Master Your Skills with the Checker Tool

Master Your Skills with the Checker Tool

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Dungeon Simulator V2
  3. Overview of the Checker Tool
  4. Creating the Checker Tool 4.1. Choosing the item 4.2. Renaming the item 4.3. Setting up the description
  5. Adding the /check command 5.1. Setting the command mode 5.2. Adding action to set player stats
  6. Triggering the functions
  7. Testing if the player is holding the item
  8. Displaying the player's stats
  9. Adding extra features
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the process of creating a Checker Tool for a house in the popular game Dungeon Simulator V2. The Checker Tool allows players to check and display their stats by holding a specific item and running a command. We will guide You through step-by-step instructions on how to Create this tool in your own house. So let's dive in and learn how to make your gameplay more interactive and enjoyable!

Dungeon Simulator V2

Before we begin, let's take a moment to talk about Dungeon Simulator V2. This exciting game offers players a thrilling dungeon-crawling experience with various levels, challenges, and rewards. If you haven't already, make sure to check out Dungeon Simulator V2 and experience the excitement for yourself. Now, let's move on to the main topic of this article: the Checker Tool.

Overview of the Checker Tool

The Checker Tool is a handy item that allows players to view their in-game stats with a simple command. By holding the Checker Tool and running the "/check player" command, players can Instantly see their player ID, gold, level, and XP. This tool provides a quick and convenient way to track your progress and monitor your performance in the game.

Creating the Checker Tool

Now that we understand the purpose of the Checker Tool, let's get into the nitty-gritty of creating it. Follow these steps to bring the Checker Tool to life in your house.

4.1 Choosing the item

In this step, we'll choose the item that will serve as the Checker Tool. Many houses use a name tag for this purpose, but feel free to use any item that fits your theme or preference.

4.2 Renaming the item

Once you have selected the item, use the item editor function to rename it as the Checker Tool. Give it a unique and recognizable name that reflects its purpose.

4.3 Setting up the description

To guide players on how to use the Checker Tool, we need to provide a description. Use the item editor function again to set the Lore of the item as "/check player" to inform players about the command they need to run to check their stats.

Adding the /check command

Now that the Checker Tool is ready, it's time to create the command that will trigger the stat check. Follow these steps to add the "/check player" command to your house.

5.1 Setting the command mode

In the house settings, navigate to the commands section and add the "/check" command. Make sure to set the toggle mode to "targeted" so that the command requires players to specify the player they want to check.

5.2 Adding action to set player stats

In this step, we will link the "/check" command to the player stats. Add an action that sets the player's stats (such as gold, level, and kills) to global stats. This way, the stats can be accessed by everyone and displayed upon running the command.

Triggering the functions

To ensure that the command triggers the desired actions, we need to set up a function that activates the Checker Tool for all players. Configure the function to trigger when the "/check" command is used by anyone.

Testing if the player is holding the item

To avoid displaying stats for all players unintentionally, we need to test if the player is holding the Checker Tool before displaying the stats. This step ensures that only the player who triggered the command will see their own stats.

Displaying the player's stats

Finally, we can display the player's stats once we have confirmed they are holding the Checker Tool. Design a message that includes the player's stats, such as gold, level, and kills. You can also incorporate additional features like sound effects to enhance the player's experience.

Adding extra features

Once you have mastered the basics of creating the Checker Tool, feel free to explore additional features and enhancements. You can customize the stats displayed, add graphical elements, or even create a leaderboard to compare players' stats. The possibilities are endless, so let your creativity shine!


Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to create a Checker Tool in your own house in Dungeon Simulator V2. This simple yet powerful tool allows players to easily check and view their in-game stats. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, you can enhance your gameplay experience and add more interactivity to your house. Now, go ahead and impress your friends with your new creation!


  • Create a Checker Tool in Dungeon Simulator V2
  • Easily check and display in-game stats
  • Step-by-step guide with detailed instructions
  • Customize the tool to fit your preferences
  • Enhance gameplay experience and interactivity in your house


Q: Can I use any item as the Checker Tool? A: Yes, you can choose any item that you prefer and rename it as the Checker Tool.

Q: Can I customize the stats displayed? A: Yes, you have the flexibility to choose which stats to display and how they are presented to the players.

Q: Can I add additional features to the Checker Tool? A: Absolutely! Once you have mastered the basics, feel free to explore and add extra features like sound effects, graphical elements, or leaderboards.

Q: How can I access the Checker Tool in the game? A: Simply hold the Checker Tool item and run the "/check player" command to view your stats.

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