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Un bot alimenté par l'IA qui réduit les questions du service client.
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Sep 12 2023
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Algomo Informations sur le produit

Qu'est-ce que Algomo ?

Algomo est un bot ChatGPT conçu pour réduire les questions du service client de 85 %. Il peut être configuré sur votre site web sans code en moins de 4 minutes. Algomo apprend de vos données et s'intègre aux principaux outils.

Comment utiliser Algomo ?

Pour utiliser Algomo, il vous suffit de vous inscrire et de le configurer sur votre site web. Aucune programmation n'est requise et le processus de configuration prend moins de 4 minutes. Une fois configuré, Algomo apprendra de vos données et commencera à réduire les questions du service client.

Fonctionnalités de base de Algomo

Automatisation du support client avec un bot personnalisé similaire à ChatGPT

Résolution des demandes de support et escalade vers les agents si nécessaire

Aucune formation ni maintenance requise

Les cas d'utilisation de Algomo









FAQ de Algomo

Combien de temps faut-il pour configurer Algomo ?

Algomo nécessite-t-il une programmation ?

Algomo peut-il s'intégrer à d'autres outils ?

Algomo apprend-il de mes données ?

Quelles langues Algomo prend-il en charge ?

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Top 5 AI Tools to Skyrocket Any Career—AI for Business

Think AI is just for tech gurus? Think again! Discover 5 AI tools that can transform your career—no tech skills required! Whether you're automating tasks, enhancing customer experiences, or creating impactful content, these AI tools are designed for anyone to use. With real-world examples and user-friendly tools, you'll be ready to elevate your career in no time. Don't miss out on these career development game-changers! ------------------------------- These are the AI tools shown in this video (in order of appearance): - Google Analytics with AI Insights: https://blog.google/products/marketingplatform/analytics/ Google Analytics with AI insights offers smart recommendations that are based on your website traffic and user behavior, empowering businesses to make savvier marketing moves. Google Analytics is free and now with its plug-and-play AI insights feature, it's easier to use than ever. - RecruiterPM: https://www.recruiterpm.com/?gr_pk=pkbb RecruiterPM is an AI powered HR tool that makes recruiting and hiring employees faster and more productive. RecruiterPM will distribute your open jobs to the major job boards and help you assess candidates. Then quickly move from the initial interview to onboarding the perfect hire with the RecruiterPM easy-to-understand and use team dashboards. - Tailwind: https://tailwind.sjv.io/jrEJNP This Social Media Marketing AI assistant generates post ideas, designs eye-catching content, and even schedules posts when your audience is most likely to engage. Create email marketing newsletters with unlimited contacts. Plus, Tailwind will create personalized marketing plans for you, saving you hours of brainstorming. It’s the tool that feels like a marketing team! - Algomo: https://www.algomo.com/?gr_pk=LyvY Algamo has a website chat, a comparison and recommendation engine for website visitors along with a built-in customer care helpdesk and contact management system for agents. Algamo is designed to serve a wide range of online businesses, from e-commerce retailers and wholesalers to travel agents and hospitality companies regardless of size. - Invideo AI: https://invideo.sjv.io/q4RnYj InVideo AI is an AI video generator, sometimes referred to as text-to-video AI. InVideo AI is one of the most popular AI video creation tools going and will transform your text into engaging video content. Start with a simple topic and InVideo AI creates a video with script, visuals, subtitles, voiceover and music. Post the video on YouTube, embed it on your website or blog, and all social media channels. ------------------------------- Please support our family-run YouTube channel by donating here: https://buymeacoffee.com/onlinedegreesandcourses ------------------------------- 0:00 Intro to AI Skills and Tools for Career Growth 0:18 AI Data-Driven Decision-Making 0:54 Google Analytics with AI insights 1:18 Task Automation Using AI 1:39 AI Powered HR Software 1:49 RecruiterPM HR Tool 2:14 Tailwind AI Marketing Tool 2:41 AI ECommerce Personalization and Customer Experience (CX) 3:27 Algomo AI Website Chat and Customer Care Helpdesk 4:07 AI Problem Solving and Innovation 4:27 AI Language Models Chat GPT and Claude AI 5:18 Enhancing Communication with AI 5:47 AI Video Creation Tools 5:59 Invideo AI Video Generator and Editor 6:46 Thoughts on AI Tools for Career Growth 7:17 Outro ------------------------------- We will earn a small commission if you buy something through our links. We thank you for your support; it helps us make more helpful videos for you!! ------------------------------- #AIskills #careeradvancement #AItools #upskilling #careerdevelopment

Online Degrees and Courses
Aug 20 2024

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Algomo: Un bot alimenté par l'IA qui réduit les questions du service client.
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15 façons dont les assistants de service clientèle basés sur l'IA transforment les entreprises.

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