesthetic appeal of the logo. In fact, its simplicity and boldness contribute to its solid standing in the world of logos. The Starbucks logo is undeniably solid, but with a touch of refinement, it has the potential to become amazing.

The Pepsi Logo

Pepsi, the refreshing drink that has delighted taste buds for generations. The Pepsi logo has always been a subject of mixed opinions and interpretations. Some argue that the golden ratio was applied in its creation, while others believe it lacks any Meaningful symbolism. However, the flowing letter "e" in the logo does Resemble a refreshing drink, giving it a certain allure. Overall, the Pepsi logo falls into the solid category. It may not have a strong connection to the brand, but it still manages to look good and appeal to consumers.

The Amazon Logo

When You think of the Amazon logo, what comes to mind? Perhaps a Package being delivered straight to your doorstep? The arrow in the Amazon logo cleverly points from the letter "A" to the letter "Z," symbolizing the company's mission to provide everything from A to Z. While the logo might appear simplistic at first glance, its underlying message and clever design earn it a spot in the "solid" category. With a few enhancements, the Amazon logo could reach new heights and become even more impressive.

The Nike Logo

Just do it. Three simple words and a legendary swoosh that have inspired millions around the world. The Nike logo may not explicitly symbolize a shoe, but it exudes a Sense of motion and simplicity that perfectly captures the essence of the brand. It's a logo that looks good and gets the message across effortlessly. With its iconic design and association with renowned athletes, the Nike logo comfortably sits within the solid category.

The Mercedes-Benz Logo

Mercedes-Benz, an automobile giant known for its luxurious and high-performing vehicles. When it comes to car logos, simplicity is often key. The Mercedes-Benz logo, with its interlocking ring design, doesn't strive for excessive complexity. Instead, it aims to represent the brand while maintaining a sense of elegance. In terms of logos, solid is the perfect description for the Mercedes-Benz logo. It may not push boundaries, but it successfully aligns with the expectations of car logos.

The Patreon Logo

Ah, the Patreon logo, a symbol of support for content Creators across the world. Unfortunately, this logo falls into the terrible category. Its rectangular Shape and circular motif lack any significant symbolism, making it feel generic and uninspired. One can't help but wonder if the designer put in minimal effort or rushed the creation process. Patreon should consider revamping its logo to better reflect its mission and appeal to its target audience.

The Google Logo

Google, the search engine giant that has become a household name. When analyzing the Google logo, we encounter a dilemma. The word "Google" in its Current form is rather lackluster, falling into the terrible category due to its lack of symbolism. However, if we consider the standalone "G" logo, it could be classified as solid. While it doesn't have any deep meaning, its simplicity and readability are assets that contribute to its appeal. Google should consider capitalizing on the potential of its standalone "G" logo and revamping its primary logo accordingly.

The FedEx Logo

FedEx, the company that excels in delivering packages and mail. The FedEx logo doesn't rely on explicit symbolism; instead, it subtly incorporates a Hidden element. If you look closely at the space between the "E" and "X," you'll Notice an arrow, representing speed and efficiency. It's a clever addition that adds depth to the logo. Overall, the FedEx logo can be classified as solid. It may not scream "amazing," but it successfully represents the brand and leaves a positive impression.

The Target Logo

Target, the retail giant that has become a shopping destination for millions. The Target logo is a prime example of straightforward design. It consists of a target, and the message is clear: hit the target, find your desired products. It's a logo that doesn't require excessive explanation or complex symbolism. Therefore, it comfortably falls within the solid category. The Target logo knows its purpose and fulfills it without unnecessary frills.

The Facebook Logo

Facebook, the social media platform that has revolutionized the way we connect and share our lives. Unfortunately, the Facebook logo lands in the terrible category. The letter "F," standing alone without any additional elements or symbolism, feels lackluster and uninspired. It fails to capture the essence of Facebook and its impact on society. A logo update would be beneficial for Facebook to ensure that it accurately represents the brand's values and mission.

The Mastercard Logo

Mastercard, the financial services company recognized around the world. When it comes to simplicity, the Mastercard logo takes the concept to another level. It consists of two circles, merged effortlessly to form the logo. While such minimalist designs can be effective, the Mastercard logo falls into the terrible category due to its lack of creativity and symbolism. A logo refresh would be a wise choice for Mastercard to enhance its visual identity and stand out from competitors.

