Cascadeur ist eine eigenständige Software zur 3D-Keyframe-Animation von Humanoiden oder anderen Charakteren. Mit KI-unterstützten Werkzeugen ermöglicht es einfache und unterhaltsame Keyframe-Animation und ermöglicht es den Benutzern, realistische Animationen mit voller Kontrolle zu erstellen.
Um Cascadeur zu verwenden, laden Sie die Software auf Ihren Windows- oder Linux-Computer herunter und installieren Sie sie. Nach der Installation können Sie 3D-Modelle importieren, sie mit dem Quick Rigging Tool oder automatisch generierten Rigs ausrüsten und dann die KI-unterstützten Werkzeuge verwenden, um leicht Posen zu erstellen, sekundäre Bewegungen anzupassen und realistische Physik anzuwenden. Cascadeur bietet eine Reihe von Animationswerkzeugen für Anfänger und Profis gleichermaßen, sodass es intuitiv und benutzerfreundlich ist.
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Hier ist die Support-E-Mail von Cascadeur für den Kundendienst: . Weitere Informationen zu Kontakt finden Sie auf der Kontaktseite (
Cascadeur Firmenname: Nekki Limited .
Cascadeur Firmenadresse: Kimonos 43A, Limassol, 3095, Cyprus.
Weitere Informationen zu Cascadeur finden Sie auf der Über uns-Seite ( .
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Von Ethan am April 04 2024
Entdecke 11 bahnbrechende Möglichkeiten, wie KI-gestützte Chirurgie die Gesundheitsversorgung mit Toolify AI revolutioniert. Klicke hier, um mehr zu erfahren!
Von Elijah am Juni 20 2024
Entdecke Innovation: Erfahre, wie KI die Softwareentwicklung transformiert!
Von Taiba Hasan am April 05 2024
Entdecken Sie, wie Toolify AI die Altenpflege mit 13 innovativen Methoden transformiert. Klicken Sie jetzt, um mehr zu erfahren!
Von Ethan am Juli 05 2024
Entfesseln Sie die Kraft der KI-generierten Animation mit Toolify AI - Verwandeln Sie Ihre Videos mit 11 beeindruckenden Techniken!
Von Theodore am März 29 2024
Entfesseln Sie Ihre Kreativität mit 8 erstaunlichen KI-Animationsgeneratoren von Toolify AI! Erwecken Sie Ihre Ideen auf eine Weise zum Leben, die Sie sich nie hätten vorstellen können.
Social Media Listening
Ayano Does the Lu$t Demon Ritual! Senpai Becomes her Admirer! (Concept) | Yandere Simulator
This video is dedicated to my dear friend, Tamara Udawatte for her birthday! Happy Halloween everyone! And Happy Belated Birthday to my dear friend! This is just a mod I made. This is not in the real game! This is the second dance animation I made :D This concept is based on Raimi's Spider-Man 3 film. After Ayano eliminates the Basu sisters, she thinks she has gained new powers. Unfortunately, it seems that nothing has happened... until she wakes up next morning. Ayano is no longer scared to approach her senpai or any one else. She has become overconfident and it shows. She can use her powers to attract or eliminate any male student. Yandere Simulator belongs to Yandere Dev ( Pose mod was used when making this video. Pose mod belongs to kgftbz ( Follow me on Instagram: 3d Models and textures used: Owners of models/textures taken from the game: BD, Skedaddle, NoicePotato, Druelbozo, Sizeablemovie, Lori, Numbers, Sunset Starz and GAS ( I got the s_c_ubu5 model from Yandere Simulator Fanon Wikia. It was bundled by ShiroTorayoshi ( Link to the website:,_Hair_and_Animations_%2BDL/Models_(Canon) I edited the textures a little after I downloaded the model. The male joging, hiphop and hand swaying animations were taken from Mixamo: Tobey Maguire Spider-Man 3 dances were animated by me in Unity and Cascadeur ( My hair model was made by me in and Blender ( Music used: Dreamer by em4nuels: I came across this song after watching NeroMai's video: El Salsafiore Aquí Aquí: Tragic Story by Myuu The Curious Kitten by Aaron Kenny Schoolday 3 by alucardonac mono: The music used at the beginning and end of my videos: Track: Koven x ROY - About Me [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: Free Download / Stream:
Ayano Does the Lu$t Demon Ritual! Senpai Becomes her Admirer! (Concept) | Yandere Simulator
