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Missive ist eine Plattform, die die Teamkommunikation optimiert und effiziente Zusammenarbeit ermöglicht.
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Mar 07 2023
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Missive Produktinformationen

Was ist Missive?

Missive ist eine teambasierte Kollaborationsplattform, die E-Mail, Gruppenchat und Aufgabenverwaltung kombiniert. Sie bietet eine einzige App für interne und externe Kommunikation und ermöglicht Teams, effizienter zusammenzuarbeiten.

Wie benutzt man Missive?

Um Missive zu nutzen, melden Sie sich einfach für ein Konto an und laden Sie Ihre Teammitglieder ein. Sie können dann Ihre E-Mail-Konten verbinden, gemeinsame Posteingänge erstellen und mit der Zusammenarbeit an Aufgaben und Projekten beginnen. Verwenden Sie die Funktion für Teamchat, um Echtzeitdiskussionen zu führen, Konversationen mit threaded Chats zu organisieren und auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, wer woran arbeitet. Mit Missive können Sie alle Ihre Kommunikationskanäle an einem Ort verwalten, um Klarheit und Verantwortlichkeit zu gewährleisten.

Missive's Hauptmerkmale

Team-E-Mail: Verwalten Sie alle Ihre E-Mail-Konten und gemeinsamen Posteingänge in einer App

Gruppenchat: Führen Sie Echtzeitdiskussionen mit Ihren Teammitgliedern

Aufgaben: Arbeiten Sie gemeinsam an Aufgaben und Projekten, weisen Sie Verantwortlichkeiten zu und verfolgen Sie den Fortschritt

Arbeitsverwaltung: Bleiben Sie organisiert und konzentriert auf Ihre Arbeit mit geordneten Konversationen

Threaded Chat: Organisieren Sie Konversationen und behalten Sie wichtige Diskussionen im Blick

Team-Posteingang: Arbeiten Sie gemeinsam an jedem beliebigen gemeinsamen Posteingang, einschließlich E-Mail, SMS, Webchat, usw.

Gmail-Integration: Verbinden Sie Ihr Gmail-Konto, um direkt in Missive auf Ihre E-Mails zugreifen zu können

Web- und OSX-Apps: Nutzen Sie Missive im Web oder laden Sie die OSX-App für den Desktopzugriff herunter

Geteilte Postfächer: Teilen Sie E-Mail-Postfächer mit Ihren Teammitgliedern für effiziente Zusammenarbeit

Missive's Anwendungsfälle


Interne Teamkommunikation


Externe Kommunikation mit Kunden oder Partnern


Aufgaben- und Projektmanagement


Verwaltung gemeinsamer Posteingänge




E-Mail-Management und Organisation

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Eva Tang

Dezember 16 2024

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$ 0.53
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7 Free AI Productivity Tools I Use Every Day

🎉 Get started with Notion, sign up for free or unlock AI for $10 per month: https://ntn.so/Futurepedia More from Futurepedia: 👉 Join the fastest-growing AI education platform! Try it free and explore 20+ top-rated courses in AI: https://bit.ly/futurepediaSL Links: Arc Browser - https://arc.net/ Perplexity - https://www.perplexity.ai/ Notion - https://ntn.so/Futurepedia Texts.com - https://texts.com/ Missive - https://missiveapp.com/ Canva - https://www.canva.com/ ChatGPT - https://chat.openai.com/ Forms.app - https://forms.app/ Otter - https://otter.ai/ Humata - https://www.humata.ai/ Recast - https://www.letsrecast.ai/ Gamma - https://gamma.app/ Futurepedia - https://www.futurepedia.io/ Summary: 7 free ai productivity tools I use every day to get more done, plus 5 bonus ai tools that are great for productivity, but may not apply to everyone. I introduce the Mind, Machine, and Method productivity system with ai tools as the machines with a method to get them into the mind aka second brain. I use Notion as the second brain / mind in this system. AI tools have made huge leaps and can help to greatly increase productivity, but there are so many tools launching trying to capitalize on the AI hype, but are overpriced and not useful. I cut through the noise with the 7 AI productivity tools I actually use to save time. Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:48 Arc Browser 2:45 Perplexity 3:55 Notion 7:00 Texts.com 8:26 Missive 9:10 Canva 10:17 ChatGPT 11:21 Forms.app 12:47 Otter 13:18 Humata 13:45 Recast 14:26 Gamma 15:08 Futurepedia

May 06 2024

How I Made $102,514 Last Month With Automation (Copy Me)

