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Captura y comparte historias con IA.
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Nov 15 2023
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¿Qué es Storian?

Plataforma para capturar y compartir historias, impulsada por IA.

¿Cómo usar Storian?

1. Comparte tus recuerdos 2. Creamos tu historia 3. Personaliza tu libro 4. Recibe tu tesoro

Características principales de Storian

Biografía de principio a fin

Entrevistador de IA

Escritor de IA

Elaboración de historias de vida

Preservación de memorias

Libro de historias de vida hecho a medida

Equipo profesional

Escritores expertos

Tecnología de IA de última generación

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La historia de tus hijos


La historia de tu amigo

FAQ de Storian

¿Puedo ser dueño de mi libro?

¿Puedo elegir el estilo de mi biografía?

¿Cómo funciona el proceso de entrevista?

¿Cómo agrego toques personales y fotos?

¿Cuánto tiempo lleva el proceso?

¿Puedo editar la historia por mí mismo?

¿Puedo añadir mi propia escritura?

¿Qué pasa si no estoy satisfecho con el producto final?

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Latest in writing tools for family historians

In this evening’s installment, the fourth in a total of six programs, Denys Allen of PAancestors.org joined us to share what she’d seen and learned from the show floor. With the aplomb of a sportscaster, Denyse Allencalled up video to pick up the action on the show floor adding this clip, you can see more from her YouTube channel. Companies mentioned in her video included: LORE — Drop me a note in the comments with a link 😉 Storian.co — help you turn your real life stories into a book (a ghostwriting company, where the writing is done with AI) Storii.com — follow the backstory through the /about pages to Storiicare.com as well. (With socks.) MyAncestor.ai — upload family journals into ChatGPT-like tool that allows you to query the data for answers to questions about an ancestors’ life experiences. Storied.com — the “anti-a-la-carte,” all-in-one platform bundling newspaper-based research with family trees and rich personalization for family storytelling. Emulateme.ai — Create an avatar of a real person you can interact with based on photographs, documents, and recordings Her open-ended sharing of pitches from booth participants created the perfect opening to a larger discussion of AI in genealogy and family storytelling. Our recording stayed tight to the 30-minute window, but the “after-party” ran another 45 minutes or so as the discussion of the implications continued. ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ Subscribe to our channel here at https://YouTube.com/projectkin and go ahead, smash that notify bell to be kept updated with our latest. We publish good stuff every week! This channel includes the archives from content created for the now-offline Ponga.com. The remarkable platform inspired creative ways to share family stories — in private — and in the context of family photographs. We're a community of family historians hooked on stories. In workshops, events, and more, we dive into projects together and then compare notes to refine best practices. Follow, subscribe, and Like us at ❧ https://Instagram.com/projectkinorg ❧ https://Facebook.com/projectkinorg ❧ https://Pinterest.com/projectkinorg ❧ https://Tiktok.com/@projectkinorg ❧ https://Linkedin.com/company/projectkinorg ❧ https://Twitter.com/projectkinorg

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Storian: Captura y comparte historias con IA.
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