Ultimate Creeper Farm Guide for Minecraft 1.20

Ultimate Creeper Farm Guide for Minecraft 1.20

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Materials Needed
  3. Choosing the Right Location
  4. Building the Base
  5. Setting Up the Water Funnel
  6. Building the Spawning Layer
  7. Adding the Snow Golems
  8. Building Additional Layers
  9. Adjustments for Efficiency and Safety
  10. Maximizing Drops with Looting 3
  11. Optional Modifications


Are You in need of a highly efficient and easy-to-use creeper farm that guarantees maximum profit? Look no further! In this article, I will guide you through the step-by-step process of building a creeper farm that is not only simple to construct, but also delivers excellent results. Say goodbye to complicated trap door systems and say hello to a truly efficient farming experience. So grab your materials and let's get started!

Materials Needed

Before we dive into the construction process, let's take a look at the materials needed to build this creeper farm. Here's a list of the key materials required:

  • 1 Chest
  • 9 Hoppers
  • Spawnable building blocks (such as Netherrack or Cobblestone)
  • Scaffolding or extra building blocks (optional)
  • Sword with Looting III enchantment (optional, but recommended)

These are the basic materials needed to build the farm. Additional materials may be required depending on your preferences and available resources. Now that we have our materials sorted, let's move on to choosing the right location for our creeper farm.

Choosing the Right Location

The success of your creeper farm largely depends on its location. There are certain biomes where the farm will work best, while others should be avoided. Here are some guidelines to help you choose the right location:

  • Avoid building the farm in biomes with a temperature higher than one, such as deserts, badlands, or savannahs. These biomes are not suitable for creeper farms.
  • Ideally, build the farm over an ocean biome. A warm ocean biome works perfectly fine, as it does not cause snow golems to melt.
  • Find an ocean biome of decent size with no large land masses nearby. This will ensure optimal spawning rates and efficiency.

By selecting the right location, you set the foundation for a successful creeper farm. Now let's move on to the construction process.

Building the Base

To begin constructing the creeper farm, we need to build the base. The base will serve as the platform for our farm and will determine its overall size and Height. Here's how you can build the base:

  1. Use temporary blocks or scaffolding to make your way from Y64 all the way up to Y250, which is the desired height for our farm.
  2. Once you reach Y250, place a block and Create a platform. This platform will be the starting point for the entire farm.
  3. On top of the platform, place a chest and nine hoppers, ensuring that they are aligned properly.
  4. Use your chosen building blocks to create walls starting from the side of the hoppers. Build 19 blocks up and fill in every side, making sure to create walls that prevent creepers from escaping.

With the base constructed, We Are ready to move on to the next step: setting up the water funnel.

Setting Up the Water Funnel

The water funnel is a crucial component of the creeper farm as it guides the creepers towards the desired collection point. Here's how you can set up the water funnel:

  1. Place a temporary block behind the chest and then add three hoppers going into the chest. Next, add hoppers on either side, creating a 3x3 arrangement.
  2. From one of the hoppers, place a block and then start building straight up on the side of the hopper for 19 blocks. Fill in each side to create walls that prevent creepers from falling out of the farm.
  3. To help with mobility within the farm, consider using scaffolding or other blocks to create a path that allows you to move up and down easily.

The water funnel is now in place, directing the creepers towards the center of the farm. Next, let's move on to building the spawning layer.

Building the Spawning Layer

The spawning layer is where the magic happens. This layer is designed to maximize the spawn rates of the creepers. Here's how you can build the spawning layer:

  1. Start by selecting a side and placing a block. From that block, build four blocks in one direction and then four blocks in the opposite direction. Fill in the space to create a spawning platform that is 3 blocks wide and 9 blocks long.
  2. Repeat the process on each side, ensuring that the platforms are identical in size and alignment.
  3. Connect the corners of each platform to form a complete structure. This will prevent creepers from escaping through the corners while ensuring optimal spawning conditions.

Once the spawning layer is complete, we need to add snow golems to enhance the efficiency of the farm. Let's move on to that step.

