AiHouse VS MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups

Compare AiHouse VS MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups, what is the difference between AiHouse and MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups?

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AiHouse summarize

AiHouse Landing Page

MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups summarize

MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups Landing Page

Compare Details

AiHouse details

Categories AI Interior & Room Design, Design Assistant, AI Design Generator, AI Customer Service Assistant, AI 3D Model Generator
AiHouse Website
Added Time April 03 2024
AiHouse Pricing --

MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups details

Categories AI Instagram Assistant, AI Social Media Assistant, AI YouTube Assistant, AI Tiktok Assistant, AI Analytics Assistant
MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups Website
Added Time June 12 2024
MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups Pricing --

Comparison of usage

How to use AiHouse?

To use AiHouse, simply sign in or sign up on the website. You can then access a range of features such as creating accurate floor plans, decorating rooms, customizing furniture, and rendering photo-realistic visualizations. The platform also offers tools for creating 3D walkthrough videos, presenting products with high-fidelity 3D models, and optimizing the design and manufacturing process.

How to use MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups?

Describe your needs and receive expert analysis with a curated influencer list. Specify platform and niche for best results.

Compare Pros between AiHouse and MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups

Core features of AiHouse

  • Accurate 2D/3D floor plans
  • Photo-realistic visualizations
  • 3D walkthrough videos
  • High-fidelity 3D product models
  • Design and manufacturing data synchronization
  • Order splitting optimization
  • Streamlined production

Core features of MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups

  • AI-powered influencer analysis
  • Curated list of micro influencers and nano influencers
  • Platform-specific influencer search

Compare Use Cases

Use cases for AiHouse

  • Interior Designer: Create floor plans, drag and drop 3D models, and render in minutes.
  • Furniture Brand & Retailer: Drive sales with 3D product models and virtual tours.
  • Manufacturer: Streamline production processes with an all-in-one SaaS platform.

Use cases for MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups

  • Promote downtown Phoenix coffee shop to young professionals using local micro-influencers on Instagram and TikTok

Different Plan between AiHouse and MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups


Basic Plan


Includes basic features and limited access to advanced tools

Pro Plan


Includes all features and unlimited access to advanced tools

Enterprise Plan

Contact sales for pricing

Customized plan for large-scale businesses with additional features and dedicated support

MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups

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Compare Traffic/Monthly Visitors

AiHouse's traffic

AiHouse is the one with 47.7K monthly visits and 00:03:13 Avg.visit duration. AiHouse has a Page per visit of 1.32 and a bounce rate of 39.43%.

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits 47.7K
Avg·visit Duration 00:03:13
Page per Visit 1.32
Bounce Rate 39.43%
Dec 2023 - May 2024 All traffic:

MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups's traffic

MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups is the one with 0 monthly visits and 00:00:00 Avg.visit duration. MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups has a Page per visit of 0.00 and a bounce rate of 0.00%.

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits 0
Avg·visit Duration 00:00:00
Page per Visit 0.00
Bounce Rate 0.00%
Mar 2024 - May 2024 All traffic:


The top 5 countries/regions for AiHouse are:Malaysia 14.68%, India 7.77%, United States 6.54%, Senegal 2.41%, Argentina 2.26%

Top 5 Countries/regions

United States


Sorry, there are no data

Traffic Sources

The 6 main sources of traffic to AiHouse are: Search 64.81%, Direct 31.99%, Referrals 2.36%, Social 0.84%, Mail 0.00%, Display Ads 0.00%

Display Ads
Dec 2023 - May 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Traffic Sources

The 6 main sources of traffic to MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups are: Mail 0, Direct 0, Search 0, Social 0, Referrals 0, Display Ads 0

Display Ads
Mar 2024 - May 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Which is better: AiHouse or MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups?

AiHouse might be a bit more popular than MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups.As you can see, AiHouse has 47.7K monthly visits, while MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups has 0 monthly visits. So more people choose AiHouse. So the odds are that people will recommend AiHouse more on social platforms.

AiHouse has an Avg.visit duration of 00:03:13, while MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups has an Avg.visit duration of 00:00:00. Also, AiHouse has a page per visit of 1.32 and a Bounce Rate of 39.43%. MyInfluencer - Find the Right Influencers for small businesses and startups has a page per visit of 0.00 and a Bounce Rate of 0.00%.

The main users of AiHouse are Malaysia, India, United States, Senegal, Argentina, with the following distribution: 14.68%, 7.77%, 6.54%, 2.41%, 2.26%.

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