Securing Technological Leadership in the Age of AI

Securing Technological Leadership in the Age of AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Stakes of Global Technology Competition
    1. The Enormous Stakes at HAND
    2. Our Values and Way of Life
    3. Differential Rates of Growth and Development
    4. Military Power and Success
    5. productivity and Wealth
    6. Investing in Technologies and People
    7. Embedding Our Values in Technological Advancements
  3. Understanding the Competition with China
    1. The Challenge of Technological Development
    2. The Export of Chinese Technology
    3. The Lack of Industrial Process
    4. The Impact on Values and the World
  4. The Need for a Strategy in Technology Competition
    1. The Importance of Defining the Strategy
    2. The Limitations of Containment
    3. The Role of R&D and Export Controls
    4. Developing Technological Leadership
    5. Investing in Human Capital
    6. Establishing Export Controls and Standards
  5. The Role of Congress in Technology Competition
    1. Learning from History
    2. Cultivating a Dynamic Economy
    3. Nurturing Alliances and Partnerships
    4. Starving State Capitalist Economies
    5. Striking the Right Balance in Trade Policies
  6. The Global Technology Leadership Act and Its Motivations
    1. Addressing the Knowledge Gap
    2. The Importance of an Annual Technology Assessment
    3. Creating a Framework for Strategic Decision-Making
    4. Evaluating Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities
  7. Effective Congressional Action in Technology Competition
    1. Celebrating the Achievements of the Chips and Science Act
    2. Strategies for Balancing Analysis and Enforcement
    3. The Role of Secretary Gina Raimondo
    4. The Potential for Comprehensive AI Legislation
    5. Harnessing the Hunger for Learning in Congress
  8. Conclusion


In the age of artificial intelligence (AI), global technology competition has become a paramount concern for nations worldwide. As the stakes continue to rise, the ability to understand, anticipate, and adapt to technological advancements becomes increasingly critical. The need to establish effective strategies, foster innovation, protect national security, and preserve values has led to a conversation on technology competition in Washington, D.C. Two Senators, Todd Young and Michael Bennett, gathered at the Wadwani Center for AI and Advanced Technologies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies to discuss the implications of this competition and explore potential solutions. This article will delve deep into their conversation, analyzing the challenges, motivations, and actions required to secure a competitive advantage in the age of AI.

The Stakes of Global Technology Competition

The Enormous Stakes at Hand

Senator Young emphasized the tremendous stakes involved in global technology competition. He stressed that the very values and way of life of nations are at stake. Though some may view this perspective as exaggerated, history has shown that differential rates of growth and technological development can impact military power and campaign success. Therefore, defending our way of life is intertwined with our ability to compete technologically.

Our Values and Way of Life

The competition is not solely about defense; it is also about material welfare. Today's modern technologies have dual uses, making them Relevant both in the military sector and the private sector. Our productivity as an economy and the wealth of individuals and households depend to a great extent on advancements in these technologies. Hence, it is crucial to invest in research, design, and development, ensuring that our values are embedded in these technologies.

Differential Rates of Growth and Development

Countries that experience different rates of growth and technological development often witness varying levels of military power and success. These disparities pave the way for competition and competition, influencing the global order. Understanding the implications of this competition is vital for nations aiming to maintain their positions of power and influence.

Military Power and Success

The link between differential growth rates and military power has been observed throughout history. Nations that prioritize technological advancements gain a significant advantage in their military campaigns. Therefore, it is essential to invest in technologies, foster innovation, and prioritize the development of advanced military systems to enhance our national security and defense capabilities.

Productivity and Wealth

Modern technologies, with their dual uses, play a significant role in both military and civilian domains. Embracing these technologies leads to increased productivity and, consequently, wealth. Therefore, it is crucial to invest in people and resources to ensure that we remain at the forefront of technological advancements. By doing so, we create a prosperous society that benefits individuals, households, and the nation as a whole.

Investing in Technologies and People

Recognizing the vast potential of technological advancements, it is vital to invest in the development of these technologies. This investment should focus on designing, developing, and manufacturing high-tech components. By doing so, we can secure a competitive edge and ensure our values are ingrained in the products and services we offer to the world.

