Learn how to convert sentence to Title Case using JavaScript

Learn how to convert sentence to Title Case using JavaScript

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Problem
  3. Splitting the STRING
  4. Iterating Through the Words
  5. Capitalizing the First Letter
  6. Concatenating the Strings
  7. Joining the Strings
  8. Testing the Function
  9. Next Challenge: Finding the Largest Number
  10. Conclusion

Introduction Welcome back to Free Code Camp! In this tutorial, we will be working on the Free Developer Certificate and focusing on basic algorithm scripting. Specifically, we will be tackling the "Title Case a Sentence" challenge. We will learn how to capitalize the first letter of every word in a sentence while converting the remaining letters to lowercase.

Understanding the Problem Before we begin, let's first understand the problem at hand. The objective is to take a sentence as input and return a new sentence where the first letter of each word is capitalized, while the rest of the letters are lowercase. For example, if the input is "here is my handle", the output should be "Here Is My Handle".

Splitting the String To proceed, we need to break down the given sentence into individual words. We can achieve this by creating an array of strings and splitting the original sentence using space as the delimiter. By doing so, we obtain an array where each element represents a separate word in the sentence.

Iterating Through the Words Now that we have our array of words, we need to iterate through each word and perform the necessary transformations. We can use a for loop to iterate through the elements of the array. By setting a placeholder variable as our iterator, we can access each word in the array.

Capitalizing the First Letter Next, we focus on capitalizing the first letter of each word. To accomplish this, we employ the charAt method. By using charAt(0), we can retrieve the first character of the word. We then convert this character to uppercase using the toUpperCase method.

Concatenating the Strings After capitalizing the first letter, we need to concatenate it with the remaining lowercase letters of the word. To achieve this, we use the slice method. By slicing the original word from index 1 onwards, we can separate the first letter from the rest of the word. We then convert the rest of the word to lowercase using the toLowerCase method. Finally, we concatenate the capitalized first letter with the modified word.

Joining the Strings Once we have completed the transformations for each word in the array, we need to join them back together into a single string. We use the join method to join the elements of the array, with a space as the separator. This results in a new sentence where each word is correctly capitalized.

Testing the Function To ensure our function is working as expected, we can test it with various input sentences. By providing different sentences, we can verify that each word is properly capitalized while the rest of the letters are converted to lowercase.

Next Challenge: Finding the Largest Number After successfully completing the "Title Case a Sentence" challenge, we can move on to the next challenge. In this new challenge, we will be tasked with finding the largest number in an array. We will accomplish this by iterating through the array and using comparison operators to determine the largest number.

Conclusion In this tutorial, we have learned how to capitalize the first letter of each word in a sentence while converting the remaining letters to lowercase. We have explored the process of splitting the string, iterating through the words, capitalizing the first letter, concatenating the strings, and joining them back together. We have also discussed the next challenge of finding the largest number in an array. With the knowledge gained from this tutorial, you are now equipped to tackle other algorithm scripting challenges. Keep practicing and exploring new coding concepts. Happy coding!


  • Learn how to capitalize the first letter of each word in a sentence
  • Convert the remaining letters to lowercase
  • Split the string into an array of words
  • Iterate through the words and Apply the necessary transformations
  • Join the words back together into a new sentence
  • Test the function with different input sentences
  • Progress to the next challenge: finding the largest number in an array

FAQ: Q: What is the purpose of this challenge? A: The purpose of this challenge is to practice string manipulation and learn how to capitalize the first letter of each word in a sentence.

Q: Can I use built-in string functions? A: Yes, you are allowed to use built-in string functions to solve this challenge. However, the tutorial provides an approach that avoids using additional functions.

Q: How can I test my solution? A: You can test your solution by providing different input sentences and checking if the output correctly capitalizes the first letter of each word while converting the remaining letters to lowercase.

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