Google-proofing Your Business: Expert Tips by Jake Ackerman

Google-proofing Your Business: Expert Tips by Jake Ackerman

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Background and History of Domain Sherpa Show
  3. Update on Zip Smart Com
  4. Changes in the Business Model
  5. Shifting Focus to Branding and Customer Engagement
  6. Examples of Domain Name Changes
  7. Importance of Good Domain Names
  8. Buying Traffic and Remarketing Strategies
  9. The Pareto Principle and Revenue Sources
  10. The Future of Zip Smart Com


In the fast-paced world of domain name investing and entrepreneurship, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and strategies is crucial for success. The Domain Sherpa Show, a popular online series, offers domain name investors and entrepreneurs a platform to share their experiences and insights. In this article, we will provide an update on one of the past entrepreneurs featured on the show, Jake Ackerman, the founder of We will explore how Ackerman's geo-Based directory business has evolved since his original appearance on the show two years ago. We will Delve into the changes in his business model, the shift towards branding and customer engagement, the importance of domain names, buying traffic, and the future of Zip Smart Com.

Background and History of Domain Sherpa Show

The Domain Sherpa Show is a well-known online show that features domain name investors and entrepreneurs. Similar to popular business shows like "Shark Tank" and "Dragon's Den," the Domain Sherpa Show provides valuable insights into the world of domain name investing and entrepreneurship. The show highlights success stories, tips, techniques, as well as the hurdles and setbacks faced by domain name investors and entrepreneurs.

Update on Zip Smart Com

Zip Smart Com is a geo-based directory business founded by Jake Ackerman. The business aims to provide category-killer generic industry domain names that host geo-based directories. These directories allow companies to own their own zip code online for products and services and generate customer leads. Since his original appearance on the Domain Sherpa Show two years ago, Ackerman has received a ton of interest from the audience to catch up with his progress.

Changes in the Business Model

Ackerman acknowledges that the landscape for advertisers and service providers has changed significantly. Google's dominance and the increasing emphasis on online visibility have made it crucial for businesses to adapt and be proactive in their online presence. Ackerman has had to react to Google's updates, which have impacted his business model. He emphasizes the need to be visible on Google and other online platforms, as it significantly affects a business's success.

Shifting Focus to Branding and Customer Engagement

Ackerman has realized the importance of creating a brand and engaging with customers directly. While the Directory model served its purpose in the past, he believes that focusing on a single, strong brand has more value. He is shifting Zip Smart Com from being solely a directory and internet marketing company to becoming a branding and customer engagement company. The goal is to Create awareness for their customers and build long-term partnerships.

Examples of Domain Name Changes

As part of their strategy to create a brand, Ackerman and his team have divested themselves of around 400-500 domain names. They now focus on category killer names that are brandable and have relevance to the industry they serve. For example, they sold "" and acquired "," emphasizing the importance of brandable domain names.

Importance of Good Domain Names

Ackerman highlights the value of good domain names for branding purposes. While exact match keywords may have higher search volumes, brandable domain names have their advantages. The focus is on creating a brand that consumers can connect with and engage. Ackerman believes that owning a single strong domain name is more effective than having multiple less impactful names.

Buying Traffic and Remarketing Strategies

To drive traffic to their Website and engage with potential customers, Zip Smart Com is buying traffic from Google through pay-per-click advertising. They actively use remarketing strategies to target users who have visited their site. By showing ads across various platforms like YouTube, CNN, and Gmail, they aim to keep their brand top-of-mind and engage users even after they leave their site.

The Pareto Principle and Revenue Sources

Like many businesses, Zip Smart Com also follows the Pareto Principle. Roughly 80% of their revenue comes from 20% of their products or services. However, this distribution may vary over time as they adapt to changing market dynamics. Ackerman emphasizes the importance of being flexible and responsive to customer needs to maintain a strong revenue stream.

The Future of Zip Smart Com

Looking ahead, Zip Smart Com aims to Google-proof its business by focusing on direct consumer engagement and building their brand presence. In addition to buying traffic and remarketing, Ackerman plans to explore other avenues, such as newsletters and social media, to further engage with consumers. The company's focus is on establishing long-term partnerships and delivering valuable results for their customers.


  • Zip Smart Com, a geo-based directory business founded by Jake Ackerman, has undergone significant changes in its business model and approach.
  • The focus has shifted towards creating a strong brand and engaging with customers directly.
  • Good domain names that are brandable and Relevant to the industry are critical for success.
  • Buying traffic through pay-per-click advertising and implementing remarketing strategies are vital strategies for driving traffic and maintaining brand visibility.
  • The Pareto Principle is applicable to revenue sources, with the majority of revenue coming from a select few products or services.
  • The future of Zip Smart Com involves continued efforts to Google-proof the business, develop direct consumer engagement, and strengthen brand presence.


Q: What are some examples of the domain names that Zip Smart Com sold or acquired? A: Zip Smart Com divested themselves of names like "" and acquired "" as part of their strategy to focus on brandable domain names.

Q: How does Zip Smart Com engage with customers after they leave their website? A: Zip Smart Com uses remarketing strategies to target users who have previously visited their site. They show ads across various platforms, including YouTube, CNN, and Gmail, to maintain brand visibility and engagement.

Q: What are some future plans for Zip Smart Com? A: The company plans to explore additional avenues for consumer engagement, such as newsletters and social media. Their focus is on establishing long-term partnerships and delivering value to their customers.

Q: How does Zip Smart Com ensure its brand remains visible on Google despite changing algorithms and updates? A: While maintaining a strong organic presence on Google is essential, Zip Smart Com also purchases traffic through pay-per-click advertising to ensure visibility. Their focus is on leveraging Google to obtain customers who engage with their brand directly.

Q: How does the Pareto Principle Apply to Zip Smart Com? A: Like many businesses, Zip Smart Com sees the majority of their revenue coming from a select few products or services. Approximately 80% of their revenue is generated from 20% of their offerings. However, this distribution may shift over time as the company evolves.

Q: What makes a good domain name according to Jake Ackerman? A: According to Ackerman, a good domain name is one that is brandable and relevant to the industry. While exact match keyword names may have higher search volumes, a brandable name can have more significant long-term benefits in terms of engagement and memorability.

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