The Future of Marketing Teams: Adapting to a Post AI World

The Future of Marketing Teams: Adapting to a Post AI World

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Impact of AI on Marketing Teams
    1. Changes in Skills and Organizations
    2. The Role of AI in Disrupting Marketing
  3. The Current State of Marketing Teams
    1. Questions and Concerns
    2. What Should You be Doing Now?
  4. The Future of Marketing Teams
    1. Predictions for the Next 12, 24, and 36 Months
    2. The Domestic Math of Marketing
  5. The Evolving Skills in Marketing Teams
    1. Channel Expertise vs. Domain Expertise
    2. The Commoditization of Channel Disciplines
    3. The Importance of Domain Expertise
    4. The Rise of AI Ops
  6. The Debate on the Future of Marketing Teams
    1. The Role of Channel Strategists
    2. The Fragmentation of the Internet
    3. The Unintended Consequences of AI
  7. The Three Functions that Increase in Importance
    1. Brand and Content
    2. Events and Community
    3. Uncertainties Around Product Marketing
  8. Conclusion

The Future of Marketing Teams in a Post AI World

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a game-changer in various industries, and marketing is no exception. As AI continues to advance, marketers are faced with the challenge of adapting to a Post AI world. This article explores the impact of AI on marketing teams and discusses the changes in skills, organizations, and the overall structure of marketing teams that will be necessary for success.


In the ever-evolving digital landscape, marketing teams must stay one step ahead to remain competitive. The emergence of AI technology has brought significant changes to the way marketing is done. From automation to data analysis, AI has the potential to revolutionize marketing strategies and reshape the roles and responsibilities within marketing teams.

The Impact of AI on Marketing Teams

Changes in Skills and Organizations

With the rise of AI, marketers need to acquire new skills and adapt to new ways of working. Channel expertise, such as paid advertising, search engine optimization, and email marketing, is becoming more commoditized as AI applications can automate many of these tasks. Instead, domain expertise, creativity, and the ability to tell engaging stories become increasingly valuable.

Moreover, the structure of marketing teams is also evolving. Traditional operational roles, like marketing ops, are likely to be replaced by AI ops personas who can leverage AI applications, stitch together data from various channels, and Create micro products that provide exceptional customer experiences.

The Role of AI in Disrupting Marketing

AI has the power to disrupt marketing in various ways. It can automate repetitive tasks, analyze large datasets, and generate insights that help marketers make informed decisions. However, AI is not a replacement for human marketers. It is a tool that can enhance their capabilities and enable them to focus on higher-level strategic tasks, such as crafting brand narratives and building strong customer relationships.

The Current State of Marketing Teams

As AI technology continues to advance, marketing teams are faced with uncertainty and questions about how to adapt. Many marketers are eager to understand what steps they should be taking now to prepare for the future. The current state of marketing teams involves a shift in focus towards acquiring domain expertise and leveraging AI applications to improve marketing strategies.

What Should You be Doing Now?

To succeed in a post AI world, marketers should start developing skills in areas that AI cannot replicate. This includes understanding consumer behavior, creating compelling brand narratives, and mastering the art of storytelling. By focusing on these areas, marketers can differentiate themselves and provide unique value in a world where AI becomes increasingly prevalent.

The Future of Marketing Teams

Predicting the exact future of marketing teams is challenging, but there are key trends and possibilities that marketers should consider. Over the next 12, 24, and 36 months, marketing teams are likely to become more technically Adept, with a strong emphasis on AI integration and data-driven decision making. Domain expertise and creativity will play a crucial role in building engaging brands and creating exceptional customer experiences.

The Debate on the Future of Marketing Teams

There is an ongoing debate about the future of marketing teams and the role of channel strategists. Some argue that channel expertise remains important, as the fragmentation of the internet will result in the emergence of new channels and platforms that require specialized knowledge. Others believe that the rise of AI will commoditize channel disciplines, making them less critical than domain expertise and the ability to leverage AI technologies.

The Fragmentation of the Internet

The internet is undergoing a process of fragmentation, with new platforms and channels emerging continuously. This fragmentation presents both challenges and opportunities for marketers. While AI can help marketers keep pace with the growing number of channels, there is still a need for channel strategists who can navigate this complex landscape and ensure marketing efforts are deployed effectively.

The Unintended Consequences of AI

While AI has the potential to automate many marketing tasks, there are potential unintended consequences that marketers need to be aware of. Data privacy and ethics are becoming increasingly important, and marketers must ensure they comply with regulations and meet customer expectations in terms of data protection. Additionally, the human touch and emotional connection provided by marketers are difficult to replicate with AI, making these skills and qualities valuable in a post AI world.

The Three Functions that Increase in Importance

In a post AI world, three functions are expected to increase in importance within marketing teams: brand and content, events and community, and product marketing. Brand and content will play a crucial role in creating differentiation and engaging customers on a deeper level. Events and community building will become more important as people crave in-person connections and Seek authentic experiences. The role of product marketing will evolve, with a potential shift towards guiding product differentiation and Perception in a world where AI is involved in decision-making processes.


The future of marketing teams in a post AI world is rapidly changing. While AI technology brings automation and new opportunities, marketers need to adapt their skills and organizations to thrive in this evolving landscape. By focusing on domain expertise, creativity, and strategic thinking, marketers can leverage AI Tools to enhance their marketing strategies and provide outstanding customer experiences. It is crucial for marketing teams to stay informed and continuously adapt to remain successful in a world where AI plays an increasingly significant role.


  • The rise of AI is transforming the marketing landscape, requiring marketers to adapt their skills and organizations.
  • Channel expertise is becoming commoditized, while domain expertise and the ability to tell compelling stories are gaining value.
  • AI technology can automate repetitive tasks, analyze data, and provide insights to enhance marketing strategies.
  • Marketing teams should develop skills in domain expertise and leverage AI applications to create exceptional customer experiences.
  • The future of marketing teams will rely on technical proficiency, brand and content creation, events and community-building, and potentially product marketing.
  • The role of channel strategists and the fragmentation of the internet are topics of debate regarding the future of marketing teams.
  • Unintended consequences of AI, such as data privacy and the need for human emotional connections, should be considered in a post AI world.


Q: Will AI replace marketing teams? A: While AI has the potential to automate certain tasks, it is not meant to replace marketing teams entirely. Rather, AI enhances the capabilities of marketers and allows them to focus on strategic activities that require human creativity and emotional intelligence.

Q: What skills will be essential for marketing teams in a post AI world? A: Domain expertise, creativity, storytelling, and strategic thinking will become increasingly important for marketing teams. In addition, technical skills related to AI integration, data analysis, and automation will be valuable for marketers to leverage AI technology effectively.

Q: How should marketers prepare for the future of marketing teams? A: Marketers should focus on developing domain expertise, honing their storytelling skills, and staying updated on AI advancements and capabilities. It is also important to adapt to emerging channels and platforms and embrace a mindset of continuous learning and growth.

Q: Will the role of channel strategists diminish with the rise of AI? A: There is some debate regarding the role of channel strategists in a post AI world. While AI can automate certain channel-related tasks, the fragmentation of the internet and the emergence of new platforms may still require specialized channel expertise and strategic guidance.

Q: What are the potential challenges and unintended consequences of AI in marketing? A: Data privacy, ethics, and the potential loss of human connection and emotional intelligence are key challenges and unintended consequences associated with AI in marketing. Marketers must navigate these issues responsibly and ensure compliance with regulations while maintaining a balance between automation and human touch to provide authentic customer experiences.

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