The Power of Visualizing Heaven: Unlocking Your Potential

The Power of Visualizing Heaven: Unlocking Your Potential

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction: My New Motorbike Adventure
  2. The Power of Thinking on a Motorcycle
  3. The Concept of Heaven
  4. Setting Our Minds on Heavenly Things
    1. Making a Conscious Decision
    2. Overcoming Earthly Distractions
  5. Jesus' Joy and Endurance
    1. The Joy of Redemption
    2. The Joy of Reuniting with God
  6. Clinging to Future Promises
  7. Reading and Meditating on Scripture
  8. Discussing and Sharing with Fellow Believers
  9. The Image of Heaven: Beyond Golden Clouds
  10. Embracing Activity, Challenge, and Adventure in Heaven
  11. Conclusion: Allowing Our Picture of Heaven to Guide Our Choices

The Power of Thinking on a Motorcycle

Have You ever experienced the freedom of riding a motorcycle? There's something about being enclosed in your helmet, cruising down the open road, that allows your mind to Wander and explore deep thoughts. As I ride on my new motorbike through the beautiful lanes of Cheshire, I can't help but reflect on the concept of heaven.

The Concept of Heaven

Truth be told, heaven is not something that occupies my mind often. It's not a subject that naturally invades our thoughts amidst the daily worries of jobs, mortgages, and putting food on the table. But as Christians, we know that our ultimate destination, our real home, lies not down here but up there in heaven. However, heaven can seem like an ephemeral concept unless we intentionally dedicate time and energy to understanding it.

Setting Our Minds on Heavenly Things

Colossians 3:2 challenges us to "set your mind on the things which are above, not on earthly things." This verse has a two-fold message. Firstly, it urges us to deliberately choose to focus our thoughts on heavenly matters. It requires a conscious decision to prioritize our eternal destination over the fleeting concerns of this world. Secondly, it acknowledges that if we fail to do so, the here and now will dominate our thinking, overshadowing the reality of the hereafter.

Jesus' Joy and Endurance

To truly grasp the significance of setting our minds on heaven, we can look to the example of Jesus. Hebrews 12:2 tells us that Jesus endured the cross, despising its shame, because of the joy set before Him. But what was this joy that enabled Him to endure such suffering?

There are two possibilities that come to mind. Firstly, Jesus found joy in knowing that His sacrifice on the cross would make redemption possible for all who accept His offer of salvation. Secondly, He may have found joy in the anticipation of being reunited with His Heavenly Father, from whom He had been physically separated for 33 years.

Clinging to Future Promises

If Jesus needed to cling to future promises to fulfill His purpose on earth, then surely we need to do the same. This brings us back to the challenge of setting our minds on heavenly things. It involves immersing ourselves in the Scriptures that speak about heaven and eternity. We need to meditate on them, allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal their truths to us. And we should not keep these thoughts to ourselves but discuss and share them with other believers to gain a fuller understanding.

The Image of Heaven: Beyond Golden Clouds

When we think of heaven, we often fixate on what it might look like. But the Scriptures don't provide us with a detailed visual description of heaven. Instead, we should focus on what it will be like. For me, heaven is being in permanent, unfettered connection with God the Father. It is like being with dear friends, overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure of each other's company. And heaven is not a static place; it is filled with activity, challenge, adventure, change, and surprise. It is a place where we can imagine spending endless time.

Conclusion: Allowing Our Picture of Heaven to Guide Our Choices

In a world consumed by the cares of the present, it is crucial to remind ourselves of our ultimate destination. Our picture of heaven should be strong enough to help us make the right choices when faced with decisions that have consequences both in the here and now and the hereafter. By setting our minds on heavenly things, reading and meditating on Scripture, engaging in discussions with fellow believers, and embracing the image of an active and adventurous heaven, we can Align our priorities with God's eternal perspective.


  1. Finding freedom and contemplation on a motorcycle ride.
  2. The challenge of thinking about heaven in the midst of earthly distractions.
  3. Setting our minds on heavenly things as a conscious decision.
  4. Jesus' joy and endurance in fulfilling His purpose on earth.
  5. The importance of clinging to future promises.
  6. Reading, meditating, and discussing scripture to understand heaven better.
  7. Moving beyond visualizing heaven and embracing its activity and adventure.
  8. Allowing our picture of heaven to guide our choices in the present.


Q: What is the significance of setting our minds on heavenly things? A: Setting our minds on heavenly things helps us align our priorities and make choices based on an eternal perspective. It allows us to transcend the distractions of this world and focus on our ultimate destination.

Q: How can we develop a clearer picture of what heaven will be like? A: By immersing ourselves in Scripture and meditating on passages that speak about heaven and eternity, we can gradually form a better understanding of what heaven might be like. Additionally, discussing and sharing these thoughts with fellow believers can enrich our perspective.

Q: Is heaven a static place, or is it filled with activity and adventure? A: While the Scriptures do not provide a detailed visual description of heaven, they do suggest that it is a place of continuous activity, challenge, adventure, change, and surprise. It is a place where we will be in constant, unhindered connection with God and enjoy the company of loved ones.

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