Mastering Action Bars in RuneScape: Ultimate Guide

Mastering Action Bars in RuneScape: Ultimate Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up your action bar for PvM
  3. Understanding the importance of ability order
  4. Building an effective action bar for Revolution
  5. Optimizing your action bar for AFK combat
  6. Managing Adrenaline and thresholds
  7. Using ultimates strategically
  8. Creating and adjusting ability bars for different combat styles
  9. Testing and refining your ability rotation
  10. Conclusion

Setting up Your Action Bar for PvM

In this Micro Lesson, we will guide You through the process of setting up your action bar for PvM (Player vs. Monster) combat in RuneScape. Your action bar is a crucial tool that determines how much damage you can deal to your enemies and how effectively you can engage in combat situations. By optimizing your action bar, you will be able to maximize your damage output and improve your overall combat performance.


Before we Delve into the specifics of setting up your action bar, let's first understand the importance of having a well-optimized bar. The order of your abilities plays a significant role in determining the amount of damage you can inflict on your opponents. It can be a daunting task to understand and organize the extensive list of abilities available in RuneScape, but we will break it down into simple priorities to help you build a powerful and efficient action bar.

Understanding the Importance of Ability Order

The order of your abilities can make or break your combat experience. It is crucial to prioritize abilities that deal the most damage. However, determining the true power of an ability can be complex, as it depends on various factors such as the number of targets it can hit and the speed at which the damage is dealt. To simplify this process, we have created a basic ranking system for abilities, which you can find in the description below. By following this ranking, you can ensure that your bar consists of the most potent abilities.

Building an Effective Action Bar for Revolution

Revolution is an automatic ability firing system that activates abilities from left to right, starting with those off cooldown. To make the most out of Revolution, your action bar should prioritize abilities that deal substantial damage. However, a common issue with optimized bars is that some abilities may not be off cooldown, resulting in weaker auto attacks. In such cases, we can make slight adjustments to ensure that there is always an ability ready to be used. For example, by moving a shorter cooldown ability, like Sonic Wave, earlier in the bar, it will activate more frequently, allowing stronger abilities to come off cooldown without relying on weaker attacks.

Optimizing Your Action Bar for AFK Combat

If you prefer a more relaxed and AFK (Away From Keyboard) playstyle, there are additional steps to consider when building your action bar. One crucial aspect is managing your adrenaline, as it directly translates to damage. It is crucial to spend your adrenaline efficiently, as reaching 100% will halt further adrenaline gain. By including thresholds in your bar, you can effectively utilize your excess adrenaline. While prioritizing abilities Based on strength, ensure that your bar has a balanced mix of thresholds and ultimates. This balanced approach provides a more consistent damage output throughout your rotation, as there is no significant drop in power when building up adrenaline after using an ultimate.

Managing Adrenaline and Thresholds

To fully harness the potential of your action bar, it is essential to understand how to manage your adrenaline effectively. Adrenaline is a resource that fuels your powerful thresholds and ultimate abilities. While thresholds are useful for maintaining a constant damage output, using powerful ultimates can significantly increase your damage when facing tough opponents. When using ultimates with Revolution, it is crucial to strike a balance between having enough thresholds and ensuring Timely activation of your ultimate. By strategically removing weaker thresholds, you can make room for more frequent activation of powerful ultimates like Sunshine.

Using Ultimates Strategically

Ultimates are pinnacle abilities that can turn the tide of battle in your favor. When planning your action bar, try to activate your ultimate abilities as close to their cooldown as possible. While thresholds allow for sustained damage, having too many thresholds can deplete your adrenaline and delay the usage of your ultimate. By removing weaker thresholds, your ultimate abilities, such as Sunshine, can be triggered more frequently, resulting in a significant boost to your damage output. It is crucial to strike a balance between thresholds and ultimates to maximize your combat potential.

Creating and Adjusting Ability Bars for Different Combat Styles

The ability bar setup described so far is specific to two-handed magic combat. However, the principles discussed can be applied to other combat styles as well. As you unlock more advanced abilities, you can Create and adjust your ability bars accordingly. By following the same approach we have outlined in this lesson, you can place new abilities on your bar based on their power and then test them on combat dummies to evaluate their effectiveness. If you find that your bar falls short or you have excess adrenaline, you can make adjustments by moving low cooldown abilities earlier on the bar or adding in additional thresholds.

Testing and Refining Your Ability Rotation

Optimizing your action bar is an ongoing process that requires testing and refinement. The combat dummy serves as an excellent tool for evaluating the efficiency of your ability rotation. Run your bar on the dummy and observe if you reach the end of the bar without any abilities off cooldown. If this happens, consider adjusting the position of powerful abilities with lower cooldowns to compensate. Additionally, monitor whether you spend more than a few abilities at 100% adrenaline during each minute. If you do, it may indicate the need for another threshold to effectively utilize your excess adrenaline. By continuously testing and refining your ability rotation, you can fine-tune your combat skills and achieve maximum damage potential.


Setting up an optimized action bar is crucial for PvM combat in RuneScape. By understanding the importance of ability order, utilizing Revolution effectively, managing adrenaline and thresholds, and strategically using ultimates, you can significantly enhance your combat performance. As you unlock more advanced abilities, don't hesitate to create and adjust your ability bars accordingly. Remember that the process of optimizing your action bar is an ongoing one, requiring frequent testing and refinement to ensure peak combat efficiency.


Q: Can I use this action bar setup for PvP combat as well? A: While the principles discussed in this lesson apply primarily to PvM combat, they can be adapted for PvP situations as well. However, PvP combat often requires a different approach, considering factors such as player tactics and defensive abilities. It's important to tailor your action bar setup based on the specific demands of PvP combat.

Q: What are some other considerations when building an action bar? A: In addition to ability order and cooldown management, it's essential to consider defensive abilities, healing abilities, and utility abilities. These abilities can greatly impact your survivability in combat and should be incorporated into your action bar setup based on the specific challenges you face.

Q: Is Revolution the only ability firing system available in RuneScape? A: No, Revolution is just one of the ability firing systems in RuneScape. Players also have the option to use Manual mode, where they manually activate each ability. Manual mode provides more control over your actions but requires a higher level of skill and attentiveness in combat.

Q: How often should I adjust my action bar? A: Adjusting your action bar should be a continuous process as you unlock new abilities and gain more combat experience. It's recommended to regularly evaluate your ability rotation and make adjustments based on new unlocks, changes in combat tactics, and personal preference. Experimentation and adaptation are key to finding an action bar setup that suits your playstyle and maximizes your combat potential.

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