Get Clients in 24 Hours: No Cold DM's

Get Clients in 24 Hours: No Cold DM's

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Old Way: Acquiring Clients through Daily Content and DMs
  3. The Inefficiency of the Current Client Acquisition System
  4. The Traditional Direct Response Funnel
  5. The Limitations of the Direct Response Funnel
  6. Introducing the Social Funnel System
  7. Top of Funnel: Instagram Ads for Followers
  8. Structuring Effective Instagram Ads
  9. Nurturing Followers and Building Trust
  10. Converting Followers into Sales Calls
  11. The Three-Step Conversion Script
  12. Closing the Sale and High Ticket Clients
  13. Conclusion

The Social Funnel System: Acquiring Clients with Ease and Efficiency

Are You an online fitness coach struggling to acquire clients? Do you find yourself relying on the algorithm to boost your content and endlessly sending code DMs in the hopes of securing new clients? If this sounds familiar, then it's time to discover a better way to acquire clients consistently and predictably, while also working with clients you genuinely enjoy working with and who are willing to pay you generously.


In this article, we will dive deep into the Social Funnel System, a revolutionary approach that will transform the way you acquire clients. Gone are the days of relying solely on daily content and DMs, or running traditional direct response funnels with diminishing returns. The Social Funnel System will provide you with a reliable and efficient method to attract high-quality clients who Align with your ideal customer profile.

The Old Way: Acquiring Clients through Daily Content and DMs

Traditionally, online fitness coaches have used a combination of creating regular content and sending direct messages (DMs) to potential clients. This method involves posting on platforms like Instagram, using content formats such as reels, posts, and carousels, and encouraging people to engage with the content. Once engagement is received, coaches reach out via DMs to introduce themselves and Inquire about the individual's fitness goals.

While this approach may sound simple, it is highly inefficient and inconsistent. Acquiring clients through this method often yields low conversion rates, and even if a sales call is booked, the likelihood of closing a sale is low due to a misalignment with the ideal client and financial constraints. It is clear that this fragmented and unreliable system is not sustainable in the long run.

The Inefficiency of the Current Client Acquisition System

Let us examine the pitfalls of the current client acquisition system used by most online fitness coaches. Firstly, relying on this approach is unpredictable and unreliable. Depending solely on daily content and DMs leaves the fate of your business in the hands of algorithms and chance. It is nearly impossible to consistently attract and convert clients using this hit-and-miss approach.

Furthermore, engaging in repetitive DM outreach tends to be spammy and impersonal. Bombarding potential clients with cookie-cutter messages asking about their goals or current weights is not an effective way to build Meaningful connections. Clients can easily see through this disingenuous approach, resulting in a lack of trust and reluctance to invest in your coaching services.

The Traditional Direct Response Funnel

Recognizing the inefficiencies of the current client acquisition system, many fitness coaches have turned to traditional direct response funnels. These funnels typically involve running ads on platforms like Instagram or Facebook and directing potential clients to a video sales letter or a webinar. The goal is to capture their contact information, typically email or phone number, and then bombard them with emails and text messages in the hopes of making a sale.

While direct response funnels can provide some level of control and automation, they fail in several areas. Firstly, once a potential client is directed to a video sales letter or webinar, the coach loses sight of their actions and intentions. There is no way to determine if they watched the content, took the desired action, or lost interest entirely.

Moreover, capturing contact information does not guarantee engagement or interest. People are inundated with newsletters and promotional emails, making it challenging for your messages to stand out. This lack of familiarity and connection hinders the conversion process, as potential clients are less likely to trust and invest in a service they have no personal connection with.

Introducing the Social Funnel System

Now, let's explore the new way of running funnels that overcomes the limitations of the traditional approaches. This cutting-edge system, known as the Social Funnel, provides a streamlined and efficient method to consistently acquire clients who align with your ideal customer profile.

At its Core, the Social Funnel focuses on capturing followers on Instagram through strategically crafted ads. Unlike traditional funnels that aim to capture contact information, the Social Funnel begins with gaining followers and nurturing a genuine connection with them. This way, you maintain control over your audience and can actively engage with them through your Instagram content, stories, and other forms of value-driven content.

Top of Funnel: Instagram Ads for Followers

To kickstart the Social Funnel, you will run Instagram ads specifically designed to attract followers. The key differentiator here is that you are not asking for contact information immediately; all you want is a simple follow. By gaining followers, you retain control over the relationship and can Continue providing value and building trust over time.

Running effective Instagram ads requires careful planning and scripting. It's not as simple as boosting a random post. The script you use in your ads is crucial for capturing Attention and encouraging potential clients to follow you. One effective script is to address your ideal client directly, highlighting their struggles and offering a follow to learn more about your transformational approach.

For instance, if you specialize in fitness coaching for busy professionals struggling with weight loss, your script could be something like, "Are you a busy professional struggling to find time to work out, lack a clear meal plan, and lack accountability? If that's you, give me a follow and explore my past content, where I'll Show you how you can go from 200 to 190 pounds in just 30 days."

