Discover the World of DIY Synthesis with AI Synthesis

Discover the World of DIY Synthesis with AI Synthesis

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Beginnings of AI Synthesis
  3. The DIY Focus
  4. The Importance of Education
  5. From Guitar Player to Synth Enthusiast
  6. Exploring Electronic Music
  7. The Journey into Modular Synthesis
  8. The Birth of AI Synthesis
  9. The Evolution of AI Synthesis Modules 9.1 The O1 Malt Kit 9.2 The O2s Mixer 9.3 The O3 Looping Envelope Generator 9.4 The First Filter 9.5 The O5 Stompbox Adapter 9.6 The O7 Triple Switching Attenuating Multiple 9.7 The O8 Matrix Mixer 9.8 The O10 Analog VCO 9.9 The O11 VCO Expander 9.10 The O12 Tape Interface 9.11 The O13, O14, and O15 Modules
  10. The Challenges of Module Design
  11. The Future of AI Synthesis
  12. Conclusion

The Beginnings of AI Synthesis

AI Synthesis, a company specializing in DIY modular synthesizer kits, was established around six years ago as an educational venture. The founder, a former AI symphysis technician, saw a need for DIY modular kits that not only provided a quick hit for enthusiasts but also offered a deeper understanding of how the modules worked. The founder recognized the desire among musicians to learn the inner workings and potential of their equipment rather than simply following instructions without comprehending the underlying principles.

The DIY Focus

AI Synthesis distinguishes itself from other modular synthesizer companies by placing a strong emphasis on DIY (Do-It-Yourself) culture. While they do offer completed modules for sale, their primary focus lies in providing kits that customers can assemble themselves. The founder believes that DIY experience not only builds confidence in builders but also fosters a deeper Sense of appreciation and understanding for the modules. By learning how the modules work, users can modify and experiment with them to achieve unique sounds and effects.

The Importance of Education

Education plays a crucial role in AI Synthesis' philosophy. The founder believes that providing educational resources is vital for the growth of the modular synthesizer community. Through comprehensive manuals and documentation, AI Synthesis aims to teach users not only about the assembly process but also about the theory behind the modules. By empowering users with knowledge, AI Synthesis hopes to inspire innovation and creativity within the modular synthesizer community.

From Guitar Player to Synth Enthusiast

Before diving into the world of modular synthesis, the founder of AI Synthesis started out as a guitarist in punk bands. However, a trip to a music store sparked his Curiosity about synthesizers. Intrigued by the sounds he heard, he began exploring the world of electronic music and virtual analog synthesizers in the late 90s. This fascination with synthesizers eventually led him to discover the modular synthesis realm, where he found a new passion and avenue for musical expression.

Exploring Electronic Music

As the founder delved deeper into electronic music, he began experimenting with different synthesizers and building his collection. Starting with a simple Alesis QSR keyboard, he tried to recreate the sounds he admired from artists like Kraftwerk and Stereolab. However, he soon realized the limitations of his equipment and desired more control and customization options. This desire led him to delve into the world of modular synthesis, where he could build and Shape his own unique sounds.

The Journey into Modular Synthesis

The founder's journey into modular synthesis was not instantaneous. With limited financial resources, he gradually assembled his modular setup, starting with a Live Wire AFG module. Over time, he acquired more modules, expanding his capabilities and knowledge in the realm of modular synthesis. The unique design and hands-on nature of modular synthesis captured his imagination, leading him to explore and experiment further. This passion for modular synthesis would eventually pave the way for the birth of AI Synthesis.

The Birth of AI Synthesis

The idea for AI Synthesis originated from the founder's personal frustrations and desire for improvement within the DIY modular synthesizer community. He felt that existing resources and documentation were lacking, and he wanted to Create a platform that offered better support and guidance to DIY enthusiasts. After several years of contemplation and weighing the risks, the founder took the plunge and invested in the development of AI Synthesis. Starting with a small selection of modules, the company began its mission to provide high-quality DIY kits and educational resources to the modular synthesis community.

The Evolution of AI Synthesis Modules

Since its inception, AI Synthesis has continually expanded its product lineup, introducing a range of modules that cater to various needs and preferences. Each module has its unique purpose, from the O1 Malt Kit, a confidence-building and educational module, to the O8 Matrix Mixer, which allows for complex signal routing and mixing. The company aims to fill gaps in the market, providing modules that offer unique features or improved accessibility. Notable modules include the O3 Looping Envelope Generator, a design that utilizes diodes for resonance, and the O5 Stompbox Adapter, which allows users to seamlessly integrate guitar pedals into their modular setups.

The Challenges of Module Design

Designing and developing modules is not without its challenges. The founder of AI Synthesis acknowledges the complexity and time-consuming nature of creating modules that meet the company's standards. Each module undergoes meticulous testing and refinement to ensure optimal performance and reliability. Moreover, as a small business, AI Synthesis takes pride in its commitment to providing excellent customer support. The founder personally handles all customer inquiries and aims to address any concerns promptly, fostering a strong sense of community and trust among AI Synthesis users.

The Future of AI Synthesis

AI Synthesis has an ambitious roadmap for the future. With plans for upcoming modules like the O11 VCO and the O12 Tape Interface, the company aims to expand its product range while maintaining its commitment to education and support. The founder continually seeks to push boundaries and offer innovative solutions to users, ensuring that AI Synthesis remains at the forefront of the DIY modular synthesizer community. By combining passion, education, and customer feedback, AI Synthesis strives to create a thriving environment for modular synthesis enthusiasts to explore, experiment, and create.


AI Synthesis has emerged as a notable player in the DIY modular synthesizer kit market, offering customers the opportunity to build and understand their own equipment. With a focus on education, AI Synthesis aims to empower users with the knowledge and skills necessary to explore the possibilities of modular synthesis fully. Through an expanding range of modules and a commitment to customer support, AI Synthesis continues to contribute to the thriving modular synthesis community while fostering innovation and creativity among its users.

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