JOIN MY COMMUNITY & GET YOUR FIRST AUTOMATION CUSTOMER 👑 https://www.skool.com/makerschool SUMMARY ⤵️ Lots of people have asked—here's everything I did to make $102,514 in August 2024, including systems, strategy, day-by-day deliverables, and more. As my income has transitioned from primarily service-based to consulting/coaching based, I've also changed how I allocate my time, which I cover in the video. If you've wanted a real look at what it takes to make this level of income (from scratch) this is the vid for you. Keep hustling 🙏 WHAT TO WATCH NEXT 🍿 HOW I HIT $25K/MO SELLING AUTOMATION: https://youtube.com/watch?v=T7qAiuWDwLw MY $21K/MO MAKE.COM PROPOSAL SYSTEM: https://youtube.com/watch?v=UVLeX600irk GENERATE CONTENT AUTOMATICALLY WITH AI: https://youtube.com/watch?v=P2Y_DVW1TSQ MY SOFTWARE, TOOLS, & DEALS (some of these give me kickbacks—thank you!) 🚀 INSTANTLY: https://instantly.ai/?via=nick-saraev 🧠 SMARTLEAD.AI: https://smartlead.ai/?via=nick-saraev 📧 ANYMAIL FINDER: https://anymailfinder.com/?via=nick 🚀 APOLLO.IO: https://get.apollo.io/bisgh2z5mxc1 👻 PHANTOMBUSTER: https://phantombuster.com/?deal=noah60 📄 PANDADOC: https://pandadoc.partnerlinks.io/ar44yghojibe 📝 TYPEFORM: https://typeform.cello.so/rM8vRjChpbp ✅ CLICKUP: https://clickup.pxf.io/4PQo61 📅 MONDAY.COM: https://try.monday.com/1ty9wtpsara2 📓 NOTION: https://affiliate.notion.so/3viwitl53eg7 🤖 APIFY: https://www.apify.com/?fpr=98rff 🛠️ MAKE: https://www.make.com/en/register?pc=nicksaraev 🚀 GOHIGHLEVEL: https://www.gohighlevel.com/30-day-trial?fp_ref=nicksaraev 📈 RIZE: https://rize.io/?via=LEFTCLICKAI (use promo code NICK) 🌐 WEBFLOW: https://try.webflow.com/e31xtgbyscm8 🃏 CARRD: https://try.carrd.co/myjz1yxp 💬 REPLY: https://get.reply.io/yszpkkqzkb8f 📨 MISSIVE: https://missiveapp.com/?ref_id=E3BEE459EB71 📄 PDF.CO: https://pdf.ai/?via=nick 🔥 FIREFLIES.AI: https://fireflies.ai/?fpr=nick33 🔍 DATAFORSEO: https://dataforseo.com/?aff=178012 🖼️ BANNERBEAR: https://www.bannerbear.com/?via=nick 🗣️ VAPI.AI: https://vapi.ai/?aff=nicksaraev 🤖 BOTPRESS: https://try.botpress.com/ygwdv3dcwetq 🤝 CLOSE: https://refer.close.com/r3ec5kps99cs 💬 MANYCHAT: https://manychat.partnerlinks.io/sxbxj12s1hcz 🛠️ SOFTR: https://softrplatformsgmbh.partnerlinks.io/gf1xliozt7tm 🌐 SITEGROUND: https://www.siteground.com/index.htm?afcode=ac0191f0a28399bc5ae396903640aea1 ⏱️ TOGGL: https://toggl.com/?via=nick 📝 JOTFORM: https://link.jotform.com/nicksaraev-Dsl1CkHo1C 📊 FATHOM: https://usefathom.com/ref/YOHMXL 🛒 AMAZON: https://kit.co/nicksaraev/longform-automation-content-youtube-kit 📇 DROPCONTACT: https://www.dropcontact.com/?kfl_ln=leftclick 📸 GEAR KIT: https://link.nicksaraev.com/kit 🟩 UPWORK https://link.nicksaraev.com/upwork FOLLOW ME ✍🏻 My content writing agency: https://1secondcopy.com 🦾 My automation agency: https://leftclick.ai 🕊️ My Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/nicksaraev 🤙 My blog (followed by the founder of HubSpot!): https://nicksaraev.com WHY ME? If this is your first watch—hi, I’m Nick! TLDR: I spent five years building automated businesses with Make.com (most notably 1SecondCopy, a content company that hit 7 figures). Today a lot of people talk about automation, but I’ve noticed that very few have practical, real world success making money with it. So this channel is me chiming in and showing you what *real* systems that make *real* revenue look like! Hopefully I can help you improve your business, and in doing so, the rest of your life :-) Please like, subscribe, and leave me a comment if you have a specific request! Thanks.

