Automate Feedback Response with OpenAI

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Automate Feedback Response with OpenAI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Automating Feedback Responses with OpenAI
  3. Setting Up the Integration
  4. Creating the Google Form
  5. Setting Up Public Connect
  6. Generating a Response with OpenAI
  7. Sending the Response via Gmail
  8. Testing the Workflow
  9. Conclusion

Automating Feedback Responses with OpenAI

In this article, we will explore how to automate the process of responding to feedback using OpenAI. We will learn how to set up an integration between Google Forms, Public Connect, OpenAI, and Gmail to automatically generate personalized responses and send them to the individuals who submitted the feedback. By following the steps outlined in this guide, You will be able to streamline your feedback management process and save time in addressing user input.


Feedback is an essential component for any organization to improve its products, services, or processes. However, manually responding to each feedback submission can be time-consuming. That's where automation comes in. With the help of OpenAI, an artificial intelligence and deployment company, you can generate human-like responses to feedback and automatically send emails to the individuals who provided them.

Setting Up the Integration

To begin the process, we need to set up an integration between Google Forms, Public Connect, OpenAI, and Gmail. This integration will allow us to seamlessly connect the different applications and automate the feedback response workflow. In the following sections, we will guide you through the setup process step by step.

Creating the Google Form

The first step in the integration process is to Create a Google Form to Collect feedback from users. You can customize the form fields according to your requirements, such as name, email address, department, and feedback. Additionally, ensure that you have enabled the option to receive responses in a Google Sheet. This will allow us to access the feedback data for further processing.

Setting Up Public Connect

Public Connect is a software that acts as the bridge between the different applications involved in the integration. It allows us to trigger actions Based on specific events and automate the flow of information between applications. To set up Public Connect, you need to sign up for a free account and configure the workflow to respond to feedback automatically.

Generating a Response with OpenAI

Once the feedback is submitted through the Google Form, we can use OpenAI to generate a personalized response. OpenAI's powerful models can create human-like text, ensuring that the feedback recipients receive Relevant and engaging replies. By utilizing the OpenAI API, we can integrate their language models into our workflow and generate responses based on the feedback received.

Sending the Response via Gmail

After generating the response with OpenAI, the next step is to send it to the individuals who submitted the feedback. We will use Gmail to deliver the response emails. Public Connect allows us to connect with Gmail and automate the process of sending emails. By providing the email addresses of the feedback recipients and the generated response, we can ensure that the right people receive the appropriate feedback.

Testing the Workflow

To make sure that the integration is working correctly, it is essential to test the workflow. By submitting a test feedback response through the Google Form, we can verify if the response is generated accurately by OpenAI and delivered to the intended recipients via Gmail. The testing phase ensures that the automation process is functioning correctly and allows us to make any necessary adjustments.


Automating feedback responses using OpenAI can significantly improve the efficiency of your feedback management process. By integrating Google Forms, Public Connect, OpenAI, and Gmail, you can generate personalized responses and send them automatically, saving time and effort. Implementing this automation workflow will enhance your ability to address feedback promptly and improve user satisfaction.


  • Automating feedback responses can streamline the feedback management process.
  • OpenAI's language models allow you to generate human-like responses to feedback.
  • Integration between Google Forms, Public Connect, OpenAI, and Gmail enables automation.
  • Generating personalized responses and sending them via email saves time and effort.
  • Testing the workflow ensures that the automation process functions correctly.


Q: Can I customize the response generated by OpenAI? A: Yes, you can tailor the response generated by OpenAI by providing specific instructions and prompts.

Q: Does this integration require any coding skills? A: No, you can set up the integration without any coding skills using the user-friendly interface of Public Connect.

Q: Can I use this automation workflow with other form builder applications? A: Yes, you can adapt the integration process to work with other form builder applications by modifying the trigger application in Public Connect.

Q: Is OpenAI the only artificial intelligence platform I can use for this integration? A: No, OpenAI is just one of many artificial intelligence platforms you can utilize. Feel free to explore other options that best suit your requirements.

Q: How can I ensure that the responses generated by OpenAI are accurate and relevant? A: It is important to regularly review and refine the prompts and instructions given to OpenAI to ensure the generated responses meet your specific needs.

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