Unleash Your Creativity with AI Copilot for Power Apps

Unleash Your Creativity with AI Copilot for Power Apps

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Maker Co-Pilot?
  3. How does Maker Co-Pilot Work?
  4. Creating a Table Structure with Maker Co-Pilot
  5. Modifying Table Structure with Natural Language
  6. Adding Columns and Modifying Data Types
  7. Giving Suggestions and Asking Questions
  8. Creating an App with Maker Co-Pilot
  9. Exploring the Generated PowerApp
  10. Leveraging Co-Pilot in Existing Apps
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will take a first look at the new Maker Co-Pilot feature for PowerApps. This innovative feature is a result of the partnership between Microsoft and OpenAI, bringing AI-powered assistance to the app creation process. With Maker Co-Pilot, You can describe the app you need in words, and an AI-Based co-pilot will guide you through the process of creating the table structure and the app itself. We will explore how this new feature works and the benefits it brings to app development. So, let's dive in and discover the magic of Maker Co-Pilot.

What is Maker Co-Pilot?

Maker Co-Pilot is a new feature in PowerApps that provides AI-powered assistance during the app creation process. It leverages the capabilities of OpenAI's GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model to understand natural language inputs and guide users in creating tables and apps. By simply describing your app's requirements, the AI co-pilot will assist you by suggesting table structures, modifying columns, and providing recommendations based on the data you provide. With Maker Co-Pilot, you can easily Create apps using natural language interactions, making the app development process more efficient and intuitive.

How does Maker Co-Pilot Work?

Maker Co-Pilot utilizes the power of AI and natural language understanding to assist users in creating tables and apps. When you describe your app's intent in natural language, the AI co-pilot analyzes the input and generates suggestions for table structures that Align with your requirements. As you Interact with the co-pilot, you can make modifications to the table structure using natural language commands. The co-pilot understands your instructions and updates the table accordingly. Once the table structure is finalized, the co-pilot can also generate a PowerApp directly based on that table. It provides a seamless experience, guiding you through the app creation process step by step.

Creating a Table Structure with Maker Co-Pilot

To create a table structure using Maker Co-Pilot, you simply describe the columns and their data types in natural language. For example, you can specify the need for a column to track training information and describe its properties. The AI co-pilot will generate a table with the specified columns and data types. You can interact with the co-pilot to make modifications to the table structure, add new columns, or change the data types as needed. This intuitive approach to creating tables makes the process more accessible to users without technical backgrounds, enabling them to create robust data structures effortlessly.

Modifying Table Structure with Natural Language

With Maker Co-Pilot, you can easily modify the table structure using natural language commands. If you want to add a new column, describe its properties, such as the column name, data Type, and any additional details. The co-pilot will understand your instructions and update the table accordingly. For example, you can ask the co-pilot to add a column for descriptions of type "text area." Similarly, you can ask the co-pilot to modify existing columns, such as changing the data type of a column or renaming it. The ability to interact with the co-pilot using natural language makes the table customization process more efficient and user-friendly.

Adding Columns and Modifying Data Types

In Maker Co-Pilot, you can effortlessly add new columns to your table by describing their properties. For example, you can specify the name and data type of a new column, and the co-pilot will create it in the table structure. Additionally, you can modify the data types of existing columns using natural language commands. For example, you can ask the co-pilot to change the data type of a column from "decimal" to "currency." The co-pilot understands your instructions and updates the table accordingly. This flexibility in adding and modifying columns provides users with greater control over their data structures.

Giving Suggestions and Asking Questions

Maker Co-Pilot not only assists you in creating tables and apps but also provides suggestions and answers questions related to your data. You can ask the co-pilot for suggestions on table structures based on your requirements. It leverages its AI capabilities to analyze your data and generate recommendations that fit your needs. Additionally, you can ask the co-pilot specific questions about your data, such as listing certain data entries or retrieving statistics. The co-pilot's ability to give suggestions and answer questions enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the app creation process.

Creating an App with Maker Co-Pilot

Once you have finalized the table structure with Maker Co-Pilot, you can proceed to create an app based on that table. The co-pilot can generate a PowerApp directly, incorporating the table structure you defined. The generated app will have screens and components pre-configured to interact with the table's data. For example, you can have a home screen with a co-pilot component that allows users to ask questions about the connected data. The AI-backed suggestions provided by the co-pilot make the app creation process faster and more intuitive, enabling users to create functional apps with ease.

Exploring the Generated PowerApp

The PowerApp generated by Maker Co-Pilot is a fully functional app with screens and components tailored to the table structure you defined. The generated app typically consists of multiple screens that allow users to interact with the data stored in the connected table. For example, you may have a screen displaying a gallery of the training information from the table. Users can navigate through the app, ask questions about the data, and perform actions such as adding new records. The generated PowerApp provides a starting point for customizing the app further based on your specific requirements.

Leveraging Co-Pilot in Existing Apps

Maker Co-Pilot is not limited to creating new apps; it can also be leveraged in existing apps. If you have an app connected to a data source, you can add the co-pilot chatbot component to enhance the user experience. By enabling the co-pilot component, users can ask questions, get suggestions, and interact with the data connected to the app. For example, you can add the co-pilot component to an existing PowerApp connected to a SharePoint list. Users can ask questions about the data, perform actions, and receive AI-backed recommendations. Leveraging co-pilot in existing apps unlocks its full potential and makes app interactions more intuitive and efficient.


Maker Co-Pilot is an impressive feature in PowerApps that brings AI-powered assistance to the app creation process. With its natural language understanding and AI-backed suggestions, Maker Co-Pilot simplifies the creation of tables and apps. It allows users to describe their requirements in plain language and guides them through the process step by step. Whether you're a non-technical user or an experienced app developer, Maker Co-Pilot enriches the app creation experience by providing intuitive interactions and efficient workflows. By leveraging the power of AI, Microsoft and OpenAI have taken a significant step towards democratizing app development and empowering users to create sophisticated apps with ease. Start exploring Maker Co-Pilot today and unleash your app creation potential.

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