This video is dedicated to my dear friend, Tamara Udawatte for her birthday! Happy Halloween everyone! And Happy Belated Birthday to my dear friend! This is just a mod I made. This is not in the real game! This is the second dance animation I made :D This concept is based on Raimi's Spider-Man 3 film. After Ayano eliminates the Basu sisters, she thinks she has gained new powers. Unfortunately, it seems that nothing has happened... until she wakes up next morning. Ayano is no longer scared to approach her senpai or any one else. She has become overconfident and it shows. She can use her powers to attract or eliminate any male student. Yandere Simulator belongs to Yandere Dev ( Pose mod was used when making this video. Pose mod belongs to kgftbz ( Follow me on Instagram: 3d Models and textures used: Owners of models/textures taken from the game: BD, Skedaddle, NoicePotato, Druelbozo, Sizeablemovie, Lori, Numbers, Sunset Starz and GAS ( I got the s_c_ubu5 model from Yandere Simulator Fanon Wikia. It was bundled by ShiroTorayoshi ( Link to the website:,_Hair_and_Animations_%2BDL/Models_(Canon) I edited the textures a little after I downloaded the model. The male joging, hiphop and hand swaying animations were taken from Mixamo: Tobey Maguire Spider-Man 3 dances were animated by me in Unity and Cascadeur ( My hair model was made by me in and Blender ( Music used: Dreamer by em4nuels: I came across this song after watching NeroMai's video: El Salsafiore Aquí Aquí: Tragic Story by Myuu The Curious Kitten by Aaron Kenny Schoolday 3 by alucardonac mono: The music used at the beginning and end of my videos: Track: Koven x ROY - About Me [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: Free Download / Stream:
Ayano Joins the Student Council! Duties, Tasks and Special Ending! (Concept) | Yandere Simulator
This is just a concept! This is not in the real game! At the moment, it's not possible to join the student council in the real game. This concept shows Ayano completing the tasks of each student council member, joining the student council, carrying out her duties as a student council member and getting kicked out or quitting the student council. This concept shows the benefits of joining the student council. There's also a special (joke) ending if she stays in the student council. The pepper spray elimination method is just for fun. At the end of the video, there's a small announcement :3 I am aware that the reputation updates after class. But just for this concept, the current reputation will be the total reputation along with the pending reputation. I added security cameras and metal detectors for week 10 for this concept just to make Megami's week harder. This concept is based on the "Student Council in Yandere Sim" video by Yandere Dev: Yandere Simulator belongs to Yandere Dev ( Pose mod was used to make this concept. Pose mod belongs to kgftbz ( Follow me on Instagram: 3d models and textures used: "Casio classwiz calculator" ( by Niilo Poutanen is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ( "Nintendo Switch - Hand Painted Stylized" ( by Kigha is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ( "Tennis ball" ( by ingscappatura is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial ( Page texture by Clker-Free-Vector-Images: Notebook texture by No-longer-here: Flower background by TANK153: Nature background by Satheesh Sankaran: Love background by Andrea Baratella: Gardening icon by Mohamed Hassan: Shark icon by GraphicMama-team: Computer icon by OpenClipart-Vectors: Notebook icon by Clker-Free-Vector-Images: Safety signs by Clker-Free-Vector-Images: Floppy disk icon by OpenClipart-Vectors: Undo/redo icon by by OpenIcons: Image icon by Stephan: Zoom in icon by J S: Zoom out icon by J S: Print icon by J S: Check list icon by OpenClipart-Vectors: Check list icon by J S: My hair model was made by me in Blender ( Dance animations were animated by me in Cascadeur ( Facial expressions animated in Unity. Fonts used: Gustavo Austin by Timur Type: Disttoris Andarlin by Storytype Studio: Timberlyn by Timur Type: Brilliant by Aestherica Studio: Music used in this video: Befriend or B*tr*y Amai Music by Svciality: Schoolday 12 by StiffEgg378: Schoolday 2 by Only Wednesday: Schoolday 5 by CameronF305: Student Council Track Fashion Jive by Burgundy: Music track: Fashion Jive by Burgundy Source: Copyright Free Music for Videos Ponies and Balloons by The Green Orbs: The music used at the beginning of this video: Track: Koven x ROY - About Me [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: Free Download / Stream:
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