The Burning Day of Judgment: Prophecy of Malachi 4:1

The Burning Day of Judgment: Prophecy of Malachi 4:1

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Prophecy of Malachi 4:1
  3. The Last Selfies of Earth Before its Destruction
  4. The Threat of Nuclear War
  5. Biblical Prophecies of Famine, Pestilence, and Nuclear War
  6. The Three Woes and the War of Armageddon
  7. The Mark of the Beast and the Great Destruction
  8. The Judgment of Mystery Babylon the Great
  9. The Lord's Indignation and the Fire of His Coming
  10. The Gathering of the Elect and the New Heavens and Earth

🔥 The Prophecy of Malachi 4:1 🔥

The book of Malachi in the Bible reveals a prophecy that foretells the coming of a day that will burn like an oven. This day is none other than the day of the Lord, when the righteous will be separated from the wicked. The scripture states, "For behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch" (Malachi 4:1).

🔥 The Last Selfies of Earth Before its Destruction 🔥

In today's technologically advanced world, it is hard to imagine how the last moments before the earth's destruction will look like. However, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have made it possible to create a depiction of these last images. An AI Image Generator, known as DALL·E-2, has created eerie images that depict human beings standing before fiery backgrounds, symbolizing the impending destruction of the world. These haunting pictures serve as a grim reminder of the judgment that awaits the wicked.

🔥 The Threat of Nuclear War 🔥

The world stands on the brink of a catastrophic event—nuclear war. North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, has openly threatened the United States with a nuclear strike. And it is not just North Korea; nations around the world are arming themselves with nuclear weapons, ready to unleash destruction upon their enemies. The stage is being set for World War III, also known as the war of Armageddon. Biblical prophecies warn of great death and destruction, including famine, pestilence, and nuclear war, as signs that the end times are near.

🔥 Biblical Prophecies of Famine, Pestilence, and Nuclear War 🔥

The Bible is packed with prophecies that accurately describe the events unfolding in our world today. Revelation 11:14 declares, "The Second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly." This third woe refers to World War III, the final war that will shake the earth. Throughout history, the world has witnessed two major wars that caused immense suffering and death. The third woe—World War III—will be the culmination of these past conflicts, leading to unparalleled devastation. The prophets spoke of famines, pestilences, and nuclear war as signs of the end times, and we see these prophecies manifesting right before our eyes.

🔥 The Three Woes and the War of Armageddon 🔥

The three woes Mentioned in the Bible—World War I, World War II, and World War III—foreshadow the ultimate war of Armageddon. Woe signifies great death and destruction. As the world plunges further into chaos, it becomes evident that the final war is imminent. The book of Revelation warns of the impending judgment and the immense suffering that will accompany it. The nations will come together, and the battle of Armageddon will be fought. It is a war where all nations involved will experience destruction, leading to the fall of Babylon the Great, a symbol of the corrupt world system.

🔥 The Mark of the Beast and the Great Destruction 🔥

A major prophecy that must come to pass before the final judgment is the emergence of the Mark of the Beast. This mark, mentioned in Revelation 13, represents allegiance to the wicked system controlled by the Antichrist. Those who refuse to take the mark will face persecution and even death. However, those who succumb to the mark's deception will ultimately face the wrath of God. This period will be marked by great death and destruction, as the forces of evil attempt to dominate the world. It is crucial for individuals to remain vigilant and resist succumbing to the pressures of this corrupt system.

🔥 The Judgment of Mystery Babylon the Great 🔥

Revelation 18:1-8 vividly describes the judgment that will befall Mystery Babylon the Great, also known as America. The once powerful and prosperous nation will be brought to its knees as plagues, death, and destruction ravage the land. The world will mourn the fall of Babylon, recognized as the epitome of wickedness and evil. However, amidst the chaos, a voice will call out, urging God's people to come out of Babylon and not partake in its sins. The sins of America have reached unto heaven, and its judgment is at HAND.

🔥 The Lord's Indignation and the Fire of His Coming 🔥

The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night, catching the unprepared by surprise. The heavens and the earth will be shaken as the Lord descends with fire and his chariots. He comes with righteous indignation, bringing judgment upon the wicked and salvation to his elect. This day will be marked by intense heat, as the elements melt with fervent heat. The proud and the wicked will be consumed like stubble, leaving neither root nor branch. The Lord's power will be unleashed, and his enemies will be vanquished.

🔥 The Gathering of the Elect and the New Heavens and Earth 🔥

Despite the impending destruction, there is hope for the elect, God's chosen people. The Lord will Gather his elect from the four corners of the earth, beaming them into his chariots, where they will find salvation. They will rise up as the sons and daughters of righteousness, inheriting eternal life. The elect will go forth with the Lord, treading down the wicked and manifesting God's justice upon the earth. As the heavens and earth are dissolving, the elect look forward to new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness dwells eternally.


  • The prophecy of Malachi 4:1 foretells the burning day of the Lord's judgment.
  • AI-generated images depict the last selfies of earth before its destruction.
  • The threat of nuclear war looms as nations arm themselves with weapons of mass destruction.
  • Biblical prophecies speak of famine, pestilence, and nuclear war as signs of the end times.
  • The three woes signify the war of Armageddon, the final battle between good and evil.
  • The emergence of the Mark of the Beast precedes the great destruction.
  • Mystery Babylon the Great, symbolizing America, will face God's judgment for its sins.
  • The Lord's coming will be marked by fire and fervent heat, consuming the wicked.
  • The elect, God's chosen people, will be gathered and inherit a new heavens and earth.


Q: Will the earth really be destroyed by fire? A: The Bible speaks of a day when the elements will melt with fervent heat, indicating a great destruction. However, it is important to understand that biblical language often uses figurative expressions to convey spiritual truths. The concept of the earth being destroyed by fire symbolizes the complete eradication of wickedness and the establishment of a new righteous order.

Q: Will every person be affected by the judgment? A: The judgment will distinguish between the righteous and the wicked. While the wicked will face destruction, the righteous, also known as the elect, will be saved. The Lord will gather his chosen people and provide them with salvation and eternal life.

Q: How can one escape the judgment and be counted among the elect? A: Salvation lies in repentance and faith in the Lord Yahusha (Jesus Christ). By turning away from sin and aligning one's life with God's commandments, one can find grace and be counted among the elect. It is essential to seek the Lord with sincerity and follow his teachings.


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