AI Livestream: Watch 2 AIs Debate 24/7!

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AI Livestream: Watch 2 AIs Debate 24/7!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Building the AI Characters
  3. Gathering Information on the Characters
  4. Generating Opposing Views
  5. Creating the Script
  6. Adding Voice to the Characters
  7. Making the Conversation More Engaging
  8. Setting Up a Python Project
  9. Using LangChain for Conversations
  10. Generating the Voice Clips
  11. Putting It All Together
  12. Creating a Twitch Livestream
  13. Conclusion


In today's digital age, new and innovative ways of engaging with content are constantly emerging. One such concept is viewer-controlled live streams, where the audience has the power to decide the course of the content. Imagine two AI characters engaged in a heated argument, with the viewers determining the outcome. In this article, we will explore how to build an automated 24/7 live stream where the viewers decide what two AI characters argue about. We will dive into the technical aspects of creating the AI models, gathering information on characters, generating opposing views, creating the script, adding voice to the characters, making the conversation more engaging, setting up a Python project, using LangChain for conversations, generating voice clips, putting it all together, and finally, live streaming the content on Twitch. So let's dive in and discover the exciting world of viewer-controlled AI arguments!

Building the AI Characters

Before we can commence the live stream, we need to Create two instances of an AI Chat model to represent the characters. For example, let's choose Spongebob and Mario as the characters. To make their arguments more compelling, we must Gather as much information as possible about these characters. This information can be sourced from various online platforms, particularly Wikipedia. By obtaining a comprehensive history of the characters, we can ensure that their opinions are Based on a solid foundation. The information will be embedded within a vector database to facilitate easy retrieval.

Gathering Information on the Characters

To gather the necessary information on the characters, we will scrape data from online sources. Since there is no centralized API available, we'll resort to the old-fashioned way of web scraping. By creating a custom script, we can search for character-related information on sites like fandom. Once we have collected the data, we can proceed to chop it up into segments and embed it within the vector database for easy access.

Generating Opposing Views

To make the arguments more interesting, we need opposing views on the chosen subject. This can be accomplished by using another AI model to generate viewpoints that are contrary to each other. We will query both AI models to gather their opinions on the subject, thereby enhancing the debate and adding depth to the characters' arguments.

Creating the Script

Now that we have the characters, their information, and the opposing views, it's time to generate a script for their argument. By utilizing the power of AI, we can create a script that the characters will Read over during the live stream. This script will be generated using the information gathered earlier, ensuring that the characters' dialogue reflects their respective opinions. The lines will be organized in a sequence that mimics a back and forth conversation, creating a more engaging experience for the viewers.

Adding Voice to the Characters

To further enhance the live stream experience, we want the characters to have voices that match their personalities. This can be achieved using an AI voice cloner. While the script is being generated, the voice cloner will run in Parallel, generating the voices for the characters. By combining the script with the generated voices, we can create a more immersive and realistic argument between the AI characters.

Making the Conversation More Engaging

While the technical aspects of building the AI characters and generating the script are crucial, we must also focus on making the conversation between the characters more engaging. Instead of a formal debate, we want the characters to argue with each other, adding humor and entertainment value to the live stream. By incorporating natural language and conversational elements, we can create a lively and dynamic discussion that captivates the audience's Attention.

Setting Up a Python Project

To streamline the development process, it is advisable to set up a Python project dedicated to building the automated live stream. This will allow for better organization and easier collaboration. By utilizing the right tools and frameworks, such as PyTorch, we can enhance the performance and speed of the project. Resources like Zero to Mastery can provide comprehensive courses and tutorials to support your learning Journey and help you acquire the necessary skills for the project.

Using LangChain for Conversations

To enable seamless conversations between the AI characters, we can incorporate LangChain, a powerful tool that allows for the creation of chains of conversation. By prompting One AI character to say an opening line and having the other character respond, we can simulate a natural conversation flow. This back-and-forth exchange will create a Sense of engagement and realism for the viewers.

Generating the Voice Clips

With the script and the AI voices ready, we need to generate the voice clips for the characters. By running the script through the text-to-speech processor, we can transform the written dialogue into spoken words. Each voice clip will be generated and played in sequence, accompanied by subtitles for viewers to follow along. This synchronization will ensure a smooth and immersive viewing experience.

Putting It All Together

Now that we have all the components ready, it's time to put everything together and create the viewer-controlled live stream. By incorporating a Twitch bot, a middleman server, and WebSocket technology, we can enable user input and interaction. The Twitch bot will accept user suggestions, which will be added to a queue to trigger the script generation process. The middleman server will handle communication between the Twitch bot, the Website, and the script generation, ensuring that viewers receive real-time updates and can actively participate in shaping the AI characters' arguments.

Creating a Twitch Livestream

To bring the viewer-controlled live stream to life, we will set up a Twitch Broadcast. This will allow for the seamless integration of the viewers' suggestions and the generated AI arguments. By leveraging the power of WebSocket technology, we can maintain a constant flow of information between the components of the live stream, ensuring a truly interactive and engaging experience for the viewers.


In this article, we explored the concept of viewer-controlled AI arguments and learned how to build an automated 24/7 live stream where viewers have the power to decide what two AI characters argue about. We delved into the technical aspects of creating the AI characters, gathering information, generating opposing views, creating the script, adding voice, making the conversation more engaging, setting up the development environment, using LangChain for conversations, generating voice clips, and putting it all together for a Twitch livestream. The possibilities for viewer-controlled content are endless, and by incorporating AI and innovative technologies, we can create captivating and entertaining experiences that redefine the boundaries of interactive entertainment.


  • Building an automated 24/7 live stream with viewer-controlled AI characters
  • Gathering information on the characters from online sources
  • Generating opposing views to enhance the arguments
  • Creating a dynamic script for the AI characters to follow
  • Adding realistic voices to the characters using AI voice cloning
  • Making the conversation engaging and entertaining for viewers
  • Streaming the content on Twitch with user-controlled suggestions
  • Utilizing Python, LangChain, and other tools for development and execution
  • Putting all the components together for an immersive viewer experience
  • The future of interactive entertainment through viewer-controlled AI arguments


Q: What is a viewer-controlled live stream? A: In a viewer-controlled live stream, the audience has the power to decide the course of the content. They can make suggestions or choices that directly impact the content being presented.

Q: How do You create AI characters for the live stream? A: AI characters can be created by leveraging AI chat models and providing them with specific personalities and traits. These models can be trained on extensive datasets and programmed to respond to various prompts and inputs.

Q: How do you make the conversation between the AI characters engaging? A: By incorporating natural language and conversational elements, the conversation between the AI characters can be made more engaging. This can include humor, banter, and back-and-forth exchanges that mimic real-life arguments.

Q: Can viewers participate in the arguments between the AI characters? A: Yes, viewers can participate in the arguments by suggesting topics or viewpoints for the AI characters to discuss. These suggestions can be incorporated into the live stream, allowing viewers to shape the course of the debate.

Q: What technologies are used to create the live stream? A: The live stream can be created using a combination of AI models, web scraping, text-to-speech processors, Twitch bots, middleman servers, and WebSocket technology. These tools and technologies work together to enable viewer interaction and real-time updates.

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