Enhance Your Powerlifting Journey with Evolve A.I.'s Nutrition Tracking

Enhance Your Powerlifting Journey with Evolve A.I.'s Nutrition Tracking

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. Evolve AI Powerlifting Application
  4. Nutrition Tracking Update
  5. Initial Setup Process
  6. Setting Weight Goals
  7. Protein Goals
  8. Choosing Weight Loss Speed
  9. Types of Diets
  10. Daily Caloric Breakdown
  11. Modify Nutrition Plan
  12. Using the App for Calorie Tracking
  13. Barcode Scanning Experience
  14. Comparison with Other Apps
  15. Conclusion


Hey guys, Davion here from Triple Simmons Barbell Club! It's been a while since my last video, but I'm back and ready to share some exciting updates with you all. In this video, I want to talk about the latest addition to the Evolve AI powerlifting application - nutrition tracking. I recently came across this update on Instagram and watched a video on YouTube by the Evolve team explaining the new feature. As someone who already considers Evolve AI as one of the best training apps available, I couldn't wait to test out the nutrition tracking functionality and share my initial thoughts with you all. So let's dive in and explore the setup process and the app's features together!


Before we jump into the details of the Evolve AI powerlifting application's nutrition tracking update, let me give you a brief background. Over the past month or so, I've been quite busy with various personal commitments, including my birthday, a house move, and even a vacation. As a result, I had to prioritize my time and training took a back seat. However, now that things have settled down, I'm back and more motivated than ever. I have an upcoming meet on the horizon, and I'm determined to push myself to achieve some impressive results. But enough about that; let's get into the main topic of this video - the Evolve AI update!

Evolve AI Powerlifting Application

The Evolve AI powerlifting application has been a Game-changer for me and many others in the powerlifting community. It offers a comprehensive training experience with features like program management, exercise tracking, and personalized recommendations based on AI algorithms. The app has gained popularity for its effectiveness and value. And now, with the addition of nutrition tracking, it aims to elevate the user experience to a whole new level.

Nutrition Tracking Update

The latest update to the Evolve AI powerlifting application introduces nutrition tracking, a feature that was highly anticipated by users. With this new addition, users can now seamlessly integrate their nutritional goals and progress with their training plans. The app allows you to set weight goals, determine protein intake, choose weight loss speeds, and even select specific types of diets. Let's explore the setup process together and see what the app has to offer!

Initial Setup Process

When you first open the nutrition tracking feature in the Evolve AI app, you'll be guided through a series of prompts to set up your personal goals and preferences. The setup process begins by entering your current weight. This initial information helps the app calculate your progress accurately. Next, you'll be asked to input your goal weight. The app cleverly considers your current training cycle and recommends a weight range based on the time frame until your next meet or test date. While you can manually adjust this, it's generally wise to follow the app's suggestions for optimal results.

Setting Weight Goals

The app limits the amount of weight you can gain or lose within a specific time frame to ensure it aligns with your training cycle. For instance, if you have 20 weeks until your next competition, the app calculates how much weight you can reasonably gain or lose during that period. It aims to strike a balance between achieving your desired weight and maintaining optimal performance. During the setup process, you can fine-tune your weight goals based on your long-term objectives. For example, if your ultimate weight goal is lower than what the app allows, you can adjust it accordingly.


  • The app sets realistic weight goals based on your training cycle
  • Provides flexibility to modify weight goals according to long-term objectives


  • It may not allow extreme weight gain or loss within a specific time frame

Protein Goals

The next step in the setup process involves determining your protein goals. The app recommends protein intake based on the grams per pound of your body weight. Initially, the app suggested a relatively high protein goal of around 248 grams for me. However, considering my preferences and previous experiences with macronutrient ratios, I decided to adjust it to a lower range around 180 to 200 grams. This modification allows me to maintain a comfortable protein intake without sacrificing satiety or my overall training performance.


  • Personalized protein goals based on body weight
  • Ability to adjust protein intake according to preferences and previous experiences


  • The initial recommendation may not Align with individual preferences or dietary habits

Choosing Weight Loss Speed

The Evolve AI app caters to individuals with different weight loss goals. During the setup process, you can choose your desired weight loss speed, ranging from conservative to aggressive. For me, a middle-ground approach of losing 1.5 pounds per week has proven to be effective without compromising my performance in the gym. It's important to find a balance that suits your body's response to weight loss and ensures sustainable progress.


  • Allows flexibility in choosing weight loss speed
  • Offers a range of options for different weight loss goals


  • The recommended weight loss speed may not align with all individuals' preferences or capabilities

Types of Diets

Now, let's talk about the different types of diets the app offers. You'll be prompted to choose between a standard diet, high carb, higher fat, or keto diet. While each diet has its merits, I personally find it easier to adhere to a standard diet. It provides a good balance of macronutrients and allows for a wider variety of food choices. However, if you have had success with other diets like keto in the past, you might consider exploring those options within the app.


