Unraveling the Differences: LLM Tokenizers Compared - GPT4, FlanT5, Starcoder, BERT, and More

Unraveling the Differences: LLM Tokenizers Compared - GPT4, FlanT5, Starcoder, BERT, and More

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What are Tokenizers?
  3. Importance of Tokenizers in Language Models
  4. Generalized Tokenizers for Popular Language Models
    • 4.1 GPT2
    • 4.2 GPT4
    • 4.3 BERT
    • 4.4 Starcoder
    • 4.5 T5
  5. Specialized Tokenizers for Multilingual Models
    • 5.1 Flan T5
  6. Code-focused Tokenizers
    • 6.1 Tokenization of Code Keywords
    • 6.2 Tab and Space Handling
    • 6.3 Handling of Numbers
    • 6.4 Galactica Tokenizer
  7. Conclusion



Tokenizers play a crucial role in language models, especially large ones. These models utilize tokenization to break down input text into individual pieces, which can be either words or parts of words. The choice of tokenizer greatly impacts the performance of language models in various tasks. In this article, we will explore different types of tokenizers and how they contribute to the effectiveness of language models. By examining the behaviors of various trained tokenizers, we will gain insights into their distinct characteristics and the implications for the models they support.

What are Tokenizers?

Before delving into the significance of tokenizers in language models, it is essential to understand what tokenizers are. Tokenizers are components that process text inputs and convert them into tokens, which are smaller units of text. These tokens are then fed into language models for various natural language processing tasks. Tokenizers are responsible for segmenting text into logical units, enabling language models to effectively comprehend and process the input data.

Importance of Tokenizers in Language Models

The performance of a language model heavily relies on the quality of tokenization it receives. Certain data sets may require specific tokenization techniques to achieve optimal results. Language model builders need to pay close Attention to tokenizers to enhance the model's ability to tokenize diverse types of data. By understanding the differences and behaviors of various tokenizers, one can gain valuable insights into the model's limitations and strengths when processing different types of inputs.

Generalized Tokenizers for Popular Language Models

There are several widely-used tokenizers for popular language models, each with its distinctive characteristics. Let's take a closer look at a few of them:

4.1 GPT2

GPT2 is a generalized language model tokenizer known for its ability to handle various text inputs effectively. It preserves capitalization and new lines while breaking down the text into tokens. However, certain tokens, such as emojis and specific characters like Chinese characters, may be replaced by an unknown token. Additionally, GPT2 treats certain code keywords as separate tokens, making it suitable for code-related tasks.

4.2 GPT4

GPT4, similar to GPT2, excels in preserving capitalization, new lines, and code-specific tokens. It also utilizes specialized tokens for different indentation levels, enhancing code understanding. GPT4 adopts an alternative approach to tokenizing numbers, representing each digit as an individual token. This enables the model to handle numbers more effectively, especially when dealing with large numerical values.

4.3 BERT

BERT is another popular language model tokenizer that offers distinct features. It tokenizes text inputs while ignoring capitalization, making it useful for case-insensitive tasks. However, BERT may lose certain types of information, such as new lines and specialized characters. Despite this limitation, BERT's tokenization approach can still produce reliable results in numerous natural language processing tasks.

4.4 Starcoder

Starcoder is an open-source tokenizer specifically designed for code-related tasks. It preserves code-specific tokens and handles tabs and spaces differently, offering better support for code indentation. However, Starcoder may lack support for multilingual inputs and emojis, as its main focus is on code-related tokenization.

4.5 T5

T5 is a widely-used language model tokenizer Based on T5 and fine-tuned for instruction understanding. It preserves capitalization and utilizes a specialized token for new lines. Similar to other tokenizers, it may lose information related to emojis, Chinese characters, and specific code keywords. T5 is particularly effective in tasks involving case-sensitive instructions.

