Master the art of split screen with Avid Media Composer

Master the art of split screen with Avid Media Composer

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Basics of Split Screen Effects
  3. Setting up the Timeline
  4. Adding Tracks and Selecting Shots
  5. Patching and Marking Clips
  6. Applying the 3D Picture in Picture Effect
  7. Adjusting the Scale, Crop, and Position
  8. Adding Borders and Configuring Parameters
  9. Timing and Keyframing the Animation
  10. Finalizing the Split Screen Effect


In this article, we will be exploring the world of split screen effects in Avid Media Composer. Split screen effects allow us to display multiple images simultaneously on the screen, creating dynamic and visually engaging compositions. Whether You're new to effects editing or a seasoned pro, this guide will walk you through the steps of creating impressive split screen effects and provide helpful tips for efficiency and troubleshooting.

The Basics of Split Screen Effects

Before we dive into the technical details, let's first understand the concept of split screen effects. Split screen effects involve dividing the screen into multiple sections, each displaying a different image or video clip. This technique is widely used in films, television shows, and music videos to depict Parallel actions, compare contrasting scenes, or convey multiple perspectives.

Split screen effects can be applied in various ways. The most common approach is to have two images side by side, each occupying half of the screen. However, split screens can also be used to Show simultaneous actions in different locations or to Create a highlight reel effect for sports events. The possibilities are endless, and with the right tools and techniques, you can unlock your creativity and take your editing skills to the next level.

Setting up the Timeline

To begin creating a split screen effect, you'll need to set up your timeline in Avid Media Composer. Make sure you have the latest version installed and running smoothly on your computer. Once you're ready, open Media Composer and create a new project or open an existing one.

Next, navigate to the timeline window and ensure that the necessary tracks are available. In a split screen Scenario, you'll typically need multiple video tracks to accommodate the different images. If you don't have enough video tracks, you can easily add new ones by right-clicking in the timeline window and selecting the "Add New" option. Choose "Video Track" and click on the desired track position to create it.

Adding Tracks and Selecting Shots

Now that you have the required tracks in place, it's time to select the shots or images you want to include in your split screen effect. This step involves gathering your source footage and preparing it for the editing process. You can organize your source clips in a bin or container, making it easier to locate and import them into your timeline.

Once you have your source clips ready, go back to the timeline window and ensure that the correct video tracks are patched. Stacking order is crucial in a split screen situation, as the higher tracks will cover up the content below. In most cases, you'll want to stack the images from left to right or top to bottom, depending on the desired layout.

To patch the tracks, activate the track you want to place your first image on. Then, select the source clip from your bin or container, mark the desired in and out points, and use the overwrite command to place it on the timeline. Repeat this process for each image or shot you want to include in your split screen effect, ensuring that they correspond to the correct video tracks and are properly patched.

Patching and Marking Clips

Patching and marking clips in your timeline is a crucial step in the split screen effect creation process. This step ensures that each image appears in the correct position and duration. It also allows you to define the areas of the shots that will be visible in the split screen.

To begin, make sure that the desired video track is activated and properly patched for the shot you want to edit. If you need to add a new video track, simply right-click in the timeline window and select "Add New" followed by "Video Track."

Once the track is ready, find the source clip or image that corresponds to that track and select it. By using the mark clip command, you can specify the exact in and out points for the clip in the timeline. This ensures that it aligns perfectly with the desired timing and duration.

When marking the clip, you can use the option to mark the clip on V1, which automatically adjusts the duration to match the clip on that track. This makes it easier to maintain consistency and avoid timing issues when working with multiple images.

Applying the 3D Picture in Picture Effect

Now that all the necessary tracks and clips are in place, it's time to Apply the 3D picture in picture effect in Avid Media Composer. This effect will allow you to manipulate and position the images within the split screen, creating a visually compelling composition.

To apply the effect, navigate to the effects palette in Media Composer. Look for the picture in picture category under the Blend category. Within this category, you'll find various effects that can be used for split screen compositions, including 2D and 3D options.

For this tutorial, we'll focus on the 3D picture in picture effect since it offers more flexibility and control. Simply drag and drop the 3D picture in picture effect onto the desired video track and adjust the parameters as needed.

Adjusting the Scale, Crop, and Position

Once you have applied the 3D picture in picture effect, you can begin adjusting the scale, crop, and position of the images within the split screen. These parameters allow you to customize the size, aspect ratio, and position of each image, ensuring they fit perfectly within the composition.

To modify the scale of an image, open the effects editor and locate the scale parameter. Adjust the value to a percentage that matches your desired scale. Alternatively, you can directly manipulate the image in the effects preview window by using the scaling tool.

Crop is another important parameter to consider when creating a split screen effect. It allows you to remove unwanted parts of the image and focus on the essential elements. In the effects editor, look for the crop parameter and adjust the values accordingly. You can also use the crop tool in the effects preview window for more precise control.