Embedding Our Values in Technological Advancements

As technological advancements continue to Shape the world, it is crucial to embed our values in these developments. Standards for artificial intelligence, privacy, bias, and consumer protection should be established, ensuring that technological advancements Align with our values. By doing so, we can offer humanity an alternative to the surveillance state model propagated by authoritarian regimes like China.

Understanding the Competition with China

The Challenge of Technological Development

Senator Bennett highlighted the challenge posed by China's technological advancements. He recalled his experience on the intelligence committee, where it became evident that China was exporting telecommunications technology worldwide. European countries and companies embraced this technology, unwittingly embedding Beijing's surveillance state in their infrastructure. This realization raised serious concerns about the lack of an industrial process that could compete with China's offerings.

The Export of Chinese Technology

China's exploitation of its technological advancements has had far-reaching consequences. By exporting its surveillance state technology and embedding it globally, China has sought to expand its influence and control. The lack of a competitive offering from the West allowed China to establish a dominant position in global technology exports, undermining Western values and security.

The Lack of Industrial Process

The absence of a robust industrial process capable of competing with China has become a glaring weakness. This deficiency in the West's ability to develop and manufacture critical technologies poses a significant challenge to national security. Establishing an effective industrial process capable of driving technological innovation is essential for overcoming this disadvantage and staying competitive.

The Impact on Values and the World

China's exploitation of technology has brought into question its commitment to values such as democracy and human rights. Instead of embracing the internet as a means to democratize, China has used it to concretize its surveillance state and export it globally. This exploitation of technology by authoritarian regimes highlights the need for the West to ensure that its technological advancements align with our values to offer humanity a different path.

The Need for a Strategy in Technology Competition

The Importance of Defining the Strategy

Given the current global circumstances, it is crucial to establish a clear strategy for technology competition. While the concept of containment may not be the best approach, lessons from the past can inform our strategy moving forward. Investing in research and development, fostering alliances and partnerships, and starving state capitalist economies of critical inputs are among the key components of a successful strategy.

The Limitations of Containment

While containment was an effective strategy during the Cold War, it may not be the most suitable approach for today's era of technological competition. With China's integration into the global economy, containment would only result in hardship for nations worldwide. Instead, the focus should be on fostering an open, democratic capitalist system while ensuring that critical inputs to state capitalist economies are limited.

Developing Technological Leadership

To compete effectively, it is crucial to invest in technological advancements and develop our own technological leadership. This investment should include research and development, infrastructure, and human capital. By nurturing innovation, we can slow down the pace at which China can steal technology and level the playing field.

Investing in Human Capital

Human capital is a critical component of technological competitiveness. By investing in education and creating a skilled workforce, nations can ensure their citizens are equipped to participate fully in a technology-driven economy. This investment also enables countries to cultivate their own technological innovations and reduce dependence on external sources.

Establishing Export Controls and Standards

To address the challenges posed by state capitalist economies like China, it is essential to establish export controls and standards. By setting high standards for development and trade, nations can ensure that countries like China abide by the rules when accessing broader global markets. Establishing standards in areas such as artificial intelligence, privacy, bias, and consumer protection will promote fair competition while safeguarding national values.

The Role of Congress in Technology Competition

Learning from History

Congress has historically played a crucial role in shaping policies and strategies during times of competition. Learning from past experiences, such as the establishment of NASA during the early days of the space race, Congress can legislate and guide the nation toward technological leadership. By harnessing the dynamism of the American economy and cultivating alliances, Congress can foster advancements in critical technological areas.

Cultivating a Dynamic Economy

A dynamic economy is pivotal in maintaining a competitive edge in technology. Congress should focus on creating a favorable regulatory atmosphere and forging partnerships to encourage economic productivity. By investing in research and development, as well as in the development of a skilled workforce, Congress can enhance the nation's economic strength.

Nurturing Alliances and Partnerships

Building and nurturing alliances and partnerships are vital aspects of technological competition. Drawing from the lessons of the Cold War, when alliances were crucial to containing the Soviet Union, Congress should prioritize fostering relationships with other nations. By collaborating with international partners, the United States can strengthen its technological ecosystem while ensuring shared values and security.