Nick Saraev
Oct 23 2024

This Simple Make.com Automation Generates $20K/mo on Upwork

GET THE BLUEPRINT HERE FOR FREE ⤵️ https://leftclicker.gumroad.com/l/ndiwvd JOIN MY AUTOMATION COMMUNITY & GET YOUR FIRST CUSTOMER, GUARANTEED 👑 https://www.skool.com/makerschool/about Hi all—I've had a lot of interest in my Upwork systems over the last few weeks, so thought I'd record a video on them. This is the *exact* flow I've used to make an average of ~$20K on Upwork for the last year, and you can build it yourself in maybe an hour. RSS FEED DOC https://community.upwork.com/t5/New-to-Upwork/How-to-use-targeted-RSS-feeds-to-automatic-job-alerts/m-p/638347 WHAT TO WATCH NEXT 🍿 Make Course: Make.com But For People Who Want To "Make" Real Money: https://youtube.com/watch?v=PjKHs-L6Sn4&list=PLSbQllRagIuSuiPQzqcNNbst3IWs58vDF My $21K/Mo Make.com Proposal System: https://youtube.com/watch?v=UVLeX600irk Generate Content Automatically With AI: https://youtube.com/watch?v=P2Y_DVW1TSQ MY TOOLS, SOFTWARE DEALS & GEAR (some of these links give me kickbacks—thank you!) 🚀 INSTANTLY: https://instantly.ai/?via=nick-saraev 🧠 SMARTLEAD.AI: https://smartlead.ai/?via=nick-saraev 📧 ANYMAIL FINDER: https://anymailfinder.com/?via=nick 🚀 APOLLO.IO: https://get.apollo.io/bisgh2z5mxc1 👻 PHANTOMBUSTER: https://phantombuster.com/?deal=noah60 📄 PANDADOC: https://pandadoc.partnerlinks.io/ar44yghojibe 📝 TYPEFORM: https://typeform.cello.so/rM8vRjChpbp ✅ CLICKUP: https://clickup.pxf.io/4PQo61 📅 MONDAY.COM: https://try.monday.com/1ty9wtpsara2 📓 NOTION: https://affiliate.notion.so/3viwitl53eg7 🤖 APIFY: https://www.apify.com/?fpr=98rff 🛠️ MAKE: https://www.make.com/en/register?pc=nicksaraev 🚀 GOHIGHLEVEL: https://www.gohighlevel.com/30-day-trial?fp_ref=nicksaraev 📈 RIZE: https://rize.io/?via=LEFTCLICKAI (use promo code NICK) 🌐 WEBFLOW: https://try.webflow.com/e31xtgbyscm8 🃏 CARRD: https://try.carrd.co/myjz1yxp 💬 REPLY: https://get.reply.io/yszpkkqzkb8f 📨 MISSIVE: https://missiveapp.com/?ref_id=E3BEE459EB71 📄 PDF.CO: https://pdf.ai/?via=nick 🔥 FIREFLIES.AI: https://fireflies.ai/?fpr=nick33 🔍 DATAFORSEO: https://dataforseo.com/?aff=178012 🖼️ BANNERBEAR: https://www.bannerbear.com/?via=nick 🗣️ VAPI.AI: https://vapi.ai/?aff=nicksaraev 🤖 BOTPRESS: https://try.botpress.com/ygwdv3dcwetq 🤝 CLOSE: https://refer.close.com/r3ec5kps99cs 💬 MANYCHAT: https://manychat.partnerlinks.io/sxbxj12s1hcz 🛠️ SOFTR: https://softrplatformsgmbh.partnerlinks.io/gf1xliozt7tm 🌐 SITEGROUND: https://www.siteground.com/index.htm?afcode=ac0191f0a28399bc5ae396903640aea1 ⏱️ TOGGL: https://toggl.com/?via=nick 📝 JOTFORM: https://link.jotform.com/nicksaraev-Dsl1CkHo1C 📊 FATHOM: https://usefathom.com/ref/YOHMXL 🛒 AMAZON: https://kit.co/nicksaraev/longform-automation-content-youtube-kit 📇 DROPCONTACT: https://www.dropcontact.com/?kfl_ln=leftclick 📸 GEAR KIT: https://link.nicksaraev.com/kit 🟩 UPWORK https://link.nicksaraev.com/upwork 🛑 TODOIST: https://get.todoist.io/62mhvgid6gh3 🧑‍💼 CONVERTKIT: https://partners.convertkit.com/lhq98iqntgjh FOLLOW ME ✍🏻 My content writing agency: https://1secondcopy.com 🦾 My automation agency: https://leftclick.ai 🕊️ My Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/nicksaraev 🤙 My blog (followed by the founder of HubSpot!): https://nicksaraev.com WHY ME? If this is your first watch—hi, I’m Nick! TLDR: I spent five years building automated businesses with Make.com (most notably 1SecondCopy, a content company that hit 7 figures). Today a lot of people talk about automation, but I’ve noticed that very few have practical, real world success making money with it. So this channel is me chiming in and showing you what *real* systems that make *real* revenue look like! Hopefully I can help you improve your business, and in doing so, the rest of your life :-) Please like, subscribe, and leave me a comment if you have a specific request! Thanks.

Nick Saraev
Feb 02 2024

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Missive: Missive ist eine Plattform, die die Teamkommunikation optimiert und effiziente Zusammenarbeit ermöglicht.
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14 bewährte Strategien, um die Teamzusammenarbeit im Jahr 2023 zu verbessern

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