Unlock Your Creative Potential with FM Glitch Art Processing

Unlock Your Creative Potential with FM Glitch Art Processing

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Downloading and Installing Processing Software
  3. Downloading the Code from Generate.me GitHub Page
  4. Understanding the FM Code and its Features
  5. Playing Around with the FM Code
  6. Applying the FM Code to Your Own Image
  7. Customizing the FM Code for Different Effects
  8. Saving and Sharing Your Glitch Art
  9. Expressing Appreciation for Tamas and Generate.me
  10. Supporting a Polish Foundation for Children with Disabilities


In this tutorial, we will explore the process of creating glitch art using the FM code from Generate.me. Glitch art is a unique art form that involves manipulating digital images to Create visually stunning and distorted effects. We will start by downloading and installing the necessary software, followed by downloading the code from the Generate.me GitHub page. Then, we will Delve into understanding the FM code and its various features. Once we have a grasp of the code, we will experiment with different settings to create our glitch art. Finally, we will learn how to save and share our creations and how we can Show appreciation for Tamas, the creator of Generate.me and support a noble cause by donating to a Polish foundation for children with disabilities.

Creating Glitch Art with Generate.me: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Glitch art has gained popularity in recent years as a unique and captivating digital art form. The process involves deliberately introducing glitches, errors, and distortions into digital images to create visually striking and thought-provoking pieces. With the help of Generate.me and its FM code, even beginners can dive into the world of glitch art and create their own masterpieces.

Step 1: Downloading and Installing Processing Software

Before we can start creating glitch art, we need to download and install the necessary software. In this tutorial, we will be using Processing, a widely-used software for creating interactive visuals, animations, and artwork. Processing is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems. Simply visit the Processing Website and download the appropriate version for your computer.


  • Processing software is free and widely used in the creative coding community.
  • It provides a user-friendly interface for beginners to experiment with coding and digital art.
  • The software supports various programming languages, making it versatile for different projects.


  • The learning curve for Processing software may be steep for individuals with no prior coding experience.
  • Limited support for complex animation and effects compared to other software.

Step 2: Downloading the Code from Generate.me GitHub Page

Now that we have the Processing software installed, we need to obtain the FM code from the Generate.me GitHub page. Generate.me is a platform that hosts a collection of codes specifically designed for glitch art. The FM code, in particular, offers a distinct style that many artists find appealing. To download the code, visit the Generate.me GitHub page, and locate the FM code. The creator of the code, Tamas, generously shares it for free. Feel free to show your appreciation and support to Tamas for his contribution.


  • Generate.me provides a platform for glitch art enthusiasts to share and discover unique code creations.
  • The FM code, created by Tamas, has gained popularity due to its appealing visual effects.
  • Tamas is responsive and helpful, providing explanations and assistance to users who have questions or issues.


  • The code may require modifications or adjustments to suit individual preferences or specific projects.
  • The Generate.me GitHub page may contain other codes that are not directly related to glitch art.

Step 3: Understanding the FM Code and its Features

Before we dive into creating glitch art, it is crucial to understand the FM code and its various features. The FM code utilizes the concept of frequency modulation to distort images. The code allows users to adjust parameters such as Wave frequency, bandwidth, and color space. By modifying these parameters, You can achieve different glitch effects. A thorough understanding of the code's structure and functionality will enable you to unleash your creativity and take full control of the glitch art creation process.


  • The FM code is relatively straightforward and easy to understand, even for beginners with no coding experience.
  • Tamas provides explanatory comments within the code, guiding users on how to use and customize it.
  • The FM code supports both RGB and grayscale color spaces, offering flexibility in color experimentation.


  • Users with no coding experience may still find it challenging to comprehend certain aspects of the code.
  • Understanding the relationship between different parameters and their impact on the final glitch effect requires practice and experimentation.

Step 4: Playing Around with the FM Code

Now that We Are familiar with the FM code, it's time to start experimenting and creating glitch art. The FM code is highly interactive and responds to mouse movements. By moving the mouse Cursor, you can adjust the wave frequency and bandwidth, Instantly transforming the glitch effect in real-time. Start by running the code and observe how different mouse movements alter the visual output. The instantaneous feedback and immediate results make the glitch art creation process both engaging and exciting.


  • The FM code's interactivity allows for real-time adjustments and immediate visual feedback.
  • Even individuals with no prior coding experience can intuitively experiment and create glitch effects.
  • The code's simplicity and responsiveness make it an ideal starting point for beginners in glitch art.


  • Users seeking more complex and intricate glitch effects may find the FM code limiting in terms of customization.
  • The interactivity of the code may lead to unintentional modifications if not handled with caution.

Step 5: Applying the FM Code to Your Own Image

While experimenting with pre-existing test images can be fun, the real magic happens when you Apply the FM code to your own images. By following a simple process, you can seamlessly integrate your images into the glitch art creation process. Start by copying your image into the folder where the original test.jpg file is located. You can rename your image to a preferred name or leave it as is. Modify the code to match your image's name, ensuring that the code references the correct file. Once everything is set up, run the code, and witness your image transformed into a glitch art masterpiece.


  • Applying the FM code to your own images allows for personalized and unique glitch art creations.
  • Integrating your images into the glitch art process offers a Sense of ownership and creative expression.
  • The FM code works on both RGB and grayscale color spaces, providing versatility for image customization.


  • The glitch effect may not always work optimally on certain image types or compositions.
  • Users should consider image resolution and quality to ensure optimal glitch art results.

