Mastering Audio Levels: Adobe Audition Tutorial

Mastering Audio Levels: Adobe Audition Tutorial

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding audio volume inconsistencies
  3. Switching to multitrack mode in Adobe Audition
  4. Matching clip loudness
  5. Applying effects to achieve consistent volume
    • 5.1. Amplitude and compression effect
    • 5.2. Using dynamics effect
  6. Adjusting threshold and ratio for compression
  7. Applying makeup gain to enhance loudness
  8. Applying effects to both host and guest tracks
  9. Comparing volume before and after applying effects
  10. Visual representation of consistent volume
  11. Conclusion

Achieving Consistent Audio Volume in Adobe Audition

Have You ever experienced inconsistencies in audio volume while editing recordings? It can be frustrating to have some tracks louder than others, especially when working on a Podcast or radio Show. In this article, we will explore how you can achieve consistent audio volume using Adobe Audition.


When editing audio recordings, it is essential to maintain a consistent volume throughout the project. Inconsistencies in volume can lead to a poor listening experience for your audience. Fortunately, Adobe Audition provides a range of tools that can help you achieve a balanced and consistent audio volume.

Understanding audio volume inconsistencies

Before we dive into the solution, let's understand the common causes of audio volume inconsistencies. When working with multiple audio tracks, such as a host track and a guest track recorded via Skype, the volume levels can vary significantly. This difference in volume can be attributed to various factors, including microphone quality, recording environments, and compression settings.

Switching to multitrack mode in Adobe Audition

To begin the process of achieving consistent audio volume, you need to switch to multitrack mode in Adobe Audition. This mode allows you to work with multiple tracks simultaneously, making it easier to edit and adjust volume levels.

Matching clip loudness

Once you've switched to multitrack mode, you can select all the audio clips that you want to make consistent in terms of volume. Adobe Audition provides a handy feature called "Match Clip Loudness" that automatically adjusts the volume levels to be as close as possible. By selecting the clips and choosing the option, Adobe Audition analyzes the overall loudness of each clip and matches them together.

Applying effects to achieve consistent volume

For further fine-tuning and achieving a consistent volume, you can Apply effects to each track individually. One of the most useful effects for this purpose is the amplitude and compression effect called "Dynamics."

5.1 Amplitude and compression effect

By adding the Dynamics effect to the host track, you can effectively compress the peaks and make the volume levels more consistent. Adjusting the threshold and ratio settings on the compressor strip of the effect helps in controlling the peaks and creating a smoother, more even volume.

5.2 Using dynamics effect

Similarly, the Dynamics effect can be applied to the guest track to achieve a consistent volume. Since the guest track is often more compressed due to the nature of Skype calls, the ratio may need to be adjusted accordingly to avoid over-compression.

Adjusting threshold and ratio for compression

To achieve optimal compression, you need to carefully adjust the threshold and ratio settings of the Dynamics effect. By gradually lowering the threshold and observing the gain reduction, you can find the sweet spot where the peaks are suppressed, and the volume becomes more consistent.

Applying makeup gain to enhance loudness

After compressing the volume, you can use the makeup gain feature to increase the overall loudness without affecting the consistency. By carefully adjusting the makeup gain, you can ensure that the audio remains clear and balanced.

Applying effects to both host and guest tracks

To achieve a consistent volume between the host and guest tracks, it is essential to apply the effects Mentioned above to both tracks separately. This ensures that both tracks have a similar volume level and avoid any noticeable differences.

Comparing volume before and after applying effects

After applying the effects to both tracks, it's crucial to compare the volume levels before and after. By listening to the audio and observing the volume meters, you can evaluate the effectiveness of the adjustments made. Ideally, the host and guest tracks should have similar volume levels, creating a seamless listening experience.

Visual representation of consistent volume

To Visualize the achieved consistent volume, you can switch back to the waveform view in Adobe Audition. By selecting the multitrack mixdown option, you can see the waveform representation of the edited tracks. Comparing the waveforms before and after applying the effects, you can visually observe the difference in volume consistency.


Achieving consistent audio volume is crucial in delivering high-quality audio content. By following the steps outlined in this article, utilizing the features and effects provided by Adobe Audition, you can ensure that your recordings have a well-balanced and pleasant listening experience. Remember to switch to multitrack mode, match clip loudness, and apply amplitude and compression effects to Create a consistent volume between tracks. With Adobe Audition's powerful tools, audio editing becomes easier and more efficient.


  • Achieve consistent audio volume in Adobe Audition.
  • Understand the causes of audio volume inconsistencies.
  • Switch to multitrack mode for easier editing.
  • Use the "Match Clip Loudness" feature for initial volume adjustment.
  • Apply the amplitude and compression effect called "Dynamics" for further fine-tuning.
  • Adjust the threshold and ratio settings to control compression levels.
  • Utilize makeup gain to enhance overall loudness.
  • Ensure consistency by applying effects to both host and guest tracks.
  • Compare volume levels before and after adjustments.
  • Visualize volume consistency through waveform representation.


Q: Can I achieve consistent audio volume using other audio editing software? A: While this article focuses on Adobe Audition, other audio editing software may also offer similar features and effects. However, the steps mentioned here are specifically tailored for Adobe Audition users.

Q: How can I ensure that the compression settings are optimal for my specific recording? A: Adjusting the compression settings may require some experimentation and fine-tuning. It is recommended to listen to the audio carefully and observe the volume meters while making adjustments. Aim for a balance between suppressing peaks and maintaining clarity.

Q: Will applying effects to both host and guest tracks impact the overall sound quality? A: When applied appropriately and considering the unique characteristics of each track, the effects should not significantly impact the sound quality. However, it is essential to monitor the audio closely and make adjustments to achieve the desired balance between volume and quality.

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