The Spotify Logo

Spotify, the music streaming platform that provides endless hours of entertainment. The Spotify logo may seem simplistic at first glance, but it remains effective and Memorable. The sound Wave-like design captures the essence of music, while the bold, clean lines promote readability and Instant recognition. The Spotify logo is undeniably amazing, effortlessly representing the brand and piquing the interest of music lovers worldwide.

The Twitter Logo

Twitter, the social media platform that has turned hashtags and tweets into a global phenomenon. The Twitter logo, which features a bird in flight, has been a subject of debate regarding its design and symbolism. While its creation involved the use of the golden ratio, the logo can be classified as solid. It effectively captures the essence of Twitter, allowing users to communicate and share their thoughts. It may not be mind-blowing, but it gets the job done.

The PayPal Logo

PayPal, the digital payment platform that has revolutionized online transactions. The PayPal logo may not be groundbreaking in terms of symbolism, but its clean and modern design makes it stand out. The two-piece logo emulates a sense of simplicity and trends, aligning perfectly with the expectations of modern logos. The PayPal logo excels in its category, making it deserving of the amazing classification. It may be effortless, but it hits all the right notes.

The Adidas Logo

Ah, Adidas, a brand that evokes a sense of athleticism and style. The Adidas logo comprises three stripes forming a sleek and distinctive mark. While the logo lacks clear symbolism, it remains recognizable and maintains a strong association with the brand. It fits comfortably within the solid category, but with additional refinement and simplification, it could reach even greater heights.

The Discord Logo

Lastly, the new Discord logo. Discord, a platform primarily used by gamers, has undergone a logo redesign. The new logo features a controller, symbolizing its connection to the gaming community. The logo is visually striking and effectively represents the brand. The bold and clear design earns the Discord logo a spot in the amazing category, showcasing the company's dedication to reimagining its identity and making a lasting impact.


In the realm of logos, there is an array of designs that captivate, inspire, and leave a lasting impression. From the amazing Apple logo to the solid Nike logo, each logo has its own unique qualities and impact. Whether they rely on symbolism or embrace simplicity, the best logos successfully represent their respective brands. A well-designed logo can elevate a company's image, enhance brand recognition, and Create a lasting connection with consumers. So, the next time you encounter a logo, take a moment to appreciate the thought and creativity that goes into its creation.


  • The Apple logo stands as a symbol of innovation and knowledge.
  • The Starbucks logo captivates with its unique design.
  • The Pepsi logo exudes a refreshing vibe, though lacking in clear symbolism.
  • The Amazon logo cleverly points from "A" to "Z," representing its wide range of products.
  • The Nike logo embodies simplicity and motion.
  • The Mercedes-Benz logo seamlessly aligns with expectations for car logos.
  • The Patreon logo falls short with its lack of symbolism and uninspired design.
  • The Google logo could benefit from the standalone "G" logo, which exudes simplicity and readability.
  • The FedEx logo incorporates a hidden arrow, symbolizing speed and efficiency.
  • The Target logo embraces straightforward design, hitting the mark without unnecessary frills.
  • The Facebook logo feels uninspired and fails to capture the essence of the brand.
  • The Mastercard logo lacks creativity and symbolism, calling for an update.
  • The Spotify logo effectively represents the brand's love for music.
  • The Twitter logo allows users to communicate and share thoughts with its bird in flight design.
  • The PayPal logo embraces modern simplicity and trends, hitting all the right notes.
  • The Adidas logo maintains a strong association with the brand, embodying athleticism and style.
  • The new Discord logo makes a lasting impact with its bold and distinctive design.

FAQs: Q: What makes a logo amazing? A: An amazing logo effectively represents the brand, captures attention, and leaves a lasting impression. It may incorporate symbolism, be visually striking, and align with current design trends.

Q: Can a logo be solid without explicit symbolism? A: Absolutely! A logo can fall under the solid category if it is visually appealing, effectively represents the brand, and maintains recognition among consumers.

Q: Why are simplistic logos sometimes labeled as "terrible"? A: Simplistic logos may be considered "terrible" when they lack creativity, fail to capture the essence of the brand, or appear generic and uninspired.

Q: How important is symbolism in a logo? A: Symbolism in a logo can add depth and meaning, enhancing the overall impact of the design. However, not all logos require strong symbolism to be effective.

Q: Can a logo's classification change over time? A: Yes, a logo's classification can change as the brand evolves, undergoes redesigns, or adapts to changing market trends. A logo that is solid today may become amazing with updates and enhancements.

Q: Is logo classification subjective? A: Logo classification can be subjective to some extent, as opinions on design and aesthetics vary. However, certain elements and principles of design can guide the classification process.

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