Uncle Roger vs HowToBasic: Epic Kitchen Disaster!

Uncle Roger vs HowToBasic: Epic Kitchen Disaster!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to How To Basic
  2. Reviewing Ramen Tutorial: A Slow and Boring Experience
  3. Exploring the Quirky Ramen Bath Video
  4. The Disturbing World of How To Basic
  5. Non-Food Videos: Rubik's Cube and Laptop Destruction
  6. The Egg Chronicles: A Hatred for Eggs?
  7. How To Basic's Unconventional Cooking Methods
  8. The Rice Cooker Saga: Versatility and Destruction
  9. Uncle Roger's Nightmare: The Fried Rice Video
  10. Bloopers and Behind the Scenes of How To Basic

Introduction to How To Basic

How To Basic is a YouTube Channel that has gained a significant following for its unconventional and often bizarre content. The channel's videos cover a wide range of topics, from cooking tutorials to household tips and pranks. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the notable videos on the channel, exploring the peculiarities and controversies surrounding How To Basic's content.

Reviewing Ramen Tutorial: A Slow and Boring Experience

One of the most notable videos on How To Basic is their ramen tutorial. However, what starts as a promising cooking tutorial quickly turns into a slow and tedious process. Uncle Roger, a popular food reviewer, expresses his frustration with the video, criticizing the amateurish techniques and slow pace. While the video may have its humorous moments, it fails to provide an engaging and informative tutorial on ramen preparation.

Exploring the Quirky Ramen Bath Video

In another peculiar video, How To Basic takes ramen to a whole new level by creating a ramen bath. Uncle Roger is appalled by this unorthodox use of food and questions the sanity of the channel's creator. The video showcases a bizarre scene where a bathtub is filled with ramen noodles, giving the impression that the host is bathing in a pool of soup. Uncle Roger expresses his disgust and suggests that the channel be renamed "How To Waste Food."

The Disturbing World of How To Basic

How To Basic is known for pushing boundaries and creating shock value with its content. The channel's videos often feature the destruction of food and household items, leaving viewers both perplexed and entertained. Uncle Roger questions the purpose of such videos and wonders if they serve any real value beyond entertainment. While some find the shock factor amusing, others argue that it promotes wastefulness and lacks substance.

Non-Food Videos: Rubik's Cube and Laptop Destruction

Despite its focus on food-related content, How To Basic also explores other subjects. The channel has videos on solving a Rubik's Cube and even destroying a laptop. Uncle Roger finds these videos more tolerable since they don't involve wasting food. However, he still questions the channel's aggressive approach and wonders if the host might benefit from therapy Sessions.

The Egg Chronicles: A Hatred for Eggs?

How To Basic has a peculiar relationship with eggs, as seen in many of their videos. Uncle Roger notices a trend of egg destruction and waste, leading him to conclude that the channel's host may have a deep dislike for eggs. He finds this fixation on destroying eggs both confusing and wasteful. Despite the comedic moments, Uncle Roger suggests that such videos lack substance and contribute to a culture of food wastage.

How To Basic's Unconventional Cooking Methods

One recurring theme in How To Basic's cooking tutorials is their unconventional and often messy methods. Uncle Roger remarks on the exaggerated techniques used, such as violently mixing ingredients or the excessive use of certain ingredients. While these videos may provide some entertainment value, Uncle Roger questions their practicality and whether they actually teach viewers anything useful in the kitchen.

The Rice Cooker Saga: Versatility and Destruction

In one surprising video, How To Basic showcases the versatility of a rice cooker by using it to Create a variety of recipes. Uncle Roger is taken aback by this destructive yet creative approach and acknowledges that a rice cooker can indeed be used for more than just cooking rice. However, he raises concerns about the unnecessary destruction of household items and questions the motive behind such actions.

Uncle Roger's Nightmare: The Fried Rice Video

Uncle Roger recalls one of the most infamous videos from How To Basic, the fried rice tutorial. This video showcases everything that frustrates and annoys Uncle Roger in a cooking tutorial. From the improper use of ingredients to the lack of wok hei, Uncle Roger is left horrified by the inaccuracies and unconventional methods demonstrated in this video. He expresses his disappointment and emphasizes the importance of learning authentic cooking techniques.

Bloopers and Behind the Scenes of How To Basic

To wrap up the article, we Delve into the lighter side of How To Basic by exploring the bloopers and behind-the-scenes footage of their videos. Uncle Roger marvels at the intricacies of video production and the effort put into creating these comedic masterpieces. While the content may not be to everyone's taste, Uncle Roger acknowledges the creativity and skill required to produce such videos.


  1. How To Basic's unconventional and bizarre content has garnered a significant following.
  2. Uncle Roger criticizes the slow and tedious ramen tutorial on the channel.
  3. The ramen bath video shocks Uncle Roger, questioning the purpose behind such wastefulness.
  4. How To Basic's videos often push boundaries and shock viewers.
  5. Non-food videos on the channel, such as Rubik's Cube and laptop destruction, are more tolerable for Uncle Roger.
  6. The channel's fixation on destroying eggs perplexes Uncle Roger and contributes to food wastage.
  7. How To Basic's unconventional cooking methods amuse and confuse viewers.
  8. The versatility of a rice cooker is showcased but raises concerns about unnecessary destruction.
  9. Uncle Roger expresses disappointment with the inaccuracies in the fried rice tutorial.
  10. Behind-the-scenes footage and bloopers highlight the creativity and effort behind How To Basic's videos.


Q: Why is How To Basic's content so bizarre? A: How To Basic aims to entertain and shock viewers with its unconventional and often absurd approach to various topics.

Q: Does How To Basic only focus on food-related content? A: While food tutorials are a significant part of their content, How To Basic also explores other subjects, showcasing destruction and unusual techniques.

Q: What is Uncle Roger's opinion on How To Basic's videos? A: Uncle Roger has a mixed opinion, finding some videos humorous while criticizing others for their wastefulness and lack of substance.

Q: What are some notable videos on How To Basic? A: The ramen tutorial, the ramen bath, the fried rice video, and the laptop destruction are among the notable videos discussed in this article.

Q: What has Uncle Roger learned from reviewing How To Basic's videos? A: Uncle Roger emphasizes the importance of authentic cooking techniques and expresses concern about the wastefulness promoted by the channel.

Q: Is How To Basic's content suitable for all viewers? A: How To Basic's content may not be suitable for all viewers as it often includes shocking and explicit scenes.

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