Anime's Perverts Exposed!

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Anime's Perverts Exposed!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: The Prevalence of Perverts in Anime
  2. Understanding the Types of Perverts in Anime
    • 2.1 The Annoying Kind
    • 2.2 The Cool Perverts
    • 2.3 Creepy Antagonists
  3. Why Do Manga Writers Create Perverted Characters?
    • 3.1 Personal Preference
    • 3.2 Believing Perversion is Integral to the Story
  4. Fans and Their Role in Perpetuating the Problem
    • 4.1 Fans Who Defend Perverted Characters
    • 4.2 Real-Life Pedophile Fans
  5. The Impact of Perverts on the Anime Community
  6. Conclusion: Addressing the Issue and Creating a Safe Space

Perverts in Anime: The Problem that Needs Addressing

In the world of anime, one cannot escape the prevalence of perverts. It seems that in almost every single anime, there is at least one character who either creepily leers at women or preys on children. This pervasive issue needs to be addressed head-on, without any excuses or justifications Based on cultural differences or age of consent norms. Those who defend or minimize the existence of perverts in anime are, in fact, part of the problem. In order to understand the depth of this problem, we must first examine the different types of perverts present in anime.

Understanding the Types of Perverts in Anime

2.1 The Annoying Kind

The first Type of perverts in anime can be classified as the "annoying kind." These characters are often portrayed as protagonists and are intended to provide comic relief. However, their perverseness often comes across as bothersome rather than funny. Their behavior revolves around being overly horny, and while they may not be as egregious as other types of perverts, their actions are still inappropriate and contribute to their overall unlikability.

2.2 The Cool Perverts

In an ironic twist, there exists a category of perverts that can be considered "cool." These characters, such as Ximeno and Hisoka, are often fan favorites despite their disturbing tendencies. Both Ximeno and Hisoka showcase pedophilic behavior, with Hisoka's attraction to young boys explicitly highlighted. The presence of these "cool" perverts in anime normalizes and glamorizes perverse behavior, making it easier for fans to idolize and defend their actions.

2.3 Creepy Antagonists

While not as problematic as the previous categories, perverted antagonists bring their own set of issues. While their undesirable traits may make them more hateable as antagonists, there are instances where their perversion crosses the line. For example, in the manga Berserk, the depiction of sexual assault is deemed excessive by some, even if it serves a narrative purpose. Additionally, when multiple antagonists continuously target the same person with perverse actions, it's not just the antagonists that become problematic, but the manga writers themselves.

Why Do Manga Writers Create Perverted Characters?

Understanding why manga writers include perverted characters in their stories can shed light on the persistence of this problem. One reason could be that some manga writers simply enjoy drawing these specific characters. They may have personal preferences that influence their creative choices, despite the potential negative impact on the story's reception. Another possibility is that manga writers believe these perverted characters are integral to the story, serving a specific purpose or adding complexity. However, it remains unclear why authors feel the need to make characters lovable while layering them with morally questionable traits.

Fans and Their Role in Perpetuating the Problem

While manga writers hold responsibility for creating perverted characters, it is essential to recognize the role that fans play in perpetuating the issue. There are two types of fans that contribute to the problem, each with their unique impact on the anime community.

4.1 Fans Who Defend Perverted Characters

Certain fans form connections with perverted characters and go to great lengths to defend and minimize their actions. This aligns with the Second category of perverted characters who garner fans, as Mentioned earlier. These fans distort the words and actions of these characters to preserve their Perception of them as morally acceptable. However, it is critical to understand that characters engaging in sexual abuse are inherently not good people, regardless of any redeeming qualities they may possess.

4.2 Real-Life Pedophile Fans

The most damaging and significant problem lies with fans who are real-life pedophiles. Their existence within the anime community has long been an issue and has contributed to anime's exclusion from the mainstream for years. These fans are not only vocal but also put younger viewers at risk. Their illegal and morally repugnant preferences not only harm individuals directly but reflect negatively on the entire anime community. Their association with anime taints the perception of a medium that is cherished by many.

The Impact of Perverts on the Anime Community

The overwhelming presence of perverts in anime negatively impacts the community as a whole. It deters potential new fans from embracing the medium due to its association with excessive fan service or unnecessary sexual abuse. By addressing and openly discussing this issue, we can create a safer and more inclusive space for all fans to enjoy anime. Although fixing this problem entirely may be challenging, promoting awareness and actively condemning perverse behavior can lead to positive change.

Conclusion: Addressing the Issue and Creating a Safe Space

Perverts in anime pose a significant problem that needs urgent addressal. It is crucial to acknowledge the different types of perverts present in anime and understand why manga writers include such characters in their stories. Fans play a vital role in perpetuating this issue, whether it be through defending morally questionable characters or harboring real-life pedophiles within the community. By openly discussing the impact of perverts and fostering a safe space for all fans, we can work towards creating a better future for anime.

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