MapsGPT est un puissant outil de génération de cartes alimenté par OpenAI et Proxi. Il permet aux utilisateurs de créer des cartes personnalisées avec des épingles en quelques secondes, facilitant ainsi la découverte et l'exploration de différents lieux et points d'intérêt.
Pour utiliser MapsGPT, il suffit de visiter le site web et de commencer à générer votre carte personnalisée. Vous pouvez fournir des requêtes de recherche spécifiques ou des instructions, telles que trouver des marchés aux puces, des lieux pour une soirée en amoureux, de beaux ponts ou des lieux uniques pour des activités spécifiques. L'outil générera une carte avec des épingles personnalisées en fonction de vos entrées. Vous pouvez également vous connecter à Proxi pour revoir et modifier les cartes que vous avez créées.
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MapsGPT Nom de l'entreprise : Map Your Idea Inc. .
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Écoute des médias sociaux
MapsGPT - How to use an AI map generator
This video shows you how to use Simply go to the site, fill in one of our six mad-lib prompts and wait a few seconds for your AI generated map to appear. Explore the world with your results!
CEO Melinda Haughey covers the origin story of viral mapping platform Proxi. She then tells us about their cheerful take on applying ChatGPT for maps: She mentions some great Proxi maps in the interview, here are some of them: Witch Businesses in BC: Fall + Halloween Map, Seattle Area: 2023 Maple Sugaring Map: You can discover more here: THE GEOSPATIAL INDEX The Geospatial Index is a comprehensive listing of all publicly traded geospatial businesses worldwide. Why? The industry is growing at ~13.8% annually. For only $11,600 to start, this growth rate is $5,000,000 over a working life. This channel, Twitter account, blog, portfolio and podcast express the view that you are serious about geospatial if you take the view of an investor, venture capitalist or entrepreneur. You are expected to do your own research. This is not a replacement for that. This is not investment advice. Consider it entertainment. Twitter: Watchlist: Podcast: Blog: NOT THE OPINION OF MY EMPLOYER NOT YOUR FIDUCIARY NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE
We discussed with a co-founder, Dario. Similar to our chats with and, this is another natural language interface to a geographic information system. Here is an example map I made: We covered some of the ethical issues using generative AI and I mentioned Samsung workers accidentally leaking intellectual property to ChatGPT, here's a link for more: THE GEOSPATIAL INDEX The Geospatial Index is a comprehensive listing of all publicly traded geospatial businesses worldwide. Why? The industry is growing at ~13.8% annually. For only $11,600 to start, this growth rate is $5,000,000 over a working life. This channel, Twitter account, blog, portfolio and podcast express the view that you are serious about geospatial if you take the view of an investor, venture capitalist or entrepreneur. You are expected to do your own research. This is not a replacement for that. This is not investment advice. Please consider it entertainment. Twitter: Blog: Podcast: Watchlist: NOT THE OPINION OF MY EMPLOYER NOT YOUR FIDUCIARY NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE