Apprendre Prompting est un cours en ligne complet qui enseigne l'ingénierie des prompts, c'est-à-dire l'art de communiquer efficacement avec l'intelligence artificielle. Il propose plus de 60 modules de contenu dans 9 langues et offre une communauté florissante aux apprenants.
Pour utiliser Apprendre Prompting, vous pouvez accéder au programme d'études gratuit et open source sur le site web. Le cours est conçu pour tous les niveaux, des débutants aux utilisateurs avancés. Il couvre différentes applications d'outils d'IA comme ChatGPT et fournit un accompagnement étape par étape pour interagir efficacement avec l'IA.
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This Odd ChatGPT Skill Pays $335,000/year
🚨 Get the most powerful no-code AI automation engine (JarvisJr) & Unlock $ 1/year lifetime plan of AI Productivity Hub. ✨ Crazy 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿 𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝗗𝗲𝗰 𝟮𝟴 @ 𝟮 𝗽𝗺 𝗣𝗦𝗧 ⬇️Resources mentioned in this video⬇️ Say Hi on LinkedIn: Link to the job post mentioned in the video: P.S. I heard they got 200 applications in the first hours... so.. you know... Yey? :D 🎙️ Listen to Wes and I jazz around all things AI on @HTTTA Podcast: 💌 Subscribe to the Newsletter: AI Resources I use and recommend (some might be affiliate links): 🔥 PromptPerfect for prompt optimization: FOR 15% OFF; use this link and the code 'godago' at the checkout! ✅ 🔥Learn Prompting What is Prompt Engineering and Where to start learning: 🚩 🚩OpenAI: Best practices for prompt engineering with OpenAI API 🚩OpenAI forum: 🚩GitHub Prompt Engineering Guide 🚩The ChatGPT Prompt Book: 🚩 AI text detectors: 🚩 🚩OpenAI classifier(not a detector lol) Timestamps: 00:00 This AI Skill is no Joke 00:48 The 3 Warnings For using AI 03:29 The 5 Places to Start Learning Prompt Engineering 05:23 Use this Prompt example (+6 tips) 🚩''Email response'' prompt example: Replay to this email: ''Hey! Thanks for signing up to my newsletter 🙌 I'm curious, where did you hear about it? If you have 30 seconds, I'd love to hear about your background, current work and your area of interest! What is the one recent piece of news, startup or research paper that you'd recommend I check out? 🤓 Speak soon, Nathan '' Respond diplomatically and comprehensive. The goal is to convince the receiver to have a call for a short chat where I can tell more about my interest in AI and some ideas I have. Email should be 500 words or less, written to 10 years old reading proficiency. Let's think about this step by step. The response I got (🤓) Dear Nathan, Thank you for reaching out and for the opportunity to sign up for your newsletter. I heard about it through a colleague who highly recommended it. I would be happy to share more about my background and interests with you. I have been working in the field of artificial intelligence for several years and I am passionate about the ways it can be used to improve people's lives. Currently, I am focused on developing AI solutions for various industries and I am always looking for new ways to apply my knowledge and skills. Regarding the recent piece of news or research paper, I would highly recommend you check out "The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence" by Nick Bostrom and Samuel Arbesman. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the ethical considerations surrounding the development and deployment of AI and is a must-read for anyone interested in the field. Finally, I would be more than happy to have a short call with you to discuss my ideas and how they might be of interest to you. I believe that a conversation would give us both a better understanding of how we could work together in the future. I look forward to hearing back from you. Best regards, [Your Name]
Estudia gratis ingeniería del Prompt en Una comunidad digital. #inteligenciaartificial #tech #ai #openai #chatgpt #midjourney
Cómo Utilizar ChatGPT Para Principiantes Rápido
👉 Te enseñaré un TRUCO para dominar y usar ChatGPT en 5 minutoa que no te han contado para ahorrar tiempo y mejorar tu vida 💯 De principiante a avanzado, aumenta tu nivel de juego con ChatGPT. Aprende a utilizar ChatGPT de OpenAI, ingeniería rápida con hojas de trucos, cómo hacer las preguntas correctas, refinar las respuestas de ChatGPT y variosvaliosos casos de uso. Chat GPT ya nos está demostrando que la I.A. va a transformar la vida tal y como la conocemos. Y tú, ¿la usas todos los días? Resumen del vídeo : 0:00 - 0:30 : ¿De que va el vídeo? 0:30 - 0:47 : Como acceder a ChatGPT 0:48 - 1:57 : El Truco para usar ChatGPT 1:57 - 4:57 : Ejemplos de Uso de ChatGPT 4:57 - 5:30 : Ideas 5:30 - 6:00 : Truco final 6:00 - 6:32 Importante pregunta Si queréis profundizar mucho en cómo escribirle a una inteligencia artificial para cualquier caso, os dejo en la descripción un curso 100% gratis y muy interesante al que podeis echarle un vistazo : "" #chatgpt #inteligenciaartificial
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