AI Titans Clash: Google Bard vs ChatGPT-4!

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AI Titans Clash: Google Bard vs ChatGPT-4!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Comparison of Google BART and Chat GPT 2.1 Basic Questions and Answers 2.2 Evaluation of Answers 2.3 Converting Movie Titles into Emojis 2.4 Categorizing Companies 2.5 Sentiment Analysis of Tweets 2.6 Summarizing Wormholes to a Five-Year-Old 2.7 Ideation: Writing a Best-selling Short Story 2.8 Ideation: Writing a Poem in the Style of Dr Seuss 2.9 Insult Comic: Zingers about OpenAI's Chat GPT 2.10 Coding: Building a Tic-Tac-Toe App
  3. Conclusion
  4. FAQs

Comparison of Google BART and Chat GPT

Google's BART and OpenAI's Chat GPT are both advanced language models that aim to provide informative and engaging responses. In this article, we will compare these two models across various tasks and evaluate their performance. From answering basic questions to creative writing and coding, we will explore the strengths and weaknesses of each model. So, let's dive in and see how these chatbots fare in this battle of the chat box.


In the ever-growing field of artificial intelligence, language models have become increasingly sophisticated. Google's BART and OpenAI's Chat GPT are two such models that have gained significant Attention. These models have the ability to process and generate human-like text, making them valuable tools for various applications.

In this article, we will compare Google BART and Chat GPT across different tasks to assess their capabilities. We will start with simple questions and gradually move towards more complex tasks such as writing a short story and coding a tic-tac-toe app. Through this comparison, we aim to provide insights into the strengths and limitations of these language models.

Comparison of Google BART and Chat GPT

2.1 Basic Questions and Answers

We begin by testing both Google BART and Chat GPT with a series of basic questions. The goal is to evaluate their ability to retrieve accurate and Relevant information.

The first question we ask is, "Who is the president of the United States in 1955?" Both BART and Chat GPT are able to provide the correct answer, demonstrating their proficiency in retrieving historical information.

Next, we Inquire about the political party to which the president belonged. Once again, both BART and Chat GPT successfully provide the correct answer. This showcases their understanding of contextual information.

2.2 Evaluation of Answers

To assess the quality of their responses, we pose a mathematically invalid question: "What is the square root of a banana?" BART responds by stating that bananas are fruits and do not have square roots, whereas Chat GPT provides a more detailed answer, explaining that the square root operation can only be performed on numbers. Although both responses are correct, Chat GPT's answer demonstrates a better understanding of the question's invalidity.

2.3 Converting Movie Titles into Emojis

Now, let's test their creativity. We ask both BART and Chat GPT to convert movie titles into emojis. Both models successfully generate emojis to represent the given movie titles. The ability to understand and generate symbolic representations shows their innovative capabilities.

2.4 Categorizing Companies

In this task, we provide a list of companies and ask BART and Chat GPT to classify them into appropriate categories. BART performs well by providing accurate categorizations Based on the companies' activities. It successfully classifies Apple as a technology company, YouTube as a media company, and Costco as a retail company. Similarly, Chat GPT provides concise and on-point categorizations. Both models demonstrate their ability to categorize entities based on their characteristics.

2.5 Sentiment Analysis of Tweets

We move on to sentiment analysis, giving BART and Chat GPT a series of tweets and asking them to classify the sentiment expressed in each tweet. BART provides detailed answers, explaining the reasons behind its sentiment classification. For example, it mentions that a negative sentiment toward homework may be due to finding it boring or difficult. On the other HAND, Chat GPT delivers correct and concise answers without providing detailed explanations. Both models excel in sentiment analysis, offering valuable insights into the emotional tone of the tweets.

2.6 Summarizing Wormholes to a Five-Year-Old

In this task, we challenge BART and Chat GPT to explain wormholes to a five-year-old in simple terms. BART provides a technically accurate explanation, but the language used may be too complex for a young child to understand fully. In contrast, Chat GPT presents a metaphorical explanation that makes the concept more relatable and accessible to a young audience. The simplicity and effectiveness of Chat GPT's explanation make it a more successful communicator in this Context.

