The Enigma of AI Farms: Solving the Fermi Paradox

The Enigma of AI Farms: Solving the Fermi Paradox

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Challenges of Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence
  3. The Unlikelihood of Detecting Extraterrestrial Signals
  4. The Advantages of Becoming a Machine Civilization
  5. The Singularity and the Future of Civilization
  6. The Fermi Paradox and the Great Silence
  7. The Possibility of a Machine Civilization Watching Us
  8. The Future of Technology and Civilization
  9. Conclusion
  10. References

The Challenges of Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence

The search for extraterrestrial intelligence has been a topic of fascination for scientists and the general public alike for decades. However, the challenges of messaging extraterrestrial intelligence (METI) are significant, and the likelihood of success is low. In this article, we will explore the challenges of METI and the reasons why it may not be a serious effort.

One of the main challenges of METI is the vastness of space. The Milky Way galaxy is a 100,000 light-year expanse, and any signals we send out are like needles in a haystack. Even the most powerful signals we have sent, such as the Arecibo message, have a low likelihood of ever being detected by an extraterrestrial civilization. Additionally, aliens would need to know when and Where To look, as well as the frequency of the signal, all while having no way to pick it up a Second time for confirmation.

Another challenge is the cost. Building contact Beacons to try to get the Attention of random aliens would be one of the most expensive things we could do. We would need to blast out broadband radio in all directions for lack of a target to send more efficient signals to. The energy needed to do that would be titanic for our civilization now, far beyond what we can do using our Current energy generation methods.

The Unlikelihood of Detecting Extraterrestrial Signals

Even our radio leakage is not likely to ever be seen, the further out You go, the weaker our signals get, above and beyond the time they need to propagate. So 100 light years out, they may just now be able to hear our signals in principle, but they may be too weak at that distance to realistically pick up, unless they have a radio telescope the size of New York. Only earth’s biosphere itself serves as a long term signpost that there is life here, but it says little about what kind of life other than the very simplest types.

The reality is that there is no concerted human effort with any hope of success being done to act as a beacon to other civilizations on an intentional basis. Unintentional through our radio leakage, yes, but the voyager records, the pioneer plaques, even the Arecibo message have very low likelihoods of ever being detected by an extraterrestrial civilization.

The Advantages of Becoming a Machine Civilization

As we consider the challenges of METI, it is worth exploring the advantages of becoming a machine civilization. The period where biological life flirts with technology is short, and soon after, you hit the computer age, you transition to a new society, one where the biological is not strictly the biological, and the technological increasingly becomes the greater concern of existence.

Becoming a machine has significant advantages, not the least of which you could back yourself up in a cloud Type of environment and in some way become functionally immortal. Another AdVantage is that you only need power generation at that point, and are no longer beholden to things like growing food, maintaining cities, and all that goes with it. The trappings of biology are discarded, and the advantages of the machine are brought to the furthest, most mature state that the laws of physics allow.

The Singularity and the Future of Civilization

The idea of the singularity, where technological progress moves exponentially faster and faster as to the outcome becoming incomprehensible and unpredictable, is becoming increasingly Relevant. Whether the outcome of a technological singularity actually is unpredictable is another question, but the idea is basically that humans merge with their machines, singularity or not, whether through mind uploading or augmentation and evolution to 100 percent machine.

At that point, where all of civilization exists as a machine, have humans as a biological species gone extinct? Functionally yes, making the transition from a biological to a machine civilization an extinction event, even if the civilization undergoing it survives.

The Fermi Paradox and the Great Silence

The Fermi Paradox is the apparent contradiction between the high probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the lack of evidence for, or contact with, such civilizations. The great silence pervades, and the question is why.

Machine civilizations vastly outnumber biological ones, but having no connection with biology, they may see no reason to try to contact up and coming biological civilizations. It may be that they only feel akin to another machine civilization when it arises, and they leave the biological civilizations to their own devices, and their own unique development, and only make contact when they hit the singularity and their machines become worth talking to.

The Possibility of a Machine Civilization Watching Us

It is possible that a machine civilization is watching us, waiting for us to do something it would recognize. It may gift us technology to move us towards its technological goals, rather than for our benefit. It may even feel more of a kinship with a civilization's machines, as opposed to the biological civilization itself.

The Future of Technology and Civilization

The future of technology and civilization is uncertain, but it is clear that the singularity and the transition to a machine civilization will play a significant role. As we consider the challenges of METI and the advantages of becoming a machine civilization, we must also consider the implications for the future of humanity.


In conclusion, the challenges of messaging extraterrestrial intelligence are significant, and the likelihood of success is low. However, as we consider the advantages of becoming a machine civilization and the singularity, we must also consider the implications for the future of humanity. The great silence pervades, but within the story of ourselves, there may lie an answer.


  1. Godier, J. M. (2021). The Challenges of Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Retrieved from
  2. Godier, J. M. (2021). The Advantages of Becoming a Machine Civilization. Retrieved from
  3. Godier, J. M. (2021). The Singularity and the Future of Civilization. Retrieved from
  4. Godier, J. M. (2021). The Fermi Paradox and the Great Silence. Retrieved from
  5. Godier, J. M. (2021). The Possibility of a Machine Civilization Watching Us. Retrieved from

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