Go Global World

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Investor-First-Plattform spart Zeit und verbindet Investoren mit relevanten globalen Start-up-Möglichkeiten.
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Was ist Go Global World?

Go Global World ist eine Investor-First-Plattform, die Investoren Zeit spart, indem sie ihnen relevantere Start-up-Möglichkeiten bietet. Sie ermöglicht es Investoren, sich einer digitalen globalen Community von verifizierten Investoren, LPs und Start-ups anzuschließen, ihren Start-up-Flow mit automatischer Filterung basierend auf ihren Kriterien zu verwalten und auf Start-ups aus der ganzen Welt zuzugreifen. Die Plattform bietet auch Funktionen wie Start-up Scouting, unabhängige Meinungen von Experten und Zugang zu Start-ups, die eine Umsatzphase mit nachhaltigem Wachstum erreicht haben.

Wie benutzt man Go Global World?

Um Go Global World zu nutzen, können Investoren sich anmelden und ein Profil erstellen. Sie können dann ihre Kriterien für Start-up-Matches festlegen und automatisierte Scouts basierend auf ihren Präferenzen erhalten. Die Plattform bietet ein Dashboard zur Verfolgung von Start-up-Bewerbungen, Investor-Updates und Deal Flow. Investoren können ihr Netzwerk auch erweitern, indem sie sich der geschlossenen Investoren-Community anschließen, exklusiven Deal-Flow nutzen und über den integrierten Messenger mit globalen Investoren in Kontakt treten. Darüber hinaus können Investoren an Global Demo Days und GGW Sharks-Veranstaltungen teilnehmen, um vielversprechende Start-ups zu entdecken und zu bewerten.

Go Global World's Hauptmerkmale

Automatische Filterung von Start-up-Bewerbungen basierend auf Investorenkriterien

Zugang zu Start-ups aus der ganzen Welt

Start-up-Scouting basierend auf persönlichen Kriterien mit täglichen Updates

Möglichkeit, sich mit verifizierten Investoren, LPs und Start-ups zu verbinden

Dashboard zur Verwaltung von Start-up-Flow, Investor-Updates und Deal Flow

Zugang zu Start-ups mit Umsatzphase und nachhaltigem Wachstum

Unabhängige Meinungen von GGW-Experten

Global Demo Days und GGW Sharks-Veranstaltungen für Pitch-Sessions und Investitionsmöglichkeiten

Geschlossene Investoren-Community für Vernetzung und Diskussionen

Integrierter Messenger für die Kommunikation mit Start-ups und Investoren

Go Global World's Anwendungsfälle


Investoren, die Zeit sparen möchten und relevantere Start-up-Möglichkeiten erhalten möchten


Investoren, die ihr globales Netzwerk erweitern und Beziehungen für zukünftige Deals und Fundraising aufbauen möchten


Investoren, die an Pitch-Sessions teilnehmen und vielversprechende Start-ups entdecken möchten


Investoren, die nach Start-ups mit nachhaltigem Wachstum und einer Umsatzphase suchen


Investoren, die eine effiziente Plattform benötigen, um ihren Start-up-Flow zu verwalten und Investor-Updates zu erhalten

FAQ von Go Global World

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Kann ich mein Profil mit nicht registrierten Benutzern teilen?

Wie funktioniert das Matchmaking auf der Plattform?

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Mitglieds- und Investorenprofil. Zugang zum Matching mit Start-ups und Investoren: unbegrenzte Datenbank, unbegrenzte Verbindungsanfragen, Messenger. 10 Verbindungsanfragen & Saves pro Tag. Profilverlinkung zum Teilen. Dashboard. Benachrichtigung über relevante Start-ups und Deals



Alles im Scout-Plan enthalten. Unbegrenzte Verbindungsanfragen & Saves. Investoren & LPs-Datenbank (5k+). Profilverifizierung. Ein Blog-Beitrag in unserer Plattform. Vorstellung in unserem Newsletter. 10% Rabatt auf GGW-Services



Alles im Investor-Plan enthalten. Persönlicher Manager. Individueller Ansatz

Die aktuellen Preise finden Sie unter diesem Link: https://www.goglobal.world/investors/plans/

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Schedule C Form 1040. LLC, Sole Proprietor, Independent Contractor. How to fill out form Schedule C.

