Unleash the Power of Blackwall in Cyberpunk 2077
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- What is Black Wall in Cyberpunk 2077?
- The Role of Black Wall in Phantom Liberty
- Creating Corrupted Items in Cyberpunk 2077
- How to Acquire the Corrupted Blueprints
- The Cerberus Robot and Songbird's Fate
- Crafting the Rebus Iconic Weapon or Militech Kanto MK6 Cyberware
- Pros and Cons of the Rebus Iconic Weapon and Militech Kanto MK6 Cyberware
- The Black Wall's Corruption and Infection
- Conclusion
What is Black Wall in Cyberpunk 2077?
Black Wall is the name given to the firewall found in Cyberpunk 2077, a system used to protect users and netrunners from the old web corrupted by demons or malware. Created by Rash Bartmoss, these demons in Black Wall are more than just software; they are powerful AIS running unchecked and unreachable by most humans. Any Netrunner who tries to reach them is Never heard from again as corruption takes hold of them.
The Role of Black Wall in Phantom Liberty
In Phantom Liberty, the Black Wall plays a large role in the story and is the thing infecting Songbird. After her story concludes, V2 can Create something that is made from the Black Wall, but it will come with a price. Being that close to the Black Wall, it will corrupt You with an infection.
Creating Corrupted Items in Cyberpunk 2077
To create corrupted items in Cyberpunk 2077, you could make the corrupted weapon a Rebus or install yourself with corrupted cyberware called Militech Kanto MK6. However, to get the Black Wall quick hack and a Rebus weapon, you need to acquire their respective blueprints during the somewhat damaged mission.
How to Acquire the Corrupted Blueprints
To get the corrupted blueprints, you need to make the right choices and pick a certain ending. During the Fire Starter mission, there's an important decision you need to make at the end. You can choose to help Songbird escape or help Reed capture Songbird. If you help Songbird, you won't be able to get the corrupted blueprints. You must help Reed in order to get this ending where the corrupted blueprints are found.
Next, during the Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos mission, there are a few things you need to do at the start of the mission. When you're talking to Mr. Hands, you can pay him 15,000 credits, which is optional. Then, you can go to the Edge Net shop in Kabuki Market, talk with Yoko, and agree to her optional side Quest. The reason it's unclear if this is needed is that I did these things, and Yoko is the one who will help you create the corrupted items. So, we might as well just help her, but I'm not 100% certain that it is needed.
Next, during the Somewhat Damaged quest, you'll enter the Cynosure facility where Songbird is hiding. Make your way through the facility, and this is where you find what we need. However, it's not going to be easy as there is a creature, a large machine, hunting you, which is definitely Cyberpunk's most terrifying moment. If Cerberus catches you, then there's no escape, and you're killed Instantly. The blueprints can be found in the lower area where you need to hack the Alpha, Bravo, Sierra, and Victor Terminals. Once you reach the mess hall, you'll spot the door leading to the maintenance room. Since it's locked, you'll have to activate the power GRID in the storage room, which is nearby, or you can have a high enough technical ability to open the door. Either way, once the door is open, the Rebus blueprint is found inside of the room.
The Cerberus Robot and Songbird's Fate
When you deny it, seriously, there is nothing to fear. Proceed to the next area where you will find the experimental prototyping room. You can either hack it by a passcode or instantly open it if you have 15 technical ability. Inside the room, you'll find the blueprint for the Militech Kanto MK6 cyberware. Continue with the mission until you've shut down the Core. This will lead to a sequence where V learns about Songbird's past. The Cerberus robot will Show up, and it will get disabled. Then, you have to make sure you pick up the behavioral system component from its wreckage. After that, you'll need to make a decision regarding Songbird's fate. This will lead to the concluding arc of the story of Phantom Liberty, and then you will return to your apartment.
Once you awake, you can sleep or wait again, and then you should eventually receive a text message from a mysterious individual. This will lead to a new mission called the Corrosion. Return to the Edge Net shop in Kabuki Market, tell Yoko about the component that you got from the robot. She'll then decrypt it, turning it into the Cerberist Decoded Behavioral System Component. Then, you can use this component to craft either the Rebus Iconic Weapon or the Militech Kanto MK6 Cyberware. You can only choose one as you only have one component, although you could technically duplicate the item, and then you could craft both at the same time. And of course, you'll still need the tier 5 crafting component and quick hack components to be able to craft it.
Pros and Cons of the Rebus Iconic Weapon and Militech Kanto MK6 Cyberware
The Militech Kanto MK6 Cyberware is a new operating system that you can equip with for quick hack slot unlocks the Black Wall Gateway quick hack. By default, this costs 12 Ram. It can also spread to 5 enemies within 20 meters, causing lethal damage to cyberware and noodle systems nearby. Max drones and turrets will also get deactivated. The ability also consumes Ram whenever it spreads.
The Rebus is a powerful submachine gun. It has 100+ headshot damage and +25 armor penetration, so it makes for a very decent gun. Also, rounds fired from this weapon are infused with a dark energy from beyond the Black Wall, which is very effective against enemies, especially with low health. It also hacks enemies when you shoot them, which prevents them from shooting back.
The Black Wall's Corruption and Infection
Two powerful items you can create, either a weapon or the cyberware, but whatever one you choose, the Black Wall will speak to you, trying to corrupt you like it did Songbird. Weapons will also leave behind corruption as well as the infection starts to take hold of the user.
In conclusion, the Black Wall is a powerful system in Cyberpunk 2077 that protects users and netrunners from the old web corrupted by demons or malware. In Phantom Liberty, it plays a large role in the story and is the thing infecting Songbird. To create corrupted items, you need to acquire the blueprints during the Somewhat Damaged mission and make the right choices. The Cerberus robot and Songbird's fate also play a role in crafting the Rebus Iconic Weapon or the Militech Kanto MK6 Cyberware. Both items have their pros and cons, but they are powerful weapons against enemies. However, the Black Wall's corruption and infection are something to be wary of.