  • Multiple diet options to cater to different dietary preferences and needs
  • Flexibility to experiment with various diets for optimal results


  • Not all diets may suit every individual's preferences or lifestyle

Daily Caloric Breakdown

Once you've gone through the initial setup process, the app provides a breakdown of your daily macronutrient targets. This breakdown includes fat, protein, and carbohydrate goals, as well as the total daily caloric target. It estimates your calorie expenditure based on activity levels and suggests the optimal calorie intake to achieve your weight loss or maintenance goals. The app's calculations consider various factors and aim to provide you with an accurate and realistic nutritional plan.


  • Detailed breakdown of daily macronutrient goals
  • Estimation of calorie expenditure for effective weight management


  • Individual metabolic variations may cause slight differences in caloric needs

Modify Nutrition Plan

Once you've set up your nutrition plan, the rest of the application functions similarly to other calorie tracking apps. You'll have access to a daily caloric overview, an agenda view, fasting options, and even a barcode scanner for convenient food tracking. The app allows you to search for specific foods and scan barcodes to quickly log your meals. However, I must mention that the barcode scanning experience could be improved. The app requires you to manually tap the scan button after positioning the scanner, unlike other apps that automatically scan once the camera focuses. Hopefully, future updates will address this user interface issue.


  • Similar functionality to other calorie tracking apps
  • Convenient features like barcode scanning for easy food logging


  • Barcode scanning experience could be more user-friendly

Comparison with Other Apps

While there are several calorie tracking apps available, Evolve AI stands out for its comprehensive approach to powerlifting training. Compared to other apps like Macro Factor or MyFitnessPal, Evolve AI provides an all-in-one solution, integrating both training and nutrition tracking without the need for additional purchases or dealing with excessive ads. However, it's worth noting that individual preferences may vary, and some users might still prefer specialized apps with more advanced features.


  • All-in-one solution for powerlifters, combining training and nutrition tracking
  • No additional purchases or excessive ads


  • Some users may prefer apps with specialized features or more advanced functionality


In conclusion, the addition of nutrition tracking to the Evolve AI powerlifting application is undoubtedly a significant enhancement. The app's seamless integration of training and nutrition opens up new possibilities for optimized performance and results. The initial setup process allows for personalized goal setting, including weight targets, protein intake, weight loss speed, and diet preferences. While the app shares similarities with other calorie tracking apps, its focus on powerlifting and the absence of additional purchases or ads make it a compelling choice for powerlifters seeking a comprehensive training experience.

So, if you're considering giving Evolve AI's nutrition tracking a try, I'd love to hear how your calorie targets compare to previous apps you've used. In a few weeks, we can discuss whether hitting those calorie targets allows you to achieve your weight loss goals effectively. Thank you for watching today's video, and don't forget to follow me on Instagram at @triplesevensbarbellclub for more updates. Stay motivated, and until next time, Davion out!


  1. The Evolve AI powerlifting application introduces nutrition tracking as a new feature.
  2. Users can set weight goals, determine protein intake, choose weight loss speeds, and select types of diets.
  3. The initial setup process considers an individual's training cycle for optimal weight management.
  4. The app provides personalized protein goals based on body weight, with options for adjustment.
  5. Users can choose their desired weight loss speed, depending on their preferences and capabilities.
  6. Different types of diets, including standard, high carb, higher fat, and keto, are available for selection.
  7. The app breaks down daily macronutrient targets and estimates calorie expenditure for effective weight management.
  8. The Evolve AI app offers familiar calorie tracking features, including agenda views and barcode scanning.
  9. The barcode scanning experience could be improved for smoother usability.
  10. Evolve AI's comprehensive approach to powerlifting training sets it apart from other apps like Macro Factor or MyFitnessPal.


Q: Can the app adjust calorie targets if I'm not able to hit them consistently? A: Yes, the app can automatically adjust your calorie targets if you're not able to consistently hit the recommended amount. It takes into account your progress and makes adjustments accordingly.

Q: Does the app provide recommendations for specific food choices? A: While the app doesn't provide explicit recommendations for specific food choices, it allows you to track your intake and make informed decisions based on your goals and preferences.

Q: Can I track my nutrition progress alongside my training progress in the app? A: Absolutely! The Evolve AI app seamlessly integrates nutrition tracking with training progress. You can monitor both aspects in one place for a holistic view of your overall fitness journey.

Q: Are there additional costs or subscriptions required for nutrition tracking in the Evolve AI app? A: No, nutrition tracking is included as part of the Evolve AI powerlifting application. There are no additional costs or subscriptions required to access this feature.

Q: Can I use the app even if I'm not a powerlifter? A: While the app caters specifically to powerlifters, individuals from any fitness background can benefit from its training and nutrition tracking features. The app's flexibility allows for customization based on personal goals and preferences.

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