Positioning the images within the split screen is crucial for achieving the desired composition. Adjust the position parameter in the effects editor to move the image horizontally or vertically. Again, you can directly manipulate the image in the effects preview window for easier control and visual feedback.

Adding Borders and Configuring Parameters

To enhance the visual impact of your split screen effect, consider adding borders to the images. Borders help separate the different sections of the split screen and provide a clean and polished look. In Avid Media Composer, you can easily add borders to your images using the border parameter within the effects editor.

Open the border parameter and adjust the width and color to your liking. You can choose a solid color or sample a color from the screen to match the overall aesthetic of your composition. Experiment with different border styles and thicknesses to find the one that best suits your creative vision.

Additionally, take AdVantage of other parameters offered by the 3D picture in picture effect, such as rotation and opacity. These additional settings allow you to further customize the look and feel of the images within the split screen. Play around with different values and combinations until you achieve the desired effect.

Timing and Keyframing the Animation

To bring your split screen effect to life, you'll need to animate the images and time their appearance and movement. This step involves keyframing, a technique that allows you to create smooth transitions and precise timing within your composition.

Begin by determining the duration and timing of your split screen effect. Plan out when each image should enter, hold, and exit the frame. By using even time numbers, such as one Second or 1.5 seconds, you can easily keep track of the timing and ensure a consistent and synchronized animation.

To keyframe the animation, locate the desired frame within the timeline and add a keyframe for each image. In Avid Media Composer, you can use the Add Keyframe button within the effects editor or directly manipulate the image in the effects preview window. Remember to add keyframes at the starting and ending points of each animation to define the movement or position change.

Once the keyframes are in place, you can easily adjust the animation by dragging the images or changing the parameter values. Media Composer will automatically interpolate the movement between keyframes, creating a smooth and fluid animation. Take your time to fine-tune the timing and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a visually compelling split screen effect.

Finalizing the Split Screen Effect

Once you're satisfied with the timing, positioning, and overall look of your split screen effect, it's time to finalize the composition. Double-check your timeline for any stray keyframes or unwanted adjustments. Make sure all the parameters are set correctly and that the split screen is visually balanced and visually appealing.

Preview your split screen effect by scrubbing through the timeline or playing it in real-time. Take note of any issues or areas that need improvement. If adjustments are needed, use the techniques and tips discussed earlier to fine-tune the effect and achieve the desired result.

After finalizing the split screen effect, you can render or export it as a finished video file. Avid Media Composer offers various export options to suit your needs, including different formats and resolutions. Consider the delivery platform and audience requirements when choosing the export settings.

With your split screen effect complete, take a moment to appreciate the visual impact and creativity you've achieved. Split screen effects can elevate your video editing projects and add a layer of sophistication and storytelling. Experiment with different layouts, transitions, and effects to unleash your full creative potential.


  • Split screen effects allow you to display multiple images simultaneously on the screen.
  • Avid Media Composer offers powerful tools for creating impressive split screen effects.
  • Set up your timeline by adding the necessary video tracks and organizing your source clips.
  • Patch and mark the clips in your timeline to ensure proper positioning and duration.
  • Apply the 3D picture in picture effect to manipulate and position the images.
  • Adjust the scale, crop, and position parameters to customize the appearance of each image.
  • Enhance your split screen effect with borders and additional parameters like rotation and opacity.
  • Keyframe the animation to create smooth transitions and precise timing.
  • Finalize the split screen effect by reviewing and fine-tuning the composition.
  • Export or render your split screen effect as a finished video file.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I create split screen effects with more than two images? A: Yes, you can create split screen effects with as many images as you like. The process remains the same, but you'll need to add more tracks and adjust the positioning and parameters accordingly.

Q: Can I use different effects for each split screen image? A: Absolutely! Avid Media Composer offers a wide range of effects and transitions that you can apply to each individual image within the split screen. Feel free to experiment and get creative with different effects to achieve the desired look.

Q: How can I ensure my split screen effect looks balanced and visually appealing? A: Pay attention to the positioning, scale, and cropping of each image within the split screen. Take a step back and evaluate the overall composition to ensure a balanced and visually engaging result. Adjust parameters and make fine-tuning adjustments as necessary.

Q: Can I customize the timing and duration of each split screen image? A: Yes, you have full control over the timing and duration of each image within the split screen. Use keyframes to animate the movement or position changes and adjust the timing as needed. Remember to maintain consistency and synchronization between the different images.

Q: Are there any tips for troubleshooting common issues when creating split screen effects? A: Common issues may include incorrect stacking order, improper patching, or unwanted keyframes. Double-check your timeline, ensure proper patching of tracks, and delete any unnecessary keyframes. If you encounter specific problems, don't hesitate to seek support from the Avid community or online forums.

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