Master the Reverb Echo Effect for an Epic Song Ending

Master the Reverb Echo Effect for an Epic Song Ending

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Echo Reverb Effect
  3. Applying the Default Transition
  4. Cutting Out the Part for Echo
  5. Moving the Audio Clip to Track 1
  6. Applying the Studio Reverb Effect
  7. Extending the Echo with Black Video or Duplicated Clip
  8. Adjusting the Studio Reverb Settings
  9. Adding a Small Transition to Eliminate Clicks
  10. Tips for Using Epidemic Sound
  11. Why Applying the Effect at the Track Level?
  12. Adjusting the Volume of the Track
  13. Enhancing the Video with Sound Effects
  14. Mixing Sound Effects Using the Central Sound Panel
  15. Playback of the Final Video with Reverb Effects Applied
  16. Conclusion

Applying the Echo Reverb Effect in Premiere

Are You looking to add a professional touch to your music tracks or videos? One great way to do that is by applying the echo reverb effect. This effect can give your audio a unique and immersive feeling, bringing it to life. In this article, we will guide you through the process of applying the echo reverb effect in Adobe Premiere.

Understanding the Echo Reverb Effect

Before we dive into the detailed steps, let's understand what exactly the echo reverb effect is. The echo reverb effect creates a natural reverberation or echo at the end of a music track or video. Instead of a sudden fade-out, this effect adds depth and richness to the audio, making it more interesting and engaging for the audience.

Applying the Default Transition

To begin, you will add a default transition at the end of your audio clip. In Premiere, you can simply right-click on the clip or use the Ctrl+Click shortcut to access the options. Select "Apply Default Transition" to add a transition to the clip. By stretching the transition out slightly, you can Create a smooth fade-out effect.

Cutting Out the Part for Echo

Next, identify the section of the audio that you want to echo. This could be a specific word or phrase that you want to emphasize. Use the playback feature in Premiere to identify the desired section and make precise cuts using the "C" key on your keyboard. Delete any unnecessary parts of the audio to focus solely on the desired echo section.

Moving the Audio Clip to Track 1

To apply the echo effect at the track level, you need to move the audio clip to track 1. By doing this, you ensure that only the selected section of audio is affected by the echo. Simply click and drag the clip down to track 1 or use the option+arrow key combination to move it.

Applying the Studio Reverb Effect

Now it's time to apply the studio reverb effect to the track. Open the audio track mixer in Premiere by clicking on the gray area and selecting "Audio Track Mixer" from the dropdown menu. Find the studio reverb effect and double-click on it to access the settings. You can experiment with different presets or adjust the decay and wetness parameters according to your preferences.

Extending the Echo with Black Video or Duplicated Clip

To extend the echo effect, you have a couple of options. You can either stretch out a video clip if you have one above the audio track, or you can create a black or transparent video by selecting "New Item" and then "Black Video" or "Transparent Video." Another option is to duplicate the audio clip by pressing the option key and dragging it up to a new audio track. Disable the duplicated clip and extend it as needed.

Adjusting the Studio Reverb Settings

After extending the echo, you can make further adjustments to the studio reverb effect. Access the effect settings by double-clicking on the studio reverb effect in the audio track mixer. Explore different presets and tweak parameters to achieve the desired echo effect. Decreasing the decay and increasing the wetness can help create a longer-lasting and more pronounced echo.

Adding a Small Transition to Eliminate Clicks

Sometimes, applying the echo effect can result in clicks or glitches at the end of the audio. To fix this, you can add a small transition at the end of the audio clip. Right-click on the clip and select "Apply Default Transition." Adjust the transition Type to "Constant Power" and shorten its duration to eliminate the clicks. This will ensure a smooth transition between the audio and the echo effect.

Tips for Using Epidemic Sound

In this video demonstration, the music and sound effects are provided by Epidemic Sound. Epidemic Sound offers a subscription-Based service that allows you to access a wide range of high-quality music and sound effects for your videos. You can find the link to the Premiere Gal Editing Essentials list in the video description, which provides recommendations for background music that pairs well with video content.

Why Applying the Effect at the Track Level?

You might wonder why it's important to apply the echo effect at the track level instead of directly on the clip. The reason is that applying the effect at the track level allows for the echo to Continue beyond the selected section. If you apply it directly to the clip, there's no space for the echo to reverberate and create the desired effect. Working with the audio track mixer gives you more control and flexibility in creating a natural-sounding echo.

Adjusting the Volume of the Track

To add more dynamics to your audio, you can adjust the volume of the track. By keyframing the volume using the track keyframes, you can create gradual fade-ins or fade-outs. This technique allows you to control the intensity of the echo effect and add a more polished touch to your audio. Simply select all the clips on the track, access the track keyframes, and adjust the volume accordingly.

Enhancing the Video with Sound Effects

Apart from applying the echo effect, you can further enhance your video by incorporating sound effects. Using the Epidemic Sound library or other sound effect sources, you can add elements like beeps, washes, or glitch sounds to create a more immersive experience. Placing the sound effects strategically within the timeline and using transitions can bring the visuals and audio together seamlessly.

Mixing Sound Effects Using the Central Sound Panel

Premiere Pro offers a centralized sound panel that makes it easy to mix and balance your sound effects. Select all the sound effect clips simultaneously by clicking and dragging a Lasso around them. Access the central sound panel and choose the "Auto Match" option to normalize the audio levels. You can also experiment with the reverb presets to add depth and create a Cohesive soundscape.

Playback of the Final Video with Reverb Effects Applied

Once you have applied the echo reverb effect and mixed all the elements together, take a moment to play back the final video. You should be able to hear the echo effect seamlessly integrated into the audio, enhancing the overall quality and impact. If everything sounds great, you're now ready to export and share your professionally enhanced video with the world.


Adding the echo reverb effect to your music tracks or videos can bring a new level of sophistication and immersion to your content. By following the step-by-step instructions in this article, you can easily apply the echo reverb effect using Adobe Premiere. Remember to experiment with settings, adjust volumes, and add additional sound effects to create a truly captivating experience for your audience. Enhance your videos and elevate your creative projects with the power of the echo reverb effect.

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