Starving State Capitalist Economies

One way to level the playing field in technological competition is to reduce the influence of state capitalist economies. By limiting the flow of critical inputs to these economies, such as leading-edge semiconductors, the United States can hinder their technological advancements. This strategy would ensure that American values are not compromised and would promote fair competition on a global Scale.

Striking the Right Balance in Trade Policies

Congress should strike the right balance in trade policies by considering the unique challenges posed by technological competition. While competition with countries like China requires caution, it is essential to maintain robust trade relationships with allies. Leveraging comparative advantages and ensuring fair trade practices will enable the United States to maintain its global competitiveness while upholding its values.

The Global Technology Leadership Act and Its Motivations

Addressing the Knowledge Gap

Recognizing the need for a comprehensive understanding of technological developments, Senator Young and Senator Bennett introduced the Global Technology Leadership Act. This legislation aims to bridge the knowledge gap by creating an Office of Global Competition Analysis. This office would be responsible for producing an annual technology net assessment to inform policymakers and guide decision-making.

The Importance of an Annual Technology Assessment

The annual technology net assessment serves as a critical tool for policymakers to gain insights into the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities in global technology competition. By conducting regular assessments, policymakers can identify areas requiring strategic investments, gauge the nation's competitive position, and enable effective decision-making.

Creating a Framework for Strategic Decision-Making

The establishment of the Office of Global Competition Analysis provides a framework for strategic decision-making. By gathering and analyzing data, conducting comprehensive assessments, and presenting the information to policymakers, this office will ensure that decision-makers have a clear understanding of the challenges and opportunities in technology competition.

Evaluating Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities

The primary motivation behind the Global Technology Leadership Act is to assess the nation's technological landscape critically. By identifying strengths and building on them, as well as identifying weaknesses and addressing them, this legislation aims to guide the nation's investments and policy decisions. This comprehensive evaluation will help ensure that the United States remains at the forefront of technological advancements.

Effective Congressional Action in Technology Competition

Celebrating the Achievements of the Chips and Science Act

Senator Young and Senator Bennett highlighted the significance of the Chips and Science Act, a landmark piece of legislation for promoting American technological industries. The act provides substantial investment in the semiconductor sector, unlocking private investments of over $200 billion. This investment will bolster research, development, and manufacturing capabilities in the semiconductor industry, securing a competitive advantage for the United States.

Strategies for Balancing Analysis and Enforcement

Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo has requested additional resources for analysis and enforcement to strengthen the nation's export control posture. Balancing resources efficiently while achieving the necessary analytical capacity is crucial. Congress should explore options for resource allocation to ensure the nation's technology ecosystem is protected while fostering innovation.

The Role of Secretary Gina Raimondo

Secretary Raimondo's request for additional resources aligns with the ongoing conversations surrounding technology competition. Recognizing the importance of analysis and enforcement, Congress should work to provide the necessary resources, ensuring that the Department of Commerce has the capacity to effectively respond to the evolving technological landscape.

The Potential for Comprehensive AI Legislation

In conjunction with the Global Technology Leadership Act, Congress is considering comprehensive AI legislation. This legislation aims to provide a regulatory framework for AI, balancing risk management with enabling innovation. By setting standards and regulations, Congress can guide the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies with a focus on both civil rights and national security.

Harnessing the Hunger for Learning in Congress

The hunger for learning and comprehensive understanding of technology-related topics is palpable in Congress. Senators recognize the need to bridge the knowledge gap and leverage insights from industry experts, academics, and stakeholders. By doing so, Congress can develop informed strategies and legislation to effectively compete in global technology markets.


The conversation on global technology competition in the age of AI highlights the challenges, motivations, and actions required to secure a competitive advantage. The stakes are enormous, encompassing defense, material welfare, values, and national security. It is crucial to understand the competition with China, address gaps in strategic preparation, and foster innovation while safeguarding values. Congress plays a pivotal role by legislating, investing in human capital, and nurturing alliances. The Global Technology Leadership Act and comprehensive AI legislation are prime examples of effective congressional action. By analyzing technology landscapes, creating frameworks, and providing resources, Congress can guide the United States towards technological leadership in the 21st century.

This article is based on the conversation between Senators Todd Young and Michael Bennett at the Wadwani Center for AI and Advanced Technologies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

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