Revolutionizing Human-AI Interaction: Grapholog and Sensecape

Revolutionizing Human-AI Interaction: Grapholog and Sensecape

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Challenge of Understanding LLMs
  3. Introducing Grapholog: An Interactive System
  4. How Grapholog Works
  5. Interactions with Grapholog
  6. Addressing Annotation and Mistakes
  7. Customizing the Complexity of the Diagram
  8. Summary of Grapholog's Benefits
  9. Introduction to Sensecape
  10. Limitations of Conversational Interfaces
  11. The Solution: Sensecape for Complex Information Tasks
  12. Features of Sensecape
  13. How Sensecape Facilitates Sense Making
  14. Conclusion


In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT have gained immense popularity. These models have revolutionized the way we learn and explore new topics by allowing users to interact with them using natural language prompts. However, understanding the often lengthy responses generated by LLMs can be time-consuming, especially when users ask follow-up questions or Seek clarification on related concepts. This article explores the challenges faced when navigating LLM-generated information and introduces two interactive systems, Grapholog and Sensecape, that address these challenges and facilitate the comprehension and exploration of LLM-generated information.

The Challenge of Understanding LLMs

LLMs like ChatGPT have the ability to generate comprehensive responses based on natural language prompts. However, grasping the underlying concepts and relationships within these responses can be mentally and physically demanding for users. The current text-based conversational interfaces of LLMs require users to scroll back and forth, identify key concepts, and interpret their relationships to form a coherent mental picture. This process can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with complex information. To alleviate these challenges, an interactive system called Grapholog has been developed.

Introducing Grapholog: An Interactive System

Grapholog is an interactive system that takes the text stream from LLMs like GPT4 as inputs and constructs an interactive node-link diagram in real time. By presenting information in the form of a diagram, Grapholog enables intuitive comprehension and flexible exploration of LLM-generated information. The diagram serves as an entry point for direct and graphical interaction with the LLM, creating a graphical dialogue between humans and LLMs.

How Grapholog Works

When a user types a query into Grapholog, it wraps the query with a customized Prompt designed to facilitate the construction of the interactive diagram. To ensure that diagrams are generated simultaneously with the text responses, Grapholog leverages a customized prompt that generates text with embedded inline annotations. These annotations allow entities and relationships to be extracted piece by piece in real time, enabling diagram generation.

Grapholog divides responses into paragraphs, with each paragraph focusing on a single aspect of the response. This approach generates smaller and separated diagrams to avoid visual overload. The system maintains the connection between the text and the diagram, allowing users to hover over nodes in the diagram to highlight the corresponding text in the original response. Similarly, users can point at Texts to highlight corresponding products in the diagram.

Interactions with Grapholog

Grapholog provides several interactive features to enhance user experience. Users can toggle the visibility of low saliency relationships in the diagram to reduce clutter and focus on high-level relationships. In case there are mistakes in the generated annotations, Grapholog automatically prompts GPT4 for additional rounds of annotation per Paragraph. Users can also manually correct any issues by trimming unnecessary nodes or merging incorrectly co-referenced nodes. Grapholog offers user controls to customize the complexity of the diagram based on their comprehension needs. Users can click the "Tell Me More" button for additional details on a specific aspect or use the "Mainstay" button to get a summarized response. Furthermore, Grapholog allows users to merge all the diagrams into one for a holistic overview of the explored information.

Addressing Annotation and Mistakes

Although GPT4 has powerful annotation capabilities, it may make mistakes from time to time, such as annotating orphan entities or dead-end relationships. Grapholog automatically detects such issues per paragraph and prompts GPT4 for additional annotation rounds to rectify any identified issues. However, complex sentences and unfamiliar terms may still pose challenges for accurate annotation. In such cases, users can manually correct the annotations by removing unnecessary nodes or merging incorrectly co-referenced ones.

Customizing the Complexity of the Diagram

Grapholog provides a variety of user controls to customize the complexity of the diagram for better comprehension. Users can adjust the level of detail by toggling the visibility of low saliency relationships. This allows users to view the diagram in more detail or reduce clutter depending on their preference. By offering these customization options, Grapholog aims to provide users with a tailored and optimal visualization of the LLM-generated information.