Step 6: Customizing the FM Code for Different Effects

While the default settings of the FM code can produce mesmerizing glitch effects, the true potential lies in customization. By delving deeper into the code, you can modify specific parameters to achieve different visual outcomes. For example, adjusting the color space from RGB to grayscale can create a black and white glitch effect. Additionally, exploring the wave frequency and bandwidth options can lead to variations in glitch intensity and complexity. Don't be afraid to experiment and push the boundaries of the code to discover new and unique glitch art effects.


  • Customization allows artists to create glitch art that aligns with their artistic vision and style.
  • Fine-tuning parameters such as wave frequency and bandwidth offers control over glitch intensity and complexity.
  • The flexibility of the FM code enables artists to create an extensive range of glitch art effects.


  • Extensive customization may require a deeper understanding of coding principles and image processing concepts.
  • The complexity of customizations can lead to unintended glitches or undesired visual outcomes.

Step 7: Saving and Sharing Your Glitch Art

Once you have created a glitch art piece that satisfies your artistic vision, it's essential to save and share your creation. To save your glitch art, simply press the spacebar while the code is running. This action creates a new subfolder within the effects folder, containing the saved image. You can specify the file format and quality during the saving process. Sharing your glitch art with the world can be done through various online platforms, social media, or art communities. Embrace the opportunity to showcase your creativity and engage with others who appreciate glitch art.


  • Saving glitch art allows for archiving, future reference, and potential printing or exhibition opportunities.
  • Sharing glitch art online enables exposure, feedback, and connection with other glitch art enthusiasts.
  • Glitch art has gained significant Attention in the art community, with many platforms dedicated solely to glitch art.


  • The digital nature of glitch art may limit its physical exhibition possibilities compared to traditional art forms.
  • Depending on the file size and format, sharing glitch art online may require consideration of internet bandwidth and limitations.

Step 8: Expressing Appreciation for Tamas and Generate.me

The glitch art community thrives on the contributions, collaborations, and support of its members. Tamas, the creator of Generate.me, has provided glitch artists with valuable resources and code creations. If you find Tamas' FM code or Generate.me beneficial and inspiring, consider expressing your appreciation. Tamas has shared a link to donate to a Polish foundation that supports a little boy with a disability. Donating or supporting the foundation is a Meaningful gesture of gratitude and contributes to a worthy cause.


  • Expressing appreciation supports and encourages Creators to Continue sharing their work and contributing to the glitch art community.
  • Supporting charitable foundations reinforces the Notion of art's impact beyond aesthetics, highlighting its potential for social good.
  • Connecting glitch art and philanthropy fosters a sense of unity and purpose within the community.


  • Due to personal circumstances or financial constraints, not all individuals may be able to contribute financially.
  • Expressing appreciation should be voluntary and not imposed on individuals, allowing for diverse forms of support.

Step 9: Supporting a Polish Foundation for Children with Disabilities

Tamas has provided a link to a Polish foundation that helps care for a young boy with a disability. This foundation plays a vital role in providing necessary medical attention and support to children who need it the most. By supporting this foundation, you can contribute to improving the life quality of the boy and his family. Whether it's a small donation or spreading awareness about the foundation, your involvement can make a significant difference in their lives.


  • Supporting foundations for children with disabilities aligns with the principles of social responsibility and empathy.
  • Championing causes related to individuals with disabilities promotes inclusivity and equality.
  • Collective support can alleviate the financial burden for families and enhance access to medical care and programs.


  • Geographical limitations may restrict individuals' ability to support a specific foundation.
  • Individual circumstances or priorities may lead someone to support alternative charities or causes.


Glitch art, with its mesmerizing and unconventional aesthetic, has captivated artists and enthusiasts worldwide. By leveraging Generate.me's FM code and Processing software, anyone can embark on a Journey of glitch art creation. From downloading the necessary software and code to customizing parameters and applying the code to personal images, the process offers endless possibilities for artistic expression. Furthermore, expressing appreciation for the creators and supporting charitable causes demonstrates the community's interconnectedness and compassion. So, Gather your creativity, embrace the world of glitch art, and create glitch masterpieces that push the boundaries of digital art.


  • Discover the world of glitch art using the FM code from Generate.me
  • Download and install the Processing software to get started
  • Experiment with different parameters to create unique glitch effects
  • Apply the FM code to your own images for personalized glitch art
  • Customize the code for different visual outcomes and intensities
  • Show appreciation to Tamas for his contributions and support a Polish foundation for children with disabilities


Q: Can I create glitch art without any coding experience? A: Yes, the FM code from Generate.me is designed to be beginner-friendly even for individuals with no prior coding experience. It offers a straightforward interface for experimenting with glitch effects.

Q: What image file formats are supported for glitch art creation? A: The FM code supports various image file formats, including JPEG, PNG, and BMP. You can use the format that works best for your images.

Q: Can I change the wave frequency and bandwidth while the code is running? A: Yes, the FM code responds to mouse movements in real-time. You can adjust the wave frequency and bandwidth by moving your mouse, allowing for instant visual feedback.

Q: Is glitch art limited to specific color spaces? A: No, the FM code supports both RGB and grayscale color spaces. You can experiment with different color modes to achieve your desired glitch effects.

Q: How can I save and share my glitch art? A: You can save your glitch art by pressing the spacebar while the code is running. This action creates a new subfolder containing the saved image. You can then share it on various online platforms or social media to showcase your creativity.

Q: How can I show appreciation for Tamas and the Generate.me community? A: One way to show appreciation is by donating to the Polish foundation that supports a child with disabilities. Additionally, you can spread awareness about the foundation and the glitch art community, fostering support and a sense of unity.

Q: Can I apply the FM code to animated or moving images? A: The FM code is primarily designed for static images, but with additional modifications, it is possible to apply the glitch effect to animated or moving images. This may require advanced coding skills and understanding of animation principles.

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