Unlock the Power of Multi-Agent Mode in Coze

Unlock the Power of Multi-Agent Mode in Coze

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Multi-Agent Mode?
  3. Differences between Single Agent Mode and Multi-Agent Mode
  4. Setting Up a Multi-Agent Bot
  5. Creating an Email Bot
  6. Adding Plugins for Email Functionality
  7. Connecting the Email Bot to the Main Menu
  8. Creating a Calendar Bot
  9. Adding Skills to the Calendar Bot
  10. Connecting the Calendar Bot to the Main Menu
  11. Extending Functionality with Additional Bots
  12. Using Jump Conditions to Connect Bots
  13. Creating a Global Jump Condition for the Main Menu
  14. Conclusion

🤖 Introduction

Multi-agent mode is an advanced feature that allows you to create multiple bots or agents that can work together to accomplish complex tasks. In this article, we will explore the concept of multi-agent mode and showcase how it can enhance the capabilities of your bots. We will walk through the process of setting up a multi-agent bot, connecting different agents, and demonstrating how they can collaboratively complete tasks. So, let's dive in and discover the power of multi-agent mode!

🤖 What is Multi-Agent Mode?

Multi-agent mode is a functionality in which multiple bots or agents work together to complete complex tasks. Unlike single agent mode, where a single bot handles all responsibilities, multi-agent mode allows you to divide the workload among different specialized bots. Each bot can have its own role and set of skills, enabling them to contribute to the task at hand. This separation of concerns not only improves efficiency but also enhances the capabilities of your bots.

🤖 Differences between Single Agent Mode and Multi-Agent Mode

In single agent mode, a bot is responsible for handling all tasks, relying on a long Prompt and a persona to complete different functions. However, multi-agent mode eliminates the need for a single bot to handle everything. Instead, multiple bots with their specific skills and responsibilities work collaboratively to achieve the desired outcome. This approach allows for greater flexibility, scalability, and efficiency in completing complex tasks.

🤖 Setting Up a Multi-Agent Bot

To create a multi-agent bot, you need to switch from single agent mode to multi-agent mode. The interface for multi-agent mode has similarities to single agent mode, such as persona, prompt, variable, scheduled task, and opening dialogue. However, the key difference lies in the presence of nodes representing different agents or bots.

🤖 Creating an Email Bot

In order to demonstrate the power of multi-agent mode, let's create an email bot. This bot will specifically handle email-related tasks such as sending and checking emails. By creating a separate bot for this responsibility, we can offload the burden from the main bot and create a more efficient workflow.

🤖 Adding Plugins for Email Functionality

To enable our email bot to perform email-related tasks, we need to add the necessary plugins. In this case, we will be using the Microsoft Outlook email plugin. By configuring the plugin, our bot will be able to access and interact with Outlook email services. This will allow us to send and check emails seamlessly.

🤖 Connecting the Email Bot to the Main Menu

To connect our email bot to the main menu, we need to create a jump condition. This jump condition will trigger when a user wants to perform email-related tasks. By linking the jump condition from the main menu to the email bot, we effectively pass the task to the email bot, allowing it to handle the specific request.

🤖 Creating a Calendar Bot

In addition to the email bot, let's create another bot specifically for managing the calendar. This bot will handle creating calendar events, updating calendar events, and providing a list of calendar events. By dividing the responsibilities between different bots, we can achieve a more streamlined and organized workflow.

🤖 Adding Skills to the Calendar Bot

To empower our calendar bot with the necessary skills, we need to add the Outlook calendar plugin. This plugin will enable our bot to create, update, and list calendar events. By configuring the plugin, we can seamlessly integrate our bot with Outlook calendar services, enhancing its functionality.

🤖 Connecting the Calendar Bot to the Main Menu

Similar to the email bot, we need to create a jump condition to connect the calendar bot to the main menu. This jump condition will be triggered when a user wants to perform calendar-related tasks. By linking the jump condition from the main menu to the calendar bot, we ensure that the bot with the appropriate skills handles the request.

🤖 Extending Functionality with Additional Bots

To further extend the functionality of our multi-agent bot, we can add additional bots for different purposes. Whether it's integrating with Google Sheets, Notion, or creating custom plugins, the possibilities are endless. By connecting these bots through jump conditions, we can create a comprehensive workflow tailored to our specific needs.

🤖 Using Jump Conditions to Connect Bots

Jump conditions play a crucial role in connecting different bots within a multi-agent setup. By utilizing jump conditions, we can create a flow of work, allowing the bots to collaborate and HAND off tasks seamlessly. Jump conditions trigger based on specific keywords or user requests, ensuring that the appropriate bot responds and takes action.

🤖 Creating a Global Jump Condition for the Main Menu

In order to provide users with the ability to return to the main menu at any time, we can create a global jump condition. This jump condition triggers when a user requests to visit the main menu. By adding this functionality, users can easily navigate between different bots and tasks without losing context.

🤖 Conclusion

Multi-agent mode is a powerful feature that allows you to leverage the capabilities of multiple bots working together. By dividing tasks, adding specialized skills, and utilizing jump conditions, you can create a highly efficient and versatile bot ecosystem. Whether it's managing emails, calendars, or integrating with other services, multi-agent mode opens up new possibilities for AI-powered automation. So why limit yourself to a single bot when you can build an army of them? Embrace the power of multi-agent mode and elevate your bot's capabilities to the next level!


  • Multi-agent mode enables collaboration between multiple bots to complete complex tasks.
  • Separate bots reduce the workload and improve efficiency.
  • Jump conditions connect different bots based on user requests.
  • Email and calendar bots can be created with specific plugins for enhanced functionality.
  • Additional bots can be integrated to expand the capabilities of the multi-agent bot.
  • Global jump conditions allow users to easily return to the main menu.
  • Multi-agent mode offers scalability, flexibility, and improved automation capabilities.


Q: How does multi-agent mode differ from single agent mode? A: In single agent mode, a single bot handles all tasks, while in multi-agent mode, different bots collaborate to complete complex tasks.

Q: Can I add more bots to my multi-agent setup? A: Yes, you can add as many bots as you need, each with its own set of skills.

Q: What plugins can I use with multi-agent mode? A: You can use various plugins, such as Outlook email and calendar plugins, Google Sheets, Notion, or even create custom plugins.

Q: How do jump conditions work? A: Jump conditions trigger based on specific keywords or user requests and connect bots to direct the flow of work.

Q: Can I return to the main menu from other bots? A: Yes, by using a global jump condition, users can easily navigate back to the main menu at any time.

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