Summary of Grapholog's Benefits

Grapholog overcomes the limitations of text-based conversational interfaces of LLMs by leveraging interactive diagrams. It enables intuitive comprehension and flexible exploration of LLM-generated information. By directly and graphically representing concepts and their relationships, Grapholog facilitates a graphical dialogue between humans and LLMs. The interactive features of Grapholog, such as text highlighting, customizable complexity, and summarization, enhance the user's ability to understand and explore LLM-generated information.

Introduction to Sensecape

In the era of large language models, conversing with them has become the norm for information tasks. However, conversational interfaces have limitations when it comes to complex information tasks. Sensecape is an interactive system designed to tackle these limitations and support multi-level exploration and sense making.

Limitations of Conversational Interfaces

Conversational interfaces, while natural and interactive, lack the ability to support the flexible structuring of information. Complex information tasks require a non-linear interface that allows for better organization and structuring of the information space. The linear nature of conversational interfaces makes it challenging to create a structured exploration path and can result in information overload.

The Solution: Sensecape for Complex Information Tasks

Sensecape offers a solution to the limitations of conversational interfaces by leveraging large language models and the flexibility of non-linear interfaces. With Sensecape, users can engage in structured exploration and sense making by searching for information, arranging collected information spatially, and grouping and connecting them based on relevance and relationships. The system allows users to navigate the information space in a hierarchical manner, reflecting on the relationships between topics and updating the hierarchy as they build their understanding.

Features of Sensecape

Sensecape provides a canvas view where users can search for information, arrange collected information spatially, and connect them based on relevance and relationships. Users can use semantic zoom and semantic dive to manage the complexity of general information and quickly expand their abstraction hierarchy. Additionally, Sensecape offers a hierarchy view where users can reflect on the relationships between topics at a high level and update the hierarchy as they build their understanding of the information space. Users can seamlessly switch between the hierarchy and canvas views to systematically explore and make sense of the information space.

How Sensecape Facilitates Sense Making

Sensecape facilitates structured exploration and sense making through its various functionalities. Users can generate questions, explore multiple questions simultaneously, and easily revisit generated responses. They can externalize their thoughts by visually extracting text to organize their topics of interest. Sensecape's semantic zoom helps users understand key ideas by reducing overwhelming information. Users can dive into specific topics to create a new canvas for further exploration, forming a hierarchical exploration path. The hierarchy view allows users to reflect on the relationships between topics and update the hierarchy as their understanding evolves. By seamlessly switching between the hierarchy and canvas views, users can systematically navigate and comprehend the information space.


Large language models have revolutionized the way we engage with information, and conversational interfaces are becoming the preferred method of communication. However, these interfaces face challenges when it comes to complex information tasks that require structured exploration and sense making. Grapholog and Sensecape address these challenges by providing interactive systems that facilitate comprehension, exploration, and organization of LLM-generated information. By leveraging interactive diagrams and non-linear interfaces, users can overcome the limitations of text-based interfaces and engage in more efficient and effective information tasks.


  • Grapholog and Sensecape are interactive systems that address the challenges of understanding and organizing LLM-generated information.
  • Grapholog leverages interactive diagrams to facilitate comprehension and exploration of LLM-generated information.
  • Users can interact with Grapholog to highlight text, toggle relationship visibility, and customize the complexity of the diagram.
  • Sensecape provides a non-linear interface for structured exploration and sense making.
  • Users can search for information, spatially arrange and connect collected information, and reflect on the relationships between topics.
  • Grapholog and Sensecape enhance the capabilities and user experience of conversing with LLMs.


Q: Can Grapholog generate diagrams in real time? A: Yes, Grapholog takes the text stream from LLMs as inputs and constructs interactive node-link diagrams in real time.

Q: Can users customize the complexity of the diagram in Grapholog? A: Yes, Grapholog provides user controls to toggle low saliency relationships and adjust the level of detail in the diagram.

Q: Is Grapholog capable of correcting annotation mistakes made by LLMs? A: Yes, Grapholog automatically prompts the LLM for additional rounds of annotation to address any mistakes or issues identified in the diagram.

Q: How does Sensecape support multi-level exploration? A: Sensecape allows users to navigate the information space in a hierarchical manner, reflecting on the relationships between topics and updating the hierarchy as their understanding evolves.

Q: Can users switch between different views in Sensecape? A: Yes, users can seamlessly switch between the canvas view, where they can spatially arrange and connect information, and the hierarchy view, where they can reflect on the relationships between topics.

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