Specialized Tokenizers for Multilingual Models

Certain tokenizers are specialized for multilingual models. Let's explore one such tokenizer:

5.1 Flan T5

Flan T5 is a tokenizer based on T5, fine-tuned to preserve capitalization for multilingual inputs. However, similar to other generalized tokenizers, it may lose information related to emojis, Chinese characters, and code-specific tokens. Flan T5 is primarily designed to cater to multilingual language processing tasks.

Code-focused Tokenizers

Tokenizers tailored for code-related tasks require specialized handling of code-specific features. Let's examine the key aspects of code-focused tokenizers:

6.1 Tokenization of Code Keywords

Code-focused tokenizers, such as GPT4 and Starcoder, preserve code keywords as individual tokens. By treating code keywords separately, these tokenizers enhance code understanding and enable accurate code generation.

6.2 Tab and Space Handling

Code indentation is a crucial aspect of code structure. Tokenizers like GPT4 and Starcoder handle tabs and spaces differently by assigning specific tokens to different indentation levels. This ensures that models trained on these tokenizers can interpret code indentation accurately.

6.3 Handling of Numbers

Tokenization of numbers can significantly impact a model's ability to handle numerical inputs. Tokenizers like GPT4 represent each digit as an individual token, enabling better tracking and understanding of numbers. However, tokenizers like GPT2 break down numbers differently, which may introduce additional complexity when dealing with large numerical values.

6.4 Galactica Tokenizer

Galactica is a powerful tokenizer with unique properties. It handles code-specific tokens, tabs, and spaces similar to other code-focused tokenizers. Additionally, Galactica introduces specialized tokens to represent specific information, catering to different types of datasets. It offers a comprehensive approach to tokenization, prioritizing specific aspects of code and other data types.


In conclusion, tokenizers are a pivotal component of large language models. Their ability to break down input text into Meaningful tokens greatly impacts a model's performance in various natural language processing tasks. Whether it be general language applications, multilingual tasks, or code-focused scenarios, selecting the right tokenizer plays a significant role in achieving accurate and effective language model outputs.


  • Tokenizers are fundamental components of large language models.
  • Different tokenizers have distinct behaviors and capabilities.
  • Tokenizers impact the performance of language models in various tasks.
  • Generalized tokenizers like GPT2 and BERT preserve capitalization and handle new lines effectively.
  • Code-focused tokenizers like GPT4 and Starcoder prioritize code-specific tokenization and indentation handling.
  • Specialized tokenizers like Flan T5 are tailored for multilingual language processing tasks.
  • Handling of numbers varies among tokenizers, with some representing digits individually for enhanced numerical understanding.
  • Galactica is an advanced tokenizer that introduces specialized tokens for specific information, catering to diverse datasets.


Q: How do tokenizers impact the performance of large language models? A: Tokenizers significantly impact the performance of language models by breaking down input text into tokens, which are then processed by the models. The quality of tokenization plays a crucial role in the accuracy and effectiveness of language model outputs.

Q: Which tokenizers are suitable for code-related tasks? A: Tokenizers like GPT4, Starcoder, and Galactica are designed specifically for code-related tasks. They preserve code-specific tokens, handle indentation accurately, and offer enhanced code understanding.

Q: Do tokenizers preserve capitalization and new lines? A: Some tokenizers, such as GPT2, BERT, and Flan T5, preserve capitalization, while others, like Galactica, GPT4, and Starcoder, handle it differently. New lines are preserved by tokenizers like GPT2 and GPT4, enhancing the ability to reconstruct the original text structure.

Q: Can tokenizers handle multilingual inputs? A: Certain tokenizers, like Flan T5, are specifically fine-tuned for multilingual inputs. They consider the nuances of different languages during tokenization to ensure accurate processing of multilingual data.

Q: How do tokenizers handle numbers? A: Different tokenizers have varying approaches to tokenizing numbers. Some tokenizers, like GPT4, represent each digit as an individual token to improve numerical understanding, while others, like GPT2, may break down numbers differently. The choice of tokenization method can impact how effectively a model handles numerical inputs.

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