Send 1000+ Cold Emails/Day with 50% Open Rates using

Send 1000+ Cold Emails/Day with 50% Open Rates using

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Importance of Booking Meetings for Agencies and Service Businesses
  3. The Secret to Booking Three to Five Meetings Every Day
  4. The Power of Cold Emailing
  5. Setting Up the Tech Infrastructure
  6. Buying Secondary Domains and Connecting Email Accounts
  7. The Warm-Up Process for Email Accounts
  8. Finding and Targeting the Right Leads
  9. Using Lead Hype and Apollo for Lead Generation
  10. Cleaning Leads with Bulk Email Checker
  11. Setting Up Campaigns with Instantly
  12. Uploading Lead Lists and Creating Email Sequences
  13. Launching Campaigns and Monitoring Results
  14. Optimizing and Scaling the Email Outreach Strategy
  15. Responding to Positive Replies and Booking Meetings
  16. Closing Deals and Increasing Monthly Recurring Revenue
  17. Conclusion


Running an agency or providing any type of service online requires a constant stream of meetings to secure new clients and generate revenue. However, if you're not booking three to five meetings every single day, you're leaving significant money on the table. In this article, we will explore a highly effective strategy that will teach you how to book a substantial number of meetings for your agency or service business. By implementing this strategy, even if you only close one of these meetings per day, you can add thousands, or even tens of thousands, of dollars in monthly recurring revenue to your business. So, let's dive in and discover the secret to boosting your meeting bookings.

🖋️The Importance of Booking Meetings for Agencies and Service Businesses

As an agency owner or service provider, booking meetings is crucial for the growth and success of your business. Meetings serve as an opportunity to build relationships, understand clients' needs, Present your services, and ultimately close deals. Without a consistent flow of meetings, your agency will struggle to generate revenue and expand its client base. By booking three to five meetings every day, you can significantly increase your chances of acquiring new clients and increasing your monthly recurring revenue.

🔐The Secret to Booking Three to Five Meetings Every Day

The secret to booking a high number of meetings lies in the power of cold emailing. While some agencies rely on sending a modest number of cold emails each day, the key to success is to send a larger volume. Instead of sending 50 cold emails, we recommend sending a thousand cold emails and call messages per day. This may seem like a significant increase, but the results speak for themselves. By sending out a higher volume of targeted cold emails, you can achieve a 50% or higher open rate, leading to an additional one to ten demos every day. With proper execution and conversion, this can Translate into three to five additional meetings daily.

💻Setting Up the Tech Infrastructure

Before diving into the cold email strategy, it's crucial to set up the necessary tech infrastructure. This involves buying secondary domains and connecting email accounts to ensure high deliverability and efficient email sending. By separating your main domain from the secondary domains used for cold outreach, you can isolate the reputation of your main domain and increase the likelihood of landing in the primary inbox. This step includes purchasing domains related to your business and connecting them to an email service provider like Google Workspace. Additionally, warming up the email accounts for approximately 14 days is essential for building a positive reputation and optimizing deliverability.

🔍Finding and Targeting the Right Leads

To achieve success with your cold email strategy, it's essential to identify and target the right leads. You want to focus on prospects who fit your ideal customer profile and have the highest potential for conversion. Analyze your existing client base to determine the characteristics and industries that bring the most success. Once you have a clear customer avatar, you can use lead generation tools like Lead Hype and Apollo to find Relevant leads. These tools allow you to apply filters and scrape data from platforms like LinkedIn Sales Navigator. After pulling the leads, it's crucial to clean the list using tools like Bulk Email Checker to ensure the accuracy and quality of your lead database.

📧Setting Up Campaigns with Instantly

Instantly is a powerful tool that streamlines the process of setting up and running email campaigns. With Instantly, you can easily upload lead lists, create email sequences, and schedule campaigns for sending. The power lies in its ability to rotate sending domains and ensure high deliverability rates. By incorporating predefined email templates or customizing your own, you can personalize your outreach and increase the chances of engagement. Once the campaign is set up, Instantly takes care of the LegWork, sending out the cold emails to your target audience.

