$72,285/month with AI Coloring Books!

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$72,285/month with AI Coloring Books!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Analyzing the Brand's Revenue
  3. Marketing Strategy and Review Analysis
  4. AI-Generated Images vs Human-Illustrated Images
  5. Comparison of AI-Generated Books and Human-Illustrated Books
  6. Discussion on the Ethics of AI-Generated Books
  7. Potential Risks and Future Implications
  8. Is AI Generation Worth Considering?
  9. The Evolution of Mid-Journey and the Future of AI in Publishing
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will be diving into the world of AI-generated coloring books and exploring a brand that seems to be utilizing AI and mid-journey technology to generate their coloring pages. We will analyze the revenue of this particular brand and examine their marketing strategy. Additionally, we will discuss the pros and cons of AI-generated images versus human-illustrated images, and compare the coloring books produced by this brand with those created by a successful human-illustrated brand. Furthermore, we will Delve into the ethical considerations surrounding AI-generated books and discuss potential risks and future implications. Finally, we will examine whether AI generation is a viable option for aspiring publishers and discuss the future evolution of mid-journey technology in the publishing industry.

Analyzing the Brand's Revenue

Let's start by analyzing the revenue of the brand that is using AI to generate their coloring pages. According to our research, this brand, which we'll refer to as Lauren K, is generating an impressive monthly revenue of $70,000. It is important to note that this revenue figure represents total revenue and not profit. To provide a deeper understanding of their revenue breakdown, let's take a closer look at their top-selling books.

Lauren K's top-selling book, "101 Relaxing Coloring Book," is earning approximately $442 in royalties per day with a Best Seller Rank (BSR) of 569. Another book, "101 Relaxing Flowers Coloring Book," has a BSR of 3279 and earns around $87 per day in royalties. Despite having only seven reviews, the book "101 Mindfulness Meditation Coloring Book" has a BSR of 5000 and makes $55 per day. Even with negative reviews, "Magic Jar" with a BSR of 2663 manages to generate $160 per day.

It is worth mentioning that Lauren K appears to be the same person behind Kite Fox Publishing, another brand previously analyzed in a separate video. Now that we have an overview of their revenue, let's dive into their marketing strategy and review analysis.

Marketing Strategy and Review Analysis

Lauren K's marketing strategy seems to be primarily focused on running Amazon ads and utilizing the platform extensively. They do not have an email list or any other supplementary content. Despite this, their books have garnered a fair share of positive reviews. However, it's important to note that there are customers who have expressed dissatisfaction with the AI-generated coloring pages.

Some customers have Mentioned that the coloring pages appear to be AI-generated, with one reviewer calling it the "weirdest coloring book" they had purchased. However, the majority of customers seem to enjoy the books and offer positive feedback. Although there seems to be a division in customer opinions regarding the AI-generated nature of the coloring pages, Lauren K's overall reviews remain generally favorable.

Now that we have examined their marketing strategy and review analysis, let's explore the differences between AI-generated images and human-illustrated images.

AI-Generated Images vs Human-Illustrated Images

A noticeable difference between AI-generated images and human-illustrated images becomes apparent when comparing the coloring pages produced. AI-generated images often lack clear Patterns and borders, making it challenging for users to determine where they should color. This can result in confusion and frustration for some customers.

On the other HAND, human-illustrated images, such as those from successful brands like Jade Summer, exhibit clear patterns and well-defined borders, allowing users to color with ease. The difference in quality between AI-generated and human-illustrated images is substantial, as the latter provides a more enjoyable and coherent coloring experience.

In the next section, we will directly compare the AI-generated books from Lauren K with human-illustrated books from Jade Summer to further highlight these differences.

Comparison of AI-Generated Books and Human-Illustrated Books

Let's compare the AI-generated coloring books from Lauren K with the human-illustrated coloring books from Jade Summer. By doing so, we can better understand the discrepancies between the two approaches.

For instance, when analyzing the intricate pattern coloring book from Lauren K, we observe that the AI-generated images lack a coherent pattern, making it challenging to color them properly. Conversely, the intricate pattern coloring book from Jade Summer showcases clearly defined patterns that users can easily engage with.

Another example is the flowers coloring book from Lauren K, which features less detailed and confusing images compared to the flowers coloring book by Jade Summer. The human-illustrated book provides a well-structured coloring experience, whereas the AI-generated book poses difficulties due to its lack of Clarity.

These comparisons clearly demonstrate the superior quality of human-illustrated coloring books, which offer customers a more satisfying coloring experience.

In the next section, we will discuss the ethical considerations associated with AI-generated books and explore the potential risks and future implications.

Discussion on the Ethics of AI-Generated Books

The use of AI-generated books raises ethical considerations within the publishing industry. While some customers are content with AI-generated coloring pages, others express concerns about the lack of human creativity and craftsmanship in these books.

It is essential to question the authenticity and artistic merit of books created solely through AI. Some customers have expressed disappointment with what they perceive as randomly generated images lacking the personal touch and Attention to Detail found in human-illustrated coloring pages.

