Unleashing ChatGPT's Puzzle-solving Skills: Conquering Wordle Challenge

Unleashing ChatGPT's Puzzle-solving Skills: Conquering Wordle Challenge

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Chat GPT?
  3. The Experiment: Can Chat GPT Solve Wordle?
  4. The Key to Successful Wordle
  5. The Starting WORD: Storm
  6. The Follow-up Word: Brick
  7. A Twist in the Game: Grape
  8. Struggling with the Next Guess: Fable
  9. Confusion and the Quest for the Answer: Chat GPT
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence and its ability to solve puzzles. Specifically, we will explore an experiment involving Chat GPT, an AI model known for its vast knowledge and creative thinking capabilities. Our objective is to test whether this AI can successfully solve the popular game Wordle. We will examine the process, strategies, and the outcome of the experiment. So, let's dive in and see if AI can truly dominate the puzzling realm!

What is Chat GPT?

Before we jump into the experiment, let's take a moment to understand what Chat GPT is. Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence model that can be accessed online for free. It possesses an extensive database of information, making it an impressive source of knowledge. What sets Chat GPT apart is its ability to mimic human creativity. While other search engines can find facts, Chat GPT can simulate human-like problem-solving and thinking processes. This makes it an intriguing AI Tool for various applications.

The Experiment: Can Chat GPT Solve Wordle?

Now, let's get to the heart of the matter - our experiment to test Chat GPT's proficiency in solving Wordle. Wordle is a word-guessing game where players attempt to figure out a Hidden five-letter word within a certain number of attempts. We decided to challenge Chat GPT with this game to see if it could crack the code.

The Key to Successful Wordle

According to experience and common wisdom, the key to successful Wordle lies in a combination of critical thinking, word knowledge, and a bit of luck. Players need to Visualize and manipulate the letters, considering both common and uncommon combinations. The idea is to increase the number of possible words while also improving the chances of guessing the correct one.

The Starting Word: Storm

To kick off our experiment, we asked Chat GPT to suggest a good starting word for Wordle. It recommended "storm" as an excellent starting point. This choice aligns with the principle of visualizing an easily recognizable word that allows for mental letter manipulation and exploration of different combinations.

The Follow-up Word: Brick

With "storm" as the starting word, we moved on to determining the follow-up word. Chat GPT suggested "brick" as a logical choice. "Brick" shares the letter 'r' with "storm" and does not contain any of the eliminated letters from previous guesses. This recommendation upholds the strategy of considering common letters to increase the pool of potential words while narrowing down the possibilities.

A Twist in the Game: Grape

As the experiment progressed, we encountered a twist in Wordle. When asked for the next follow-up word, Chat GPT proposed "grape." However, our expectation was for it to choose a word without the letter 'r.' This incident showcased the limitations of AI and the challenges in aligning its choices with human assumptions. It became evident that while Chat GPT excels in certain areas, it still has room for improvement in comprehending specific restrictions.

Struggling with the Next Guess: Fable

Continuing the adventure, we reached the point of uncertainty with the follow-up word. Chat GPT failed to consider the eliminated letters and prioritize their positions effectively. It suggested "fable," even though it shares three letters with the previous words "storm," "brick," and "grape." This misguided recommendation demonstrates the AI's occasional lack of understanding and highlights the importance of refining its problem-solving abilities.

Confusion and the Quest for the Answer: Chat GPT

As the experiment neared its conclusion, we decided to rephrase our query to Chat GPT. Instead of asking for the next word, we framed our question as "What might the answer be?" We eliminated the emphasis on letter positions, intending to test the AI's ability to predict the hidden word dynamically. Chat GPT's response included words like "glare" and "regal." However, it overlooked the fact that we previously specified constraints such as not starting with the letter 'g.' This revealed an inconsistency in how Chat GPT assimilates and remembers previous information.


In conclusion, our experiment with Chat GPT and Wordle yielded mixed results. While the AI demonstrated impressive knowledge and problem-solving skills in some areas, it struggled with comprehending specific restrictions and recalling previous constraints. Its ability to think creatively and engage in dynamic problem-solving is intriguing but still calls for further refinement. Nonetheless, the experiment sheds light on both the possibilities and limitations of current AI models in conquering puzzles like Wordle.


  • Can Chat GPT solve the challenging game Wordle?
  • The key to successful Wordle: critical thinking, word knowledge, and luck.
  • Chat GPT recommends "Storm" as a strong starting word.
  • "Brick" is the logical follow-up word based on shared letters.
  • The limitations of Chat GPT exposed: "Grape" contradicts expectations.
  • Chat GPT's struggle with considering eliminated letters: "Fable" as a misguided guess.
  • Reframing the question: Chat GPT's dynamic response raises inconsistencies.
  • The experiment highlights the possibilities and limitations of AI in Puzzle-solving.
  • Further refinement of AI models needed to enhance problem-solving abilities.


Q: Can Chat GPT solve Wordle perfectly? A: While Chat GPT possesses impressive knowledge and problem-solving capabilities, it may struggle with understanding specific constraints and recalling previous information accurately.

Q: How does Chat GPT suggest starting and follow-up words for Wordle? A: Chat GPT uses a combination of critical thinking, word knowledge, and a mix of common and uncommon letters to recommend suitable starting and follow-up words.

Q: What are the limitations of Chat GPT in solving puzzles like Wordle? A: Chat GPT may overlook or misunderstand specific restrictions, leading to recommendations that do not align with human assumptions. It sometimes struggles with recalling previous constraints and dynamically adapting to changing requirements.

Q: Can AI models like Chat GPT improve their problem-solving abilities? A: Yes, AI models are constantly being refined and enhanced. With further development and training, AI models can improve their problem-solving skills and better align with human expectations.

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