Another strategy is to run two ads consecutively, with the Second ad being targeted at individuals who have engaged with your content or the first ad. This sequential approach ensures that you present the value proposition to a warmer audience, increasing the chances of conversion.

Structuring Effective Instagram Ads

When crafting your Instagram ads, it is essential to follow a strategic structure. Begin with a hook that captures attention within the first few seconds. Address your ideal client's pain points, emphasizing the transformation they can achieve by following you.

Next, present your unique solution or methodology, highlighting the steps or framework they need to follow to achieve their goals. This establishes you as an authority in your niche and builds trust. Finally, always include a clear and straightforward call-to-action, directing viewers to follow you for more valuable content.

Remember, running successful Instagram ads is both an art and a science. Continuously test different variations of your scripts, visuals, and targeting to optimize your results. A well-executed ad campaign will help you attract a stream of quality followers who genuinely resonate with your message and value proposition.

Nurturing Followers and Building Trust

Once you have gained followers, your focus shifts from acquisition to nurturing and building trust. Your goal is to establish yourself as an expert in your field, offering valuable content that educates, inspires, and motivates your audience.

Daily stories and regular posts are excellent mediums for connecting with your followers. Share your own fitness Journey, provide tips and insights, and showcase success stories from previous clients. Engage with your followers and encourage them to Interact with your content, fostering a Sense of community and engagement. This ongoing nurturing process will Deepen the trust and connection, ensuring that your followers see you as a reliable and credible fitness coach.

Additionally, utilize retargeting ads to further nurture your followers. By segmenting your audience Based on engagement levels, you can deliver tailored content that addresses their specific needs and desires. This strategic remarketing approach keeps your coaching services top of mind and reinforces your value proposition.

Converting Followers into Sales Calls

As your connection with followers strengthens, it's time to transition them from DMs to sales calls. This pivotal step requires finesse and a carefully crafted conversation that addresses their unique goals and challenges.

There are two main paths to initiating the conversion process. First, you can proactively message potential clients who have engaged with your content. Personalize the message based on their specific interaction and express your interest in supporting them on their fitness journey.

Secondly, followers may initiate contact, inquiring about your lead magnets or seeking personalized assistance. Ensure you promptly respond to these messages, providing value and demonstrating your genuine interest in helping them achieve their fitness goals.

Once the conversation starts, utilize a three-step conversion script to guide the discussion. Begin by understanding where the potential client is currently, where they want to be, and identifying the barriers preventing them from achieving their goals. This customized approach establishes rapport and showcases your commitment to their success.

The Three-Step Conversion Script

The three-step conversion script is a powerful tool in converting potential clients during sales calls. It follows a simple framework of identifying their starting point, clarifying their desired destination, and exploring the obstacles hindering their progress. By strategically asking open-ended questions, you encourage potential clients to reflect on their fitness journey and open up about their challenges and desires.

Throughout the call, actively listen and empathize with their concerns. Use their responses to further tailor your message and value proposition, showcasing how your coaching services directly address their specific needs. By the end of the call, potential clients will have a clear understanding of how your coaching can transform their lives and reach their fitness goals.

Closing the Sale and High Ticket Clients

As you diligently build trust and connection with potential clients, objections during sales calls become less frequent. Your nurturing efforts through the Social Funnel have established a solid foundation of trust, positioning you as an authority in the fitness coaching realm.

Typically, this process results in a conversion rate of approximately 33%. For every three potential clients you speak to, one will become a paying client. This impressive conversion rate is a testament to the effectiveness of the Social Funnel System and the trust you've built with your audience.

Closing the sale during sales calls is about empowering potential clients to make an informed decision. Clearly communicate the value of your coaching services and how they can help overcome their obstacles. Emphasize the support, accountability, and expertise you bring, instilling confidence that your coaching will yield tangible results.

By implementing the Social Funnel System, you can attract high ticket clients who align with your ideal customer profile. These clients not only bring financial stability to your coaching business but also provide immense satisfaction as you work with individuals who truly value your expertise.


In this article, we have explored the limitations of traditional client acquisition methods and introduced the Social Funnel System as a game-changing approach for online fitness coaches. By leveraging Instagram ads, nurturing followers, and converting them through sales calls, you can acquire clients consistently and predictably.

Remember, the Social Funnel System is a strategic and step-by-step process that requires thoughtful planning and execution. Through valuable content, genuine connection, and personalized conversations, you will attract high-quality clients who align with your coaching philosophy and who are willing to invest in your services.

So, if you're an online fitness coach tired of relying solely on the algorithm and spamming potential clients with DMs, it's time to embrace the Social Funnel System. Take control of your client acquisition process and start working with clients you genuinely love, while earning the high amounts of money you deserve. Transform your business and unlock its full potential today!

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