These ethical concerns are warranted, as it is essential to consider the value and experience readers derive from a book. The fine balance between convenience and quality may tip in favor of human-illustrated content for those seeking a more immersive and satisfying coloring experience.

However, this debate remains ongoing, and the future stance of Amazon and other platforms on AI-generated books is yet to be determined.

In the following section, we will explore the potential risks associated with publishing AI-generated books and discuss their future implications.

Potential Risks and Future Implications

Publishing AI-generated books comes with potential risks and unknown future implications. While AI technology continues to advance rapidly, concerns about plagiarism, artistic Originality, and the role of human creativity persist.

At present, platforms like Amazon have not explicitly addressed this issue. As a result, some publishers are leveraging the lack of clear regulations and producing AI-generated books to generate substantial revenue. However, it is uncertain how long this practice will be deemed acceptable or tolerated by both platforms and consumers.

As AI technology evolves, it is crucial for publishers to remain vigilant and adaptable to changing regulations and consumer demands. The future implications of AI-generated books are still uncertain, and prospective publishers should carefully consider the associated risks before pursuing this avenue.

In the next section, we will consider whether the use of AI generation is a viable option for aspiring publishers.

Is AI Generation Worth Considering?

The decision to utilize AI generation in the publishing process is a complex one. While it offers potential benefits such as increased production speed and cost efficiency, it also entails risks and limitations in terms of artistic quality and originality.

Prospective publishers must weigh the advantages and disadvantages before deciding to adopt AI generation. It is essential to consider the target audience's expectations and the overall user experience.

While AI technology continues to evolve, the quality gap between AI-generated and human-illustrated content remains notable. For publishers seeking to Create truly captivating and high-quality coloring books, the human touch and artistic expertise are still paramount.

Ultimately, the suitability of AI generation depends on individual publishers' goals, the preferences of their audience, and the ethical considerations surrounding AI-generated books.

In the following section, we will discuss the evolution of mid-journey technology and the future implications of AI in the publishing industry.

The Evolution of Mid-Journey and the Future of AI in Publishing

Mid-journey technology, including AI generation, represents a significant advancement in the publishing industry. As technology continues to improve, the quality of AI-generated images and content will likely continue to evolve.

Despite the Current limitations and ethical considerations, AI shows promise as a tool that can improve efficiency and productivity. With further refinements, mid-journey technology could potentially offer publishers the ability to create high-quality AI-generated content that rivals human-illustrated material.

The future of AI in publishing is still uncertain. While some customers appreciate the convenience and affordability of AI-generated books, others value the human touch and artistic craftsmanship found in human-illustrated content. The industry will need to strike a balance that caters to both preferences.

In conclusion, AI generation in publishing offers a mix of opportunities and challenges. As the technology develops, it presents publishers with alternative options for creating content. However, it is crucial to carefully consider the implications, ethical concerns, and customer preferences in deciding whether to adopt AI generation in the publishing process.


In this article, we have delved into the world of AI-generated coloring books, examining a brand that utilizes AI and mid-journey technology to generate their coloring pages. We analyzed their revenue and marketing strategy and explored the pros and cons of AI-generated images compared to human-illustrated images. We also discussed the ethical considerations, potential risks, and future implications of AI-generated books. Furthermore, we explored whether AI generation is a viable option for aspiring publishers and examined the future evolution of mid-journey technology in the publishing industry.

While AI generation offers potential benefits in terms of cost efficiency and production speed, it is essential to consider the impact on artistic quality and the overall user experience. The debate between AI-generated and human-illustrated content continues, and the future stance of platforms like Amazon remains uncertain.

Ultimately, prospective publishers must carefully weigh the advantages, disadvantages, and ethical considerations before deciding to utilize AI generation. The path they choose will depend on their goals, audience preferences, and the evolving landscape of AI technology in the publishing industry.


  1. Analyzing a brand that utilizes AI and mid-journey technology to generate coloring pages
  2. Examination of the revenue and marketing strategy of the brand
  3. Comparison of AI-generated images versus human-illustrated images
  4. Ethical considerations surrounding AI-generated books
  5. Potential risks and future implications of publishing AI-generated books
  6. Decision-making on whether to incorporate AI generation in publishing
  7. The evolution of mid-journey technology and the future implications of AI in publishing


Q: How much revenue does the analyzed brand generate? A: The brand generates approximately $70,000 per month in revenue.

Q: Are customers satisfied with AI-generated coloring pages? A: Customer opinions are divided, with some expressing satisfaction and others criticizing the AI-generated nature of the coloring pages.

Q: Is there a difference in quality between AI-generated and human-illustrated coloring books? A: Yes, there is a noticeable difference, with human-illustrated books generally providing a more enjoyable and coherent coloring experience.

Q: What are the potential risks associated with AI-generated books? A: Risks include concerns about plagiarism, artistic originality, and the role of human creativity in the publishing process.

Q: Is AI generation a viable option for aspiring publishers? A: The viability of AI generation depends on various factors, including individual goals, audience preferences, and the ethical considerations surrounding AI-generated books.

Q: What does the future hold for AI in the publishing industry? A: The future is uncertain, but as technology continues to advance, AI has the potential to offer improved efficiency and productivity in content creation.

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