Top Tips for Students & Graphic Designers in 2023

Top Tips for Students & Graphic Designers in 2023

Table of Contents:

  1. Focus on the person You want to become
  2. Your learning begins when you leave uni
  3. Hone your craft and showcase your own style
  4. The importance of portfolio and problem-solving
  5. Learn from the experiences of other professionals
  6. Embrace failure as a learning opportunity
  7. Avoid imposter syndrome and comparison
  8. Expand your knowledge beyond your field
  9. Long-term thinking and investing in your skills
  10. Networking and collaboration in the creative industry


Focus on the person you want to become

As a student or someone starting in the field of graphic design, it can be challenging to navigate the online world where everyone seems to have an opinion about what you should be doing or how you should be acting. However, the most important piece of advice is to focus on the person you want to become rather than what others tell you you should be. It's essential to have a clear vision of your goals and aspirations and work towards them despite the noise of external opinions.

Your learning begins when you leave uni

Many students believe that once they graduate from university or college, they will automatically secure a job in their field. However, the reality is that the learning process truly begins once you leave the formal education system. When hiring graphic designers, agencies and clients often look beyond qualifications and focus on the skills and personality that would fit their team. Therefore, it is crucial to Continue honing your craft and improving your portfolio even after completing your formal education.

Hone your craft and showcase your own style

Graphic design is a craft that requires continuous practice and refinement. To stand out in the industry, it's important to spend time honing your craft and getting your portfolio to a place where it showcases your unique style. While it is essential to understand and appreciate design principles, it is equally important to be authentic and avoid being a carbon copy of someone else's work. Be yourself, trust your instincts, and always strive to showcase your problem-solving skills through every portfolio piece.

The importance of portfolio and problem-solving

When applying for graphic design jobs or freelance opportunities, your portfolio plays a significant role in getting clients and employers' Attention. While qualifications are important, agencies and clients are primarily interested in seeing your work and understanding how you approach problem-solving. Treat each portfolio piece as an opportunity to showcase your problem-solving abilities. Explain your thought process, the challenges you faced, and how you solved them creatively. Remember, agencies and clients are not just hiring ideas; they are hiring you and the unique perspective you bring.

Learn from the experiences of other professionals

One of the best ways to grow as a graphic designer is to learn from professionals who have been in the industry for a significant amount of time. They have likely made mistakes, learned from them, and developed efficient design practices. Invest in their books and courses to gain insights into how they present their work, attract better clients, and navigate the business side of the creative industry.

Embrace failure as a learning opportunity

In the Journey towards becoming a successful graphic designer, failure is inevitable. It is crucial not to be discouraged by bad work or projects that do not meet your expectations. Embrace failure as a learning opportunity and an opportunity to grow. Every failure teaches you how not to approach a problem, pushing you further towards finding innovative solutions. Remember that even experienced professionals have faced failure countless times before achieving success. Keep going, keep learning, and keep striving for improvement.

Avoid imposter syndrome and comparison

Imposter syndrome is a common occurrence among creative individuals. It is the feeling of inadequacy or self-doubt, often triggered by comparing your work to others. As a student, you might be constantly critiquing other people's work and feeling like your own does not measure up. It is important to understand that there will always be someone better, faster, or smarter than you. Instead of letting comparison discourage you, use it as a motivation to continuously improve and grow in your craft. Remember that everyone's journey is unique, and progress takes time.

Expand your knowledge beyond your field

To foster creativity and make unique connections, it is crucial to broaden your knowledge beyond graphic design. Seek inspiration and learn from different backgrounds and disciplines. Explore areas such as music, product design, or any other field that piques your interest. Creativity is about making connections and combining ideas from diverse sources. By incorporating elements from different domains into your work, you can Create more innovative and functional designs for your clients.

Long-term thinking and investing in your skills

In the fast-paced creative industry, it can be tempting to focus on short-term gains and Instant gratification. However, adopting a long-term perspective is crucial for sustainable success. Invest time and effort in developing your skills and building a strong foundation for your career. Building a social community and following takes time, but it pays off in the long run. Additionally, understanding the business side of the industry is equally vital. Learn how to negotiate, set up a business, and run operations effectively. These skills will help you thrive as both a creative and an entrepreneur.

Networking and collaboration in the creative industry

Building a successful career in graphic design often involves collaboration and networking. While some creatives prefer to work independently, it is essential to recognize the benefits of partnering with others who complement your skills. Collaborating with like-minded individuals can help you expand your knowledge, reach a wider audience, and explore new opportunities. Additionally, networking with professionals in the industry can lead to mentorship, referrals, and invaluable connections. Embrace collaboration and seek out networking opportunities to enhance your growth as a graphic designer.


  • Focus on your personal growth as a graphic designer rather than seeking validation from others.
  • Your learning journey begins after leaving university.
  • Hone your craft and present your unique style through your portfolio.
  • Showcase your problem-solving skills and creativity in every portfolio piece.
  • Learn from experienced professionals to gain valuable insights.
  • Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Avoid imposter syndrome and comparing yourself to others.
  • Expand your knowledge beyond graphic design to foster creativity.
  • Think long-term and invest in your skills for sustainable success.
  • Network and collaborate to broaden your opportunities in the industry.


Q: How important is having a portfolio in graphic design? A: A portfolio is crucial in showcasing your skills and capabilities as a graphic designer. It serves as tangible proof of your abilities and provides potential clients or employers an insight into your problem-solving approach and style.

Q: Can I succeed as a graphic designer without a formal degree? A: While a formal degree in graphic design can provide a strong foundation, it is not the sole determinant of success. Building a strong portfolio, continually learning and improving your skills, and networking with industry professionals can compensate for the absence of a degree.

Q: How do I deal with imposter syndrome in the creative industry? A: Imposter syndrome is common among creative individuals. To combat it, focus on your growth and progress, rather than comparing yourself to others. Recognize that everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses, and celebrate your own achievements.

Q: How can I find networking opportunities in the graphic design industry? A: Networking can be done through attending industry events, joining online communities or forums, and reaching out to professionals in the field. Engage in conversations, seek mentorship, and collaborate with like-minded individuals to expand your opportunities in the industry.

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