Aidaptive es una plataforma impulsada por IA que ofrece experiencias personalizadas y resultados sencillos para marcas de comercio electrónico y hospitalidad. Utiliza análisis predictivos y personalización para impulsar conversiones y ingresos.
Para utilizar Aidaptive, debes integrarlo con tu sitio web de comercio electrónico o de hospitalidad. Una vez integrada, la plataforma analizará automáticamente los datos de los visitantes y personalizará la experiencia de compra o reserva para cada visitante. Esto incluye predecir y promocionar los mejores productos u ofertas para cada persona en función de factores de personalización. La tecnología de aprendizaje automático de Aidaptive aprende y mejora continuamente para optimizar la personalización. También puedes implementar más puntos de personalización para recopilar más datos y mejorar la relevancia para los clientes. Aidaptive ofrece implementación y soporte completos para garantizar el éxito.
Más contacto, visite la página de contacto(
Aidaptive Dirección de la empresa: 10050 N Wolfe Rd, Suite 240, Cupertino, CA 95014 USA.
Más información sobre Aidaptive, visite la página acerca de nosotros( .
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2023 CRO Anthem - "Black Friday" Edition - Part I
Aidaptive's eCommerce AI Platform was built by the former Google AI team behind Google Ads and Payments AI/ML infrastructure and enables your store to • Automatically optimize conversion rates • Deliver personalized shopping experiences • Boost ROAS and more. Visit to learn more.
From Google to AI Startup - Rakesh Yadav | BCL #306
Episode 306: Rakesh Yadav, CEO & Founder of Aidaptive Welcome to another captivating episode of Behind Company Lines! Join host Julian Torres as he delves into the world of cutting-edge technology with the remarkable Rakesh Yadav, the CEO and founder of Aidaptive. In this engaging conversation, Rakesh Yadav takes us on a journey through his impressive career, including his 14-year tenure at Google, where he led groundbreaking machine learning platforms. Get ready to discover the driving force behind Aidaptive, a company on a mission to democratize access to machine learning for enterprises worldwide. From insights into the ever-evolving landscape of AI to the future of e-commerce and hospitality industries, Rakesh covers it all. If you're eager to glimpse into the AI future and gain invaluable industry insights, hit play and tune in now! #AI #machinelearning #startup Rakesh Yadav: Aidaptive: 00:00 Intro 00:48 From Google to Entrepreneurship 02:14 Innovating Machine Learning for Rapid Impact 04:43 Bridging the Gap Between Research and Production. 06:52 Navigating AI Challenges 08:29 Mastering AI-Powered Business Models 11:34 Adaptive Business Strategies 12:38 Data-Driven Innovation 14:53 Tech Transforming Hospitality 16:56 Aidaptive's 10-Year Plan 18:25 Empowering Developers with Cutting-edge Tech 19:46 Biggest Risks Faces The Company Today 20:54 Long-Term Vision 22:34 FOUNDER'S FAQs: Hard Thing About Your Job 23:12 Real AI Unveiled 25:08 Measuring Business Metrics 27:35 Shaping Brand Discovery 30:22 Shifting Brand Dynamics 31:44 14 Years at Google 32:41 Books Or People The Influenced You The Most 35:54 Where can we find you? Connect with Behind Company Lines and HireOtter • Website: • Facebook: • Twitter: • LinkedIn: • Instagram: • Buzzsprout:
What is AI? How can I use AI for my business? What is machine learning? Can AI help attract guests?
A hybrid episode; part educational, part Techsplained! Learn about AI (including machine learning and NLP (natural language processing)), how it works, what the future of it looks like and what you need to be doing right now! The learn what Aidaptive can do for the larger Property Management Companies, and how it can give your website OTA abilities in terms of personalising your website visitor and guests experience. Learn more at Missed a Techsplained interview or demo? Then head to #communication #interview #software #techsplained #propertymanagers #theguestinnspector #guests #propertymanagers #propertymanagement #vacationrentals #vacationrentalmanagers
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