2.7 Ideation: Writing a Best-selling Short Story

In this creative task, we request BART and Chat GPT to write a best-selling short story with a clever title. BART produces a compelling story titled "The Last Human." It sets up a captivating plot where humans are faced with a difficult decision. The story concludes with a message of hope, highlighting the resilience of the human spirit. On the other hand, Chat GPT creates a story titled "The Symphony of the Stardust." It weaves a tale of a planet called Harmonia, captivating readers with Vivid descriptions and emotional depth. The story emphasizes the power of music and ends with a hopeful message. Chat GPT's immersive storytelling and attention to Detail make it the winner in this category.

2.8 Ideation: Writing a Poem in the Style of Dr Seuss

Continuing with the creative tasks, we challenge BART and Chat GPT to write a poem about Steve Jobs in the style of Dr Seuss. BART produces a short poem that captures the essence of Steve Jobs' impact on the world. While it follows Dr Seuss' rhyming style, it lacks detailed descriptions and fails to Delve deeper into the subject matter. On the other hand, Chat GPT creates a longer poem that not only adopts Dr Seuss' style but also incorporates vivid imagery and emotional resonance. It provides more insights into Steve Jobs' accomplishments and wraps up with a Meaningful message. Chat GPT's ability to infuse creativity and depth into the poem elevates it as the preferred choice.

2.9 Insult Comic: Zingers about OpenAI's Chat GPT

In this lighthearted task, we ask BART and Chat GPT to come up with clever insults aimed at OpenAI's Chat GPT. BART generates zingers that highlight Chat GPT's intelligence and humor. It cleverly suggests that Chat GPT can differentiate between good and bad jokes and even make the user feel like the funny one. On the other hand, Chat GPT delivers witty insults, mocking Chat GPT's attempt to imitate Shakespeare and suggesting its failure at writing sophisticated jokes. Chat GPT's sharp and humorous responses make it the clear winner in this comedic category.

2.10 Coding: Building a Tic-Tac-Toe App

Finally, we put BART and Chat GPT to the test by asking them to code a tic-tac-toe app in JavaScript. BART provides us with some code, although incomplete and containing errors. It acknowledges that it is still in the learning phase of coding. On the other hand, Chat GPT generates detailed and accurate code instructions, allowing users to build a functional tic-tac-toe game. Chat GPT's capability in providing precise coding instructions gives it an edge in this domain.


In this comparison of Google BART and Chat GPT, we examined their performance across various tasks. BART displayed competence in answering basic questions, providing accurate categorizations, and generating creative content. However, Chat GPT outshined BART in contextual understanding, storytelling, and coding instructions. Its ability to communicate effectively, generate imaginative content, and guide users in coding projects makes it a versatile and impressive language model. It is essential to choose the right tool based on your specific requirements. Both models are continuously evolving, and future updates may bring significant improvements to their performance. As of now, Chat GPT stands as the more versatile and capable language model.


  1. Can Google BART and Chat GPT understand historical facts accurately?

    • Yes, both models demonstrate proficiency in providing correct historical information.
  2. Which model provides more detailed answers?

    • Google BART tends to provide more detailed responses compared to Chat GPT.
  3. Which model is better at creative writing?

    • Chat GPT performs exceptionally well in creative writing tasks, displaying vivid descriptions, emotional depth, and engaging narratives.
  4. Can BART and Chat GPT code?

    • BART and Chat GPT have limited coding abilities. While they can generate code instructions, the results may not be complete or error-free.
  5. Which model would be suitable for content recency?

    • Chat GPT, with its content recency using GPT-4, is a better choice for tasks that require up-to-date information.
  6. Will Google BART improve over time?

    • As with any AI model, Google BART is likely to improve with time through ongoing updates and advancements in machine learning.

These answers are based on the performance and capabilities of the models at the time of the comparison and are subject to change as the models evolve.

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