Adding the Snow Golems

Snow golems play a crucial role in attracting and targeting the creepers within the farm. Here's how you can add them to your creeper farm:

  1. Place a temporary block, followed by a permanent block in the center of the farm.
  2. Surround the permanent block with temporary blocks on each side, leaving an open space in the middle.
  3. Build up from the middle block, placing temporary blocks in a straight line above the middle hopper. This will serve as the platform for the snow golems.
  4. On top of the platform, place four fences on each side, ensuring that they are centered. This will prevent other mobs from entering the farm.
  5. Next, add buttons to the top of each fence post to further discourage mob spawns near the snow golems.
  6. Place trapdoors on the side of the snow golem platform, opening them to create a path for the creepers to fall towards the water funnel.

With the snow golems in place, our creeper farm is ready for action. However, we can take it a step further by building additional layers for increased efficiency. Let's explore that option next.

Building Additional Layers

To maximize the efficiency and output of the creeper farm, you can add multiple layers to the existing structure. Each layer is constructed in the same way as the previous one, with the same spawning platforms, water funnels, and snow golems. Here's how you can build additional layers:

  1. Repeat the process of building the base, setting up the water funnel, and constructing the spawning layer for each additional layer you wish to add.
  2. Ensure that each layer is aligned directly above the previous layer to maintain consistency and optimize the farm's performance.
  3. Consider building a minimum of three to five layers for a well-balanced and efficient creeper farm. However, the number of layers can be adjusted Based on your specific needs and resources.

As you Continue to add layers, the farm's efficiency and output will increase. Keep in mind that each additional layer will require more materials, so plan accordingly. With the desired number of layers built, our creeper farm is taking Shape. Let's move on to making adjustments for efficiency and safety.

Adjustments for Efficiency and Safety

To ensure optimal efficiency and safety, there are a few adjustments you can make to your creeper farm. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Cover the hoppers with slabs or blocks to prevent creepers from spawning on top of them and potentially causing damage.
  2. Consider placing campfires beneath the platforms to eliminate any creepers that do spawn and provide additional drops. However, keep in mind that this method may slightly reduce the overall drop rate.
  3. Use Looting III on your sword when harvesting the creepers to maximize the number of gunpowder drops. This enchantment significantly increases the drop rate, making it a valuable addition.

By implementing these adjustments, you can fine-tune your creeper farm for optimal performance. The next section will focus on the benefits of using Looting III and how it can enhance your farming experience.

Maximizing Drops with Looting 3

One of the most effective ways to increase your gunpowder yield from the creeper farm is by using a sword with Looting III enchantment. With Looting III, you have a higher chance of getting additional drops per creeper kill. Here are some benefits of using Looting III:

  • Increased gunpowder yield: Looting III significantly boosts the number of gunpowder drops per creeper, allowing you to Gather more resources in a shorter period.
  • Time-saving: With higher drop rates, you spend less time farming and more time utilizing the gunpowder for your various projects and needs.
  • Increased efficiency: By incorporating Looting III into your farming routine, you maximize the overall efficiency and output of your creeper farm.

If you have the resources and the means to acquire a sword with Looting III, it is highly recommended for the best farming experience. Now that we have covered the benefits of Looting III, let's explore some optional modifications you can make to your creeper farm.

Optional Modifications

While the basic construction of the creeper farm is complete, there are a few additional modifications you can consider to further enhance your farming experience. Here are some optional modifications:

  1. Slab or block cover: As Mentioned earlier, you can cover the hoppers with slabs or blocks to prevent creepers from spawning on top of them. This adds an extra layer of safety to your farm.
  2. Lighting adjustments: In combination with the trapdoors and snow golems, you can fine-tune the lighting inside the farm to prevent unwanted spawns. Experiment with different lighting methods to find the perfect balance.
  3. AFK platform expansion: To comfortably AFK at the creeper farm, you may want to consider expanding the platform at the bottom. This will provide ample space for activities while the farm operates in the background.

These optional modifications allow you to tailor your creeper farm to your specific needs and preferences, ensuring a farming experience that is both efficient and enjoyable. Feel free to experiment with different ideas and make the farm your own.


Congratulations! You have successfully built a highly-efficient creeper farm that guarantees maximum profit. By following the step-by-step instructions and considering the optional modifications, you have created a farming setup that will provide a steady supply of gunpowder for all your needs. Whether you're a seasoned Minecraft player or a novice explorer, this creeper farm will revolutionize your gameplay experience. So go ahead, stock up on resources, and let the creepers fall!

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