🔁Optimizing and Scaling the Email Outreach Strategy

After launching your campaigns, it's crucial to optimize and Scale your email outreach strategy. Monitor the results and analyze which campaigns and target segments generate the highest response rates. This data will guide you in refining your messaging and targeting to maximize conversions. As you witness the success of your initial campaigns, scaling up becomes straightforward. Adding more domains and increasing the volume of cold emails sent per day allows you to reach a larger audience and generate a higher number of positive replies.

💬Responding to Positive Replies and Booking Meetings

When positive replies start pouring in, it's essential to respond promptly and professionally. From the centralized inbox provided by Instantly, you can engage with potential clients, share additional information, and book meetings. This stage requires effective communication and the ability to highlight the value your agency or service brings to their business. By nurturing these leads and guiding them through the sales process, you can increase the chances of conversion and successfully book meetings.

💰Closing Deals and Increasing Monthly Recurring Revenue

The ultimate goal of booking meetings is to close deals and increase your agency's monthly recurring revenue. Once you have booked meetings, it's time to showcase your expertise, demonstrate the value of your services, and guide potential clients towards signing contracts. By effectively presenting your offers, addressing their needs, and negotiating terms, you can convert these meetings into long-term client relationships. With successful closures, you will see a significant boost in your monthly recurring revenue, adding substantial value to your agency.


Booking three to five meetings every day is not only achievable but also essential for the growth and success of your agency or service business. By implementing the cold email strategy outlined in this article, you can significantly increase your meeting bookings, attract high-value clients, and generate substantial monthly recurring revenue. The power lies in setting up the necessary tech infrastructure, finding and targeting the right leads, leveraging Instantly for streamlined campaign management, and optimizing and scaling your outreach efforts. With proper execution and dedication, you can unlock a wealth of opportunities and take your agency to new heights. Start implementing this proven strategy today and reap the rewards of a thriving agency.

📢 Highlights:

  • Learn how to book three to five meetings every day for your agency or service business
  • Discover the power of cold emailing in generating leads and revenue
  • Set up the necessary tech infrastructure, including secondary domains and email accounts
  • Find and target the right leads using lead generation tools
  • Use Instantly to set up and automate your email campaigns
  • Optimize and scale your email outreach strategy for maximum results
  • Respond to positive replies and book meetings effectively
  • Close deals and increase your monthly recurring revenue
  • Achieve long-term success by following this proven strategy
  • Elevate your agency to new heights with a thriving client base


🙋‍♂️ FAQ:

Q: How long does it take to set up the tech infrastructure for cold emailing? A: The initial setup may take a couple of hours, but it is a one-time process. Once set up, the tech infrastructure is ready to be utilized for your cold email campaigns.

Q: Are there any recommended email service providers for connecting secondary domains? A: Google Workspace is a popular choice as it offers reliable email services and a user-friendly interface. However, you can use any IMAP or SMTP provider that suits your preferences.

Q: How often should I clean my lead list? A: It is advisable to clean your lead list before uploading it into Instantly or any other email outreach tool. Regular cleaning ensures that you are reaching out to valid and active email addresses, improving your chances of successful email delivery.

Q: Can I personalize my email sequences with Instantly? A: Yes, Instantly allows you to add personalization to your email sequences. By customizing the content and addressing the recipient by their name or company, you can increase the chances of engagement and positive responses.

Q: How can I ensure a high open rate for my cold emails? A: Implementing the warm-up process for your email accounts and following best practices for email deliverability, such as setting up SPF and DKIM records correctly, can significantly improve your open rates.

Q: What are some key metrics to track in order to optimize my email outreach strategy? A: Key metrics to monitor include open rates, reply rates, positive replies, and conversion rates. By analyzing these metrics, you can identify which campaigns and target segments are performing well and make data-driven optimizations.

Q: How can I effectively close deals during meetings? A: To effectively close deals during meetings, focus on understanding the client's pain points, presenting your solutions, and emphasizing the value your agency brings. Address any objections, negotiate terms, and follow up promptly with a clear next step.

Q: Can this strategy be applied to any agency or service business? A: Yes, the cold email strategy outlined in this article can be adapted to suit different types of agencies and service businesses. Adjust the targeting, messaging, and value proposition based on your specific industry and client needs for optimal results.

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