Garud's Mother in Trouble

Garud's Mother in Trouble

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Power of Lord Vishnu
  3. The Fear of Kaliya
  4. Garud's Rebellion
  5. The Queen's Anger
  6. The Mirror of Justice
  7. The Sons' Plea
  8. Garud's Apology
  9. The Punishment
  10. Conclusion


In the ancient Kingdom, there lived a ruler named Lord Vishnu, who was revered by all as the supreme deity. His power and influence were unmatched, and his devotees sought his blessings for protection and prosperity. However, in the midst of this divine world, there was a tale of fear, rebellion, and justice that unfolded. This article will Delve into the intriguing story of Lord Vishnu, the serpent Kaliya, and Garud, the protagonist of our narrative.

The Power of Lord Vishnu

Lord Vishnu possessed immense power and wisdom, which made him the ultimate protector of the Universe. His devotees regarded him as the epitome of righteousness and sought him out in times of turmoil. With his divine presence, he maintained cosmic balance and ensured the welfare of all living beings. His actions and decisions were driven by the principles of justice and compassion, making him a revered figure among the gods and mortals alike.

The Fear of Kaliya

Among the many inhabitants of Lord Vishnu's kingdom was a venomous serpent named Kaliya. Kaliya was notorious for his ability to strike fear into the hearts of those who crossed his path. His presence instilled terror, and even the mention of his name evoked shivers. But it was not his poisonous nature that made him feared the most; it was his peculiar obsession with scaring others. Kaliya reveled in the fear he generated and sought to spread his dominance over anyone who dared to challenge him.

Garud's Rebellion

In the kingdom, there was another significant figure named Garud, a majestic bird known for his bravery and loyalty. He served as Lord Vishnu's faithful mount, accompanying him on his celestial adventures. Garud's devotion to Lord Vishnu was unwavering, and his fierce determination to protect his master knew no bounds. However, Garud's loyalty was put to the test when he witnessed Kaliya's relentless scare tactics.

The Queen's Anger

Queen Kadru, the mother of Kaliya, was torn between her love for her son and her duty as a ruler. She had watched Kaliya's reign of terror unfold for far too long, and her people lived in perpetual fear. The continuous torment of her subjects demanded her Attention, and a choice needed to be made. Queen Kadru's anger towards Kaliya grew, as she believed his actions brought disgrace to her name and undermined her authority.

The Mirror of Justice

In her Quest for justice, Queen Kadru sought the intervention of Lord Vishnu. She demanded that Kaliya be held accountable for his actions and his poison-spitting powers be stripped away. Lord Vishnu, embodying his role as the custodian of justice, agreed to her plea. He promised to use his divine powers to render Kaliya powerless and break his spirit. With the mirror of justice in HAND, Lord Vishnu prepared to confront the serpent.

The Sons' Plea

Kaliya's actions had not gone unnoticed by his brothers, Takhtu and Takshak. They felt conflicted about their sibling's behavior and the chaos it brought upon their kingdom. Takhtu believed that Kaliya's scare tactics had gone too far and that it was time to put an end to his reign of terror. Together, they approached Lord Vishnu's mother, seeking her intervention to save them from their brother's wrath.

Garud's Apology

Despite their plea, Garud felt a deep Sense of loyalty towards his mother, Queen Kadru. He struggled with the idea of apologizing to the very beings who had humiliated her. Garud's defiant nature and his refusal to bow down to anyone except Lord Vishnu kept him conflicted. However, his mother's wisdom and the realization of her true power made Garud reconsider his stance.

The Punishment

Queen Kadru, in her role as the queen and mother, decided to teach Garud a lesson. She imposed a severe punishment on him, banishing him from the palace and forbidding him from flying. The punishment was not only physical; it challenged Garud's understanding of the servant-master relationship and tested his loyalty to Lord Vishnu. Garud's wings were clipped, and he was left to contemplate his actions.


This article delved into the gripping tale of Lord Vishnu, Kaliya, and Garud, highlighting the complex relationships and dynamics within their divine kingdom. It explored themes of fear, rebellion, justice, and the power of loyalty. This tale serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding principles, even in the face of adversity, and staying true to one's convictions. The saga of Lord Vishnu and his devoted mount, Garud, is a testament to the strength of character and the pursuit of justice in the vast expanse of the divine realm.


  • The power and influence of Lord Vishnu in the ancient kingdom.
  • The fear-inducing presence of Kaliya, the venomous serpent.
  • Garud's rebellion against Kaliya's scare tactics.
  • Queen Kadru's anger and her quest for justice.
  • Lord Vishnu's role as the mirror of justice.
  • The plea of Kaliya's brothers for the queen's intervention.
  • Garud's internal struggle and ultimate apology.
  • The severe punishment imposed on Garud by Queen Kadru.
  • Lessons on maintaining loyalty and upholding principles.
  • The complexity of relationships within the divine kingdom.


Q: Why was Kaliya feared by everyone in the kingdom? A: Kaliya was feared for his venomous nature and his obsession with scaring others. His presence instilled fear in the hearts of all who crossed his path.

Q: How did Garud's loyalty to Lord Vishnu play a role in his rebellion against Kaliya? A: Garud's unwavering loyalty to Lord Vishnu made him question Kaliya's scare tactics and spurred his rebellion against the serpent's reign of terror.

Q: What was the punishment imposed on Garud by Queen Kadru? A: Queen Kadru banished Garud from the palace and prohibited him from flying. This punishment tested Garud's understanding of the servant-master relationship and challenged his loyalty to Lord Vishnu.

Q: What lessons can be learned from this story? A: The story emphasizes the importance of upholding principles, staying true to one's convictions, and the strength of character even in the face of adversity. It also highlights the power of loyalty and the pursuit of justice.

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