Use Schedule C (Form 1040) to report income or loss from a business you operated or a profession you practiced as a sole proprietor. What is Schedule C: Profit or Loss from Business (Form 1040)? The IRS provides Schedule C, Profit or Loss from Business, which is a tax document that you need to submit with your Form 1040 to disclose your business's earnings and expenditures. Generally, the profit or loss indicated on the Schedule C is viewed as self-employment income. In most cases, if you complete Schedule C, you'll also be required to fill out Schedule SE, Self-Employment Tax, to compute your Social Security and Medicare taxes based on your self-employment income. You must report this amount on Form 1040, Schedule 2 Part II, Other Taxes. Who files a Schedule C tax form? To report your earnings from self-employment as a sole proprietor or a single-member Limited Liability Company (LLC), you must complete and submit Schedule C. However, if you operate a C Corporation or S corporation, you wouldn't use Schedule C to report your business's income and expenses. As a self-employed individual, your business clients are required to send you 1099 forms such as 1099-NEC, which reflect the total amount paid to you during the tax year. Additionally, you may need to issue 1099s to any vendors or contractors you have paid using your business funds. These payments are usually included in your Schedule C as expenses along with other eligible business expenses. What is a sole proprietorship? A sole proprietorship is a type of business that an individual manages and operates, which isn't structured as a distinct legal entity apart from oneself, such as a partnership or corporation. Typically, there's no legal distinction between the individual and the business. The individual owns and operates the company alone, earns all of the profits, and bears all the losses and liabilities. Freelancers, gig workers, independent contractors, and other small business owners often work as sole proprietors. Even if you only use your lawn mower to mow your neighbors' lawns for $10 per yard on weekends, you're likely operating as a sole proprietor and should disclose your business finances on Schedule C. Does an LLC file a Schedule C? You can also operate your own business as a single-member LLC. In that case, you’ll usually still need to complete Schedule C. It doesn't have to be a business with employees or an office, but it can be. If you run a single-member LLC, there’s no distinction between you and the LLC for tax purposes. Instead, whatever profits or losses produced by the LLC go directly onto your personal tax return. The IRS considers this a “Disregarded Entity.” Regardless of whether you’re a sole proprietor or single-member LLC, the defining factor of both is that you're the boss, and there's no one writing you paychecks or withholding taxes from your pay. Is Schedule C only for self-employed? If you are an employee of a business and also self-employed, you may be required to submit a Schedule C when you earn income outside of your W-2 employment. However, you should not combine your W-2 income with your self-employed income on Schedule C, as your employer will report your W-2 income on Form W-2. Schedule C is applicable when you're operating a business. In contrast, if you're earning some extra income without the intention of operating a business and generating a profit, it may be considered a hobby. In such cases, you should not report your income and expenses on Schedule C. Instead, you should typically report the income on Schedule 1, Part I, Additional Income, Line 8, "Other income." When the activity is classified as a hobby, you must report all of the income, but you cannot claim any of the expenses as tax deductions. What info is on a Schedule C? Schedule C requires you to provide various details related to your trade or business. Some of the information you need to provide includes: Business name and address Description of the primary product, service, or profession offered by your business Accounting method utilized for your business (cash, accrual, or other) Whether you have materially participated in the business or not If you acquired or started the business during the current tax year Detailed reporting of your business expenses, which may include expenses like advertising, insurance, legal and professional services, rent or lease payments, repairs and maintenance expenses, utilities, wages, and more How to fill out a 1040 Schedule C. Tips to file a 1040 tax return Schedule C includes home deduction, Car expense, COGS, Expenses, Mileage, and Schedule C line 31. Schedule C (Form 1040) 2023 schedule c is close to 2021. Where to find Schedule C form 1040: IRS form Schedule C https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040sc.pdf https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-schedule-c-form-1040 https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-schedule-c-form-1040 Learn more at www.goglobal.world #tax #ScheduleC #1040

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Go Global World: Investor-First-Plattform spart Zeit und verbindet Investoren mit relevanten globalen Start